Benchmarking ORMs with realistic queries
Rev. 1.0
A benchmark intended to compare various Python and JavaScript ORMs with realistic queries required for a hypothetical IMDB-style movie database application.
Object-relational mapping (ORM) libraries solve some important usability issues with relational databases and continue to grow in popularity. However, they come with important performance tradeoffs that are often poorly understood or quantified. The question of ORM performance is more complex than simply "they generate slow queries".
Query splitting ⛓
It's common for ORMs to perform non-trivial operations (deep fetching, nested mutation, inline aggregation, etc) by opaquely executing several queries under the hood. This may not be obvious to the end user.
Aggregation (or lack thereof) 🪣
Less mature ORMs often don't support functionality like aggregations (counts, statistics, averages, etc), forcing users to overfetch and perform these calculations server-side. Some ORMs provide no aggregation functionality at all; even advanced ORMs rarely support relational aggregations, such as
Find the movie where id=X, returning its title and the number of reviews about it.
Transactional queries 🏦
Since ORM users must often run several correlated queries in series to obtain the full set of data they need, the possibility for hard-to-reproduce data integrity bugs is introduced. Transactions can alleviate these bugs, but this rapidly places unacceptable limits on read capacity.
Most existing benchmarks use queries that are too simplistic to capture these performance characteristics.
Our goal with this benchmark is to quantify the throughput (iterations/ second) and latency (milliseconds) of a set of realistic CRUD queries. These queries are not arcane or complex, nor are they unreasonably simplistic (as benchmarking queries tend to be). Queries of comparable complexity will be necessary in any non-trivial web application.
The execution environment simulates a 1 millisecond latency between the server and database. This is the typical latency between zones in a single AWS region. The vast majority of applications do not have the resources to support per-availability-zone replication, so this assumption is reasonable.
With serverless architectures, it's common for server code to run inside Lambda-style functions in a different availability zone from the underlying database, which would incur latencies far greater than 1ms.
On Linux, this latency can be simulated with tc
like so:
sudo tc qdisc add dev br-webapp-bench root netem delay 1ms
We are simulating an IMDB-style movie database website. The sample dataset consists of 25k movies, 100k people, 100k users, and 500k reviews.

The schema consists of four tables/models/types:
(used to represent the cast and crew)Movie
directors -> Person
(to many, orderable withlist_order
)cast -> Person
(to many, orderable withlist_order
author -> User
(to one)movie -> Movie
(to one)
The following queries have been implemented for each target.
Evaluates nested mutations and the ability to insert and select in a single step.Insert a
, setting itscast
with pre-existingPerson
objects. Return the newMovie
, including all its properties, itscast
, and itsdirectors
.View query
with new_movie := ( insert Movie { title := <str>$title, image := <str>$image, description := <str>$description, year := <int64>$year, directors := ( select Person filter .id = (<uuid>$d_id) ), cast := ( select Person filter .id in array_unpack(<array<uuid>>$cast) ), } ) select new_movie { id, title, image, description, year, directors: { id, full_name, image } order by .last_name, cast: { id, full_name, image } order by .last_name, };
Evaluates deep (3-level) fetches and ordered relation fetching.Fetch a
by ID, including all its properties, itscast
), itsdirectors
), and its associatedReviews
(including basic information about the reviewauthor
).View query
with m := Movie select m { id, image, title, year, description, avg_rating, directors: { id, full_name, image } order by @list_order empty last then m.directors.last_name, cast: { id, full_name, image, } order by @list_order empty last then m.cast.last_name, reviews := ( select m.<movie[is Review] { id, body, rating, author: { id, name, image, } } order by .creation_time desc ) } filter .id = <uuid>$id;
Evaluates reverse relation fetching and relation aggregation.Fetch a
by ID, including all its properties and 10 most recently writtenReviews
. For each review, fetch all its properties, the properties of theMovie
it is about, and the average rating of that movie (averaged across all reviews in the database).View query
select User { id, name, image, latest_reviews := ( select .<author[is Review] { id, body, rating, movie: { id, image, title, avg_rating := math::mean(.<movie[is Review].rating) } } order by .creation_time desc limit 10 ) } filter .id = <uuid>$id;
The graphs below present the throughput/latency results for each target as a geometric mean of the three queries. As such, it should be interpreted as a holistic benchmark that represents the target library's collective performance across a range of query functionality.
👀 For per-query results, interactive charts, and latency jitter statistics, view the full report!
JavaScript ORMs [Full Report]
The libraries tested are:

Python ORMs [Full Report]
The libraries tested are:

Raw SQL [Full Report]
For comparison, below are the benchmark results for a tuned PostgreSQL implementation of the benchmark queries, executed using popular Postgres drivers:
For reference the EdgeDB results (using the Python client) are also included.

Most drivers cannot properly decode the results of queries
containing array-aggregated subqueries. This is necessary to retrieve usable
results from deep queries in a performant way; as such, certain benchmark
operations are implemented as 2+ serially-executed queries. By contrast,
(which was originally designed as the Postgres interface for
EdgeDB) can express all operations as a single highly-optimized SQL query
and represents the high-water mark for this benchmark.
Predictably, ORMs perform poorly on this benchmark relative to EdgeDB or raw SQL, both of which can express more complex operations in a single query.
However, the goal of this benchmark is not to pick on ORM libraries. ORMs provide a solution (albeit a limited one) to some of very real usability issues with relational databases.
- They can express deep or nested queries in a compact and intuitive way. Queries return objects, instead of a flat list of rows that must be manually denormalized.
- They allow schema to be modeled in a declarative, object-oriented way.
- They provide idiomatic, code-first data fetching APIs for different languages. This is particularly important as statically typed languages like Go and TypeScript gain popularity; the ability of ORMs to return strongly-typed query results in a DRY, non-reduntant way is increasingly desirable.
It is a valid decision to prioritize developer experience over performance, especially when your expected traffic is low. However, the limitations of ORMs can be crippling as an application scales in complexity and traffic.
Our goal in designing EdgeDB is to provide a third option that combines the best of all worlds. Using EdgeDB feels like using an ORM: your schema is declarative, your queries return structured objects, and you don't need to deal with the hairiness of SQL. (If you're using our TypeScript query builder, you even get full static typing.) But, vitally, you can reap these benefits without the sacrificing performance or the power of a full-fledged query language.
ORMs | SQL | EdgeDB | |
Intuitive nested fetching | 🟢 | 🔴 | 🟢 |
Declarative schema | 🟢 | 🔴 | 🟢 |
Structured query results | 🟢 | 🔴 | 🟢 |
Idiomatic APIs for different languages | 🟢 | 🔴 | 🟢 |
Comprehensive standard library | 🔴 | 🟢 | 🟢 |
Computed properties | 🔴 | 🟢 | 🟢 |
Aggregates | 🟡 | 🟢 | 🟢 |
Composable subquerying | 🔴 | 🔴 | 🟢 |
Visit to learn more.
Follow the instructions in the Run Locally guide to execute these benchmarks on your local machine.
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