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Rodrigo Ruz edited this page May 28, 2016 · 7 revisions


If you are reading this is because you want test the Delphi IDE Colorizer (DIC). Currently the wizard was tested in Windows 7, 8.1 and 10 on RAD Studio XE2 - 10.1 Berlin with JVCL, JCL, GExperts and CNWizards installed on the IDE and not conflicts are found so far.

What I expect of this beta testing is found bugs, possible conflicts with third-party experts and components, add new suggested features and improve the overall performance of the Wizard.


This wiki describe the steps necessaries to use and test the Wizard.

What is DIC?

Delphi IDE Colorizer (DIC) is a RAD Studio Wizard which allows to customize the look and feel of the menus, popup menus, docked and floating windows and all the components included in the workspace of the IDE.

Which versions of RAD Studio supports DIC?

Currently DIC supports RAD Studio XE2-X8, 10 and Appmethod.

DIC supports modify the syntax highlight colors?

No, for this task you must use the Delphi IDE Theme Editor.

DIC supports design-time components?

No, the aim of DIC is only change the appearance of the windows and components used by the IDE. and not interfere with the VCL or FMX components in design time. If any component in design time (please read the Restrictions section) is modified in any way by the DIC Wizard this situation must be reported as a bug.

DIC supports modify the non client area of the floating IDE windows?

Yes, this option works with RAD Studio XE2 and above and uses the VCL Styles to do this task.

DIC supports VCL Styles?

Yes, this option works with RAD Studio XE2 and above . The VCL Styles can be used for paint the forms and components of the workspace area.

How I can change the options of the DIC?

The options of the Wizard can be modified using the settings form located in the Tools -> Delphi IDE Colorizer menu or Tools -> Options Third Party -> Delphi IDE Colorizer.

Where the DIC files are stored?

The files used by the DIC Wizard are stored in the %LOCALAPPDATA%\The Road To Delphi\DIC folder


The plugin have a few limitations.

  1. The plugin doesn't work if the Windows Classic theme or a high contrast theme is used.

  2. The scrollbars are styled using a detour in the UxTheme library. And this affect to all the scrollbars even in design time. However this doesn't affect to the binaries generated by the IDE.

  3. The design time drawn of some components can be affected by the colors of the current selected style. This is because the plugin patches some Winapi methods. However this doesn't affect to the binaries generated by the IDE.

How I can Uninstall the plugin?

option 1) go to the Uninstall programs options and select the "Delphi IDE Colorizer"

option 2) go to the %LOCALAPPDATA%\The Road To Delphi\DIC folder and run the uninst.exe App.

How I must report a bug?

All the bugs found must be reported using the issue page of the project located here.

How I must suggest a new feature?

All the suggestions must be done using the issue page of the project located here. please remember use the label enhancement