RESIN: Schema-Guided Cross-document Cross-lingual Cross-media Information Extraction and Event Tracking System
git clone
cd RESIN-pipeline-public
Uncompress data package (e.g, LDC2020E33) and put everything under
Put schemas library under
Download and uncompress external data;
Set up dirs:
Set up device number for each GPU-based component, e.g.,
Start APIs using:
docker-compose up
Send the following POST message to the main API ( to start processing:
curl -X POST --header "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{"id": "3fa85f64-5717-4562-b3fc-2c963f66afa6", "runId": "my_run_id", "sender": "string", "time": "2020-11-25T03:34:48.008Z", "content": {"data": "Example source document content here."}, "contentUri": "s3://kairos-experiment-data/performera/"}'
- Output will be in this dir:
- Output will be in this dir:
Send the following GET message to check the status:
curl -X GET
Please view source code of each docker component in the docker-compose file.
author = {Haoyang Wen and Ying Lin and Tuan M. Lai and Xiaoman Pan and Sha Li and Xudong Lin and Ben Zhou and Manling Li and Haoyu Wang and Hongming Zhang and Xiaodong Yu and Alexander Dong and Zhenhailong Wang and Yi R. Fung and Piyush Mishra and Qing Lyu and Dídac Surís and Brian Chen and Susan W. Brown and Martha Palmer and Chris Callison-Burch and Carl Vondrick and Jiawei Han and Dan Roth and Shih-Fu Chang and Heng Ji},
title = {RESIN: A Dockerized Schema-Guided Cross-document Cross-lingual Cross-media Information Extraction and Event Tracking System},
journal = {NAACL Demo Track},
year = {2021}