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How to mod the game

icwass edited this page Jun 3, 2024 · 22 revisions


  1. Change to the previous build
    1. If you’re using Steam, right-click on Opus Magnum
    2. Select Properties
    3. Select Betas, select previous - Public default branch from the dropdown menu

  1. Download

  2. Unzip and copy all contents to Opus Magnum folder

    If you’re using Steam, right-click on Opus Magnum, then select Manage > Browse Local Files to open local Opus Magnum folder

  1. Download the latest version of OpusMutatum.exe from github

  2. Download the latest version of Quintessential.dll from github

  3. Replace both Quintessential.dll and OpusMutatum.exe in your Opus Magnum folder with the downloaded files

  4. Run OpusMutatum.exe in Opus Magnum folder

  5. If everything went well, there should be a file named ModdedLightning.exe. That is the modded instance of the game. Run it.

    The lower left corner of the start screen should say:

Quintessential v0.5.1 (or later!)
1 mods loaded

A modded instance of Opus Magnum with a few mods added in.

  1. Now that you have a modded game, add some mods.
    1. Download a zip file from the link. You should download the release, not the source code. You should download the release, not the source code.
    2. Place it into Opus Magnum\Mods folder that has been generated
    3. Run the modded instance
  2. The custom puzzles and solutions will be saved in:
    • Puzzles: C:\Users\[YOU]\Documents\My Games\Opus Magnum\NonSteamUser\custom\
    • Solutions: C:\Users\[YOU]\Documents\My Games\Opus Magnum\NonSteamUser\


  1. Your dependencies are mono and dotnet. You can follow this guide to get dotnet on Linux : Note that you require both the sdk to build.

  2. Change to the previous build

    1. If you’re using Steam, right-click on Opus Magnum
    2. Select Properties
    3. Select Betas, select previous - Public default branch from the dropdown menu

  1. Download

  2. Unzip and copy all contents to Opus Magnum folder

    1. If you’re using Steam, right-click on Opus Magnum, then select Manage > Browse Local Files to open local Opus Magnum folder

  1. In a directory that preferably isn't Opus Magnum, run
    git clone and git clone

  2. cd OpusMutatum and run dotnet build. Copy the outputs from bin/Debug/net40 into your Opus Magnum folder.

  3. Run mono OpusMutatum.exe intermediary in the Opus Magnum folder.

  4. Return to the directory in Step 5 and cd Quintessential. Then, open Quintessential.csproj in a text editor.

  5. Identify the lines that look like the following,

   <Reference Include="Ionic.Zip.Reduced">
   <Reference Include="Lightning">
   <Reference Include="Mono.Cecil">
   <Reference Include="MonoMod">
   <Reference Include="MonoMod.Common">
   <Reference Include="MonoMod.Utils">

Changing the paths in <HintPath> as above. Open your Opus Magnum folder and copy the six files Ionic.Zip.Reduced.dll, IntermediaryLightning.exe, Mono.Cecil.dll, MonoMod.exe, MonoMod.Common.dll and MonoMod.Utils.dll back into your Quintessential folder.

  1. Open the Quintessential directory in a terminal and run dotnet build. Copy the outputs from bin/Debug/net452 into your Opus Magnum folder.

  2. In your Opus Magnum folder, run mono OpusMutatum.exe.

  3. If that went well, you should see several new files. The files named ModdedLightning.bin.x86 and ModdedLightning.bin.x86_64 are the files you will run, depending on your computer's architecture.

  4. The lower left corner of the start screen should say

Quintessential v0.4.0
1 mods loaded

A modded instance of Opus Magnum with a few mods added in.

  1. Solutions are in the directory ~/.local/share/Opus Magnum/NonSteamUser, custom puzzles in the custom subdirectory.
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