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Mixcoatl 0.10.32

Greg edited this page Feb 9, 2015 · 1 revision

Announcing mixcoatl 0.10.32!

Upgrade Process

  • PIP

    • pip install -U mixcoatl
  • easy_install

    • easy_install --upgrade mixcoatl


0.10.32? But weren't we just on 0.3.4? What gives?

We changed versioning schemes to more closely match the releases of [Dell Cloud Manager] (

Added Dependencies

  1. dicttoxml
  2. termcolor

Debug Mode

Setting DCM_DEBUG = 1 will activate a more verbose debugging mode, where additional information will be printed to standard output.

With this mode set, mixcoatl will return header information, along with the total time elapsed to return results.

[Sample Output] (

Performance Improvements

The time taken to issue calls and return results has been cut by up to 90% in some cases.

[Before] (

[After] (

Multiple Output Formats

PrettyTable, JSON, XML, & CSV for all dcm-list-* utilities.

[PrettyTable] (

[JSON] (

[XML] (

[CSV] (

Query Parameters

Mixcoatl has generic [RESTful API commands] ( and we added query strings to the dcm-get utility, for example:

dcm-get 'infrastructure/MachineImage?regionId=1031&status=ACTIVE'

[Machine Image, Region, State] (


We've added some DCM API operational testing functionality into mixcoatl.

[Here is the help text for the read (GET) tests] (


GET testing is reads only, and will either select a cloud region at random for the reads testing or cycle through every known region.

[Single region] (

[All regions] (

In the second case, I also passed the -l flag, which causes the elapsed time for each test to be written to /tmp/api-test.log


POST will cause consumption of cloud resources.

[POST testing] (

Other Stuff

  • Create machine images (dcm-create-machine-image) from a server
  • Deprecate (dcm-deprecate-machine-image) a machine image (note that un-deprecate functionality does not exist in the API).
  • Rename a server (dcm-rename-server)
  • Can now list servers (dcm-list-servers) by region
  • List your mixcoatl version (mixcoatl -v)
  • Removed all deployment related scripts from Mixcoatl.


  • Update documentation
  • Allow config file (~/.mixcoatl) with support to quickly change between environments
  • Complete PEP8 code formating (
  • Fully automate the setting up of an environment (users, groups, roles, cloud accounts, budgets, etc.) using the premise of dcm-api-tests --post.
  • Add environment information to mixcoatl -v such as OS, path, DCM API version, API Key Level (System, Customer, or User), etc.

Bugs and Feature Requests

Submit bugs and feature requests on the mixcoatl github issues page


Wanna help out? Send email to The Mixcoatl Team

or just fork the mixcoatl repository and work your magic.


The Mixcoatl Team