This repository is part of the Smartuse Toolbox
Background and data processing:
This repository compiles tools to generate a Frictionless Data compliant Datapackage of the current Swiss municipalities in CSV, JSON and GeoJSON formats.
To add new datasets or make modifications, please visit our GitHub repository and contact us via Issues or Pull Request.
Published on Datahub. Validated on GoodTables
To generate the CSV files you need to install Node.js, either with the official Node.js installer or via Homebrew:
brew install node
You also need GDAL and the corresponding python-gdal library installed. On OS X you can also use Homebrew:
brew install gdal
Now, clone this reposiory and run make
git clone
cd toolbox-municipalities
npm install
The downloads, build and the data folders should now be populated with processes files.
is generated firstdata/gemeinden.csv
is derived from thegeojson
is then derived from thecsv
In order to push to Datahub, you need the CLI Datahub Tools installed. They are part of the npm package dependencies, so should already be installed when you ran npm install
Verify that the new package validates
data validate
Then you can update the list by
data push
Thorben Westerhuys, cividi GmbH
This package is licensed by its maintainers under the Public Domain Dedication and License.
If you intended to use these data in a public or commercial product, please check the data sources themselves for any specific restrictions.
Data source is the Swiss Federal Office of Topography, swissBOUNDARIES3D.
Geodata from swisstopo is licensed under the Licence for the free geodata of the Federal Office of Topography swisstopo