This is a unified launcher for Windows games on Linux. It is essentially a copy of the Steam Runtime Tools and Steam Linux Runtime that Valve uses for Proton, with some modifications made so that it can be used outside of Steam.
An umu is an above-ground oven of hot volcanic stones originating from Polynesian culture. After the stones are heated, the top layer is removed and the food placed on top to heat/cook. We chose the name because Valve's containerization tool is named pressure-vessel. We're "preparing" the pressure vessel similar to how you would use a stove top pressure-cooker -- by placing it on our umu's "stovetop"
When Steam launches a Proton game, it launches it like this:
/home/tcrider/.local/share/Steam/ubuntu12_32/reaper SteamLaunch AppId=348550 -- /home/tcrider/.local/share/Steam/ubuntu12_32/steam-launch-wrapper -- /home/tcrider/.local/share/Steam/steamapps/common/SteamLinuxRuntime_sniper/_v2-entry-point --verb=waitforexitandrun -- /home/tcrider/.local/share/Steam/compatibilitytools.d/GE-Proton8-27/proton waitforexitandrun /home/tcrider/.local/share/Steam/steamapps/common/Guilty Gear XX Accent Core Plus R/GGXXACPR_Win.exe
We can ignore this /home/tcrider/.local/share/Steam/ubuntu12_32/steam-launch-wrapper
, it's just a process runner with no real value other than forwarding environment variables (more on that later).
I managed to pull the environment variables it uses by making Steam run printenv
for the game's command line. We needed these envvars because Proton expects them in order to function. With them we can essentially make Proton run without needing steam at all.
Next this part /home/tcrider/.local/share/Steam/steamapps/common/SteamLinuxRuntime_sniper/_v2-entry-point
The first part /home/tcrider/.local/share/Steam/steamapps/common/SteamLinuxRuntime_sniper/
is steam-runtime-tools compiled and is used alongside the sniper runtime container used during Proton builds.
The second part _v2-entry-point
is just a bash script which loads Proton into the container and runs the game.
So, umu is basically a copy paste of SteamLinuxRuntime_sniper
, which is a compiled version of steam-runtime-tools. We've renamed _v2-entry-point
to umu
and added umu-run
to replace steam-launch-wrapper
When you use umu-run
to run a game, it uses the specified WINEPREFIX
, Proton version, executable, and arguments passed to it to run the game in Proton, inside Steam's runtime container JUST like if you were running the game through Steam, except now you're no longer limited to Steam's game library or forced to add the game to Steam's library. In fact, you don't even have to have Steam installed.
umu-run "$HOME/Games/epic-games-store/drive_c/Program Files (x86)/Epic Games/Launcher/Portal/Binaries/Win32/EpicGamesLauncher.exe" -opengl -SkipBuildPatchPrereq
Optionally, with WINEPREFIX
WINEPREFIX=$HOME/Games/epic-games-store GAMEID=umu-dauntless STORE=egs PROTONPATH="$HOME/.steam/steam/compatibilitytools.d/GE-Proton8-28" umu-run "$HOME/Games/epic-games-store/drive_c/Program Files (x86)/Epic Games/Launcher/Portal/Binaries/Win32/EpicGamesLauncher.exe" -opengl -SkipBuildPatchPrereq
designates where to create the wine prefix. If not specified it will default to /home/username/Games/umu/GAMEIDGAMEID
designates a corresponding umu-id from the umu-database for games that have fixes that need to be applied. Defaults to umu-defaultPROTONPATH
designates the full path to a specific proton version. Alternatively you can use value "GE-Proton" to auto-download and use the latest GE-Proton build. Defaults to UMU-Proton. (UMU-Proton is the latest stable version of Valve's proton tool with UMU compatibility added)STORE
designates what storefront to use. UMU uses GAMEID and STORE to search the umu-database for fixes to apply to a game. Defaults to "none".
See the documentation for more examples and the project's wiki for Frequently Asked Questions.
Note: umu-launcher will automatically use and download the latest Steam Runtime that is required by Proton, and move its files to $HOME/.local/share/umu
- Everyone can use + contribute to the same protonfixes, no more managing individual install scripts per launcher
- Everyone can run their games through Proton just like a native Steam game
- No Steam or Steam binaries required
- A unified online database of game fixes (protonfixes)
Right now protonfixes packages a folder of 'gamefixes' however it could likely be recoded to pull from online quite easily. The idea is to get all of these tools using this same umu-run
and just feeding their envvars into it. That way any changes that need to happen can happen in proton-ge and/or protonfixes, or a 'unified proton' build based off GE, or whatever they want.
- We build a database containing various game titles, their IDs from different stores, and their correlating umu ID.
- Various launchers then search the database to pull the umu ID, and feed it as the game ID to
alongside the store type, Proton version, wine prefix, game executable, and launch arguments. - When the game gets launched from
, protonfixes picks up the store type and umu ID and finds the appropriate fix script for it, then applies it before running the game. - protonfixes has folders separated for each store type. The umu ID for a game remains the exact same across multiple stores, the only difference being it can have store specific scripts OR it can just symlink to another existing script that already has the fixes it needs.
Borderlands 3 from EGS store.
- Generally a launcher is going to know which store it is using already, so that is easy enough to determine and feed the
variable to the launcher. - To determine the game title, EGS has various codenames such as 'Catnip'. The launcher would see "ok store is egs and codename is Catnip, let's search the umu database for those"
- In our umu unified database, we create a 'title' column, 'store' column, 'codename' column, 'umu-ID' column. We add a line for Borderlands 3 and fill in the details for each column.
- Now the launcher can search 'Catnip' and 'egs' as the codename and store in the database and correlate it with Borderlands 3 and umu-12345. It can then feed umu-12345 to the
Building umu-launcher currently requires bash
, make
, and scdoc
for distribution, as well as the following Python build tools: build, hatchling, installer, and pip.
Additionally, cargo will be required with the minimum MSRV being the latest stable versions of it's direct dependencies.
To build umu-launcher, after downloading and extracting the source code from this repository, change into the newly extracted directory
cd umu-launcher
To configure the installation PREFIX
(this is not related to wine's WINEPREFIX
) use the
./ --prefix=/usr
Change the --prefix
as fit for your distribution, for example /usr/local
, or /app
for packaging through Flatpak.
Then run make
to build. After a successful build the resulting files should be available in the ./builddir
To install umu-launcher run the following command after completing the steps described above
make install
Or if you are packaging umu-launcher
make DESTDIR=<packaging_directory> install
Additionally, user installations are supported if desired.
First, configure the build for a user installation
./ --user-install
Then run make
make install
Note: When installing as a user, this will place the executable umu-run
in $HOME/.local/bin
. You will need to add $HOME/.local/bin
in your $PATH
to be able to run umu-launcher this way by exporting the path in your shell's configuration, for example $HOME/.bash_profile
export PATH="$HOME/.local/bin:$PATH"
Alternatively, uv can be used to quickly setup umu-launcher. For more detail on how this feature works, see the documentation.
First, create the script within the project directory.
touch umu-run
Then, assuming you have uv
installed, create the virtual environment and install the project's dependencies.
For example
uv add --script umu-run 'python-xlib' 'urllib3' 'truststore'
Afterwards, run the script through uv
uv run umu-run -h
dnf install umu-launcher
pacman -S umu-launcher
Available in nixpkgs since 25.05 (currently unstable). Simply add pkgs.umu-launcher
to your configuration.
NixOS example
# configuration.nix
{pkgs, ...}: {
environment.systemPackages = [
home-manager example
# home.nix
{pkgs, ...}: {
home.packages = [
If you're using an older nixpkgs channel, such as nixos-24.11
, you could consider using multiple nixpkgs channels or using our flake (see below).
If there is any problem with the flake, please open a bug report and tag at lease one of the maintainers:
@beh-10257, @MattSturgeon, & @LovingMelody
If the version in nixpkgs is not up-to-date enough for you, the latest git snapshot can be installed using the flake in this repo.
Example flake (NixOS)
# flake.nix
inputs = {
nixpkgs.url = "github:NixOS/nixpkgs/nixos-unstable";
umu.url = "github:Open-Wine-Components/umu-launcher?dir=packaging/nix";
umu.inputs.nixpkgs.follows = "nixpkgs";
outputs = {nixpkgs, ...} @ inputs: {
nixosConfigurations.desktop = nixpkgs.lib.nixosSystem {
# Pass `inputs` to the nixos configuration,
# allowing it to be used as a module arg
specialArgs = {inherit inputs;};
modules = [./configuration.nix];
# configuration.nix
}: let
# Get `system` from `pkgs`
inherit (pkgs.stdenv.hostPlatform) system;
in {
environment.systemPackages = [
# Install the `default` package from the umu input
Example flake (using overlays)
If you pass your flake inputs to specialArgs
, you can apply the overlay within your configuration.nix
# flake.nix
inputs = {
nixpkgs.url = "github:NixOS/nixpkgs/nixos-unstable";
umu.url = "github:Open-Wine-Components/umu-launcher?dir=packaging/nix";
umu.inputs.nixpkgs.follows = "nixpkgs";
outputs = {nixpkgs, ...} @ inputs: {
nixosConfigurations.desktop = nixpkgs.lib.nixosSystem {
# Pass `inputs` to the nixos configuration,
# allowing it to be used as a module arg
specialArgs = {inherit inputs;};
modules = [./configuration.nix];
# configuration.nix
}: {
nixpkgs.overlays = [
environment.systemPackages = [
Alternatively, you can avoid specialArgs
by applying the overlay directly within flake.nix
# flake.nix
inputs = {
nixpkgs.url = "github:NixOS/nixpkgs/nixos-unstable";
umu.url = "github:Open-Wine-Components/umu-launcher?dir=packaging/nix";
umu.inputs.nixpkgs.follows = "nixpkgs";
outputs = {nixpkgs, ...} @ inputs: {
nixosConfigurations.desktop = nixpkgs.lib.nixosSystem {
modules = [
# Use the umu overlay
nixpkgs.overlays = [inputs.umu.overlays.default];
# configuration.nix
{pkgs, ...}: {
environment.systemPackages = [
You can view the nixpkgs
source code to see the package args that can be overridden.
Currently, they include:
allows adding extra packages to the FHS environment (defaultpkgs: []
allows adding extra library packages to the FHS environment (defaultpkgs: []
whether to add 32-bit libraries to the FHS environment (defaulttrue
If you're using our flake, you can also configure the following optional dependencies:
adds dependencies that allow using the system trust store (defaulttrue
adds dependencies that enable "delta updates" to Proton builds (defaulttrue
Example override
environment.systemPackages = [
(inputs.umu.packages.${system}.default.override {
withTruststore = false;
withDeltaUpdates = false;
If you're using our flake in an unconventional way, you may also need to provide a version
. E.g. if you're fetching our repo manually, without using nix flakes.
By default, we set version
to our flake's sourceInfo.shortRev
. This is equivalent to substring 0 7 rev
, where rev
is the commit hash being fetched.
Contributions are welcome and appreciated. To get started, install ruff from your distribution and enable ruff server in your editor.
This container-based release of the Steam Runtime is used for native Linux games, and for Proton 8.0+.
See container-runtime for details and the steamrt wiki for a list of container-based runtimes.
The runtime's behaviour can be changed by running the Steam client with environment variables set.
will enable logging. Log files appear in SteamLinuxRuntime_sniper/var/slr-*.log
, with filenames containing the app ID. slr-latest.log
is a symbolic link to whichever one was created most recently.
produces more detailed log output, either to a log file (if STEAM_LINUX_RUNTIME_LOG=1
is also used) or to the same place as steam
output (otherwise).
runs an interactive shell in the container instead of running the game.
Please see distribution assumptions for details of assumptions made about the host operating system, and some advice on debugging the container runtime on new Linux distributions.
Game developers who are interested in targeting this environment should check the SDK documentation and general information for game developers.
The Steam Runtime contains many third-party software packages under various open-source licenses.
For full source code, please see the version-numbered subdirectory corresponding to the version numbers listed in VERSIONS.txt