For BioNLP-OST 2019 task Bacteria Biotope
The project aims to provide solutions for microorganism-related free-text entity nomralization /linking as suggested by the task.
To be more specific, pre-annotated microorganism-related entities, as well as different types of dictionaries were provided. The system links the pre-annotated entities to standard concepts in dictionaries with a 2-step method combining a perfect-match module and an ensemble shallow CNN module by converting entities to pre-trained word vectors.
NOTE: species names were normalized with ensemble editing distance method, which was not present here.
Convert input to dataframe
format for easier downstream processing. For training and dev datasets, labels were added.
Abbreviations were extracted with Ab3P.
Convert entities to word vectors with pre-trained word vector space model for downstream system.
Different conversion rules were tested. Most of them were commented out except for the one
used for ensemble method as described in the paper(generate_five_fold_dataset(prediction=True)
perfect match module
Link free-text entities to standard concepts by exact-matching rules.
The rules included:
- Hyphens were replaced with spaces.
- Characters except alphabetic letters and spaces were removed.
- Case-insensitive string matching was performed between the free text entities and standard entities.
- All types of 'xx cheese' was linked to the corresponding cheese category by string matching
CNN module
, output:1x139
self.model.add(Conv1D(filters=arg, kernel_size=4, padding='same', input_shape=(entity_embedding_size, vector_len))) self.model.add(MaxPooling1D(entity_embedding_size)) self.model.add(Dense(139)) self.model.compile(loss='cosine_proximity', optimizer=SGD())
Ensemble voting module
- Identify the most similar standard concepts via cosine similarity
- Return the standard concepts with the majority votes
The prediction result (OntoBiotope_result.tsv
) was formatted as the given label files (.a2
file) with [
The test suite could be found here.
Two types of entities were involved in the task: phenotype, which describes microbial characteristics, and habitat, which describes physical places where microorganisms could be observed. Dictionary with 3602 standard concepts was also provided by the task.
As can be seen, in the original dictionary, each concept is assigned to a unique ID, while its hierarchical information of its direct parents is also listed. In our model, the hierarchical information is omitted.
The statistics of all available entities are listed below.
Datasets | Article# | Habitat_total | Phenotype_total | H+P_total | Habitat_de-duplicated | Phenotype_de-duplicated | H+P_de-duplicated |
Train | 133 | 1118 | 369 | 1487 | 627 | 176 | 803 |
Dev | 66 | 610 | 161 | 771 | 348 | 97 | 445 |
Test | 97 | 924 | 252 | 1176 | 596 | 148 | 744 |
files include different pieces of literature. Numbering, type of the row, start and end positions, as well as the
corresponding text were presented.
files include the label to each annotated text in .a1
file. Entity type as well as the unique code in the corresponding
standard dictionary was provided.
Ab3P is an abbreviation detection tool developed specifically for biomedical concepts. It reached 96.5% precision and 83.2% recall on 1250 randomly selected MEDLINE records as suggested by Sohn et al (Sohn S, Comeau DC, Kim W, Wilbur WJ. (2008) Abbreviation definition identification based on automatic precision estimates. BMC Bioinformatics. 25;9:402. PubMed ID: 1881755).
Ab3P-detected abbreviations were provided as separate input files by the task organizers.
A set of word vectors induced on a combination of PubMed and PMC texts with texts extracted from a recent English Wikipedia dump
The 4GB vectors can be downloaded here as wikipedia-pubmed-and-PMC-w2v.bin
(Sampo Pyysalo, Filip Ginter, Hans Moen, Tapio Salakoski and Sophia Ananiadou. Distributional Semantics Resources for Biomedical Text Processing. LBM 2013.)
The detailed description of the dependencies could be found here
Rename /sample_data
to /input_data
and change the corresponding paths if necessary.
Datasets could be downloaded at the Bacteria Biotope website
Then, run the scripts as the pipeline suggested.
Team | Habitat | Phenotype |
PADIA_BacReader | 0.684 | 0.758 |
Challenge-provided baseline | 0.559 | 0.581 |
AmritaCen_healthcare | 0.522 | 0.646 |
BLARI_GMU | 0.615 | 0.646 |
BOUN-ISIK | 0.687 | 0.566 |