[he/him] Hello, I'm Marcel Rudolf (Novusvetus), a (web) developer from Bückeburg in Germany.
- ReindeerWeb (My own company)
- Novusvetus (My personal page)
- FashionRetail/.github
- Novusvetus/IntelliJStatsPlugin - (WIP) Tracking your IntelliJ activity and push it to your own Endpoint.
- Novusvetus/action-php_codesniffer - GitHub PHP_CodeSniffer action. This workflow check the PHP, CSS and Javascript files for the wanted coding standards.
- Novusvetus/Die-PARTEI-Links - A collection of links to the German party Die PARTEI
- Novusvetus/GedcomParser - (WIP) A little helper to parse Gedcom files.
- Novusvetus/action-phpinsights - GitHub phpinsights action. This workflow check the PHP files for the wanted coding standards and security issues.
- Novusvetus/action-php_codesniffer - GitHub PHP_CodeSniffer action. This workflow check the PHP, CSS and Javascript files for the wanted coding standards.
- Novusvetus/novusvetus.github.io - (WIP) My personal github.io page.
- Novusvetus/Spotifriendslist - (WIP) A tool programmed in PHP that creates a Spotify playlist that contains music from you and your colleagues or your workmates.
- Novusvetus/IntelliJStatsPlugin - (WIP) Tracking your IntelliJ activity and push it to your own Endpoint.
- Novusvetus/StreamersMQTT - (WIP) This project is made to provide information relevant to gamers and streamers via MQTT (Message Queuing Telemetry Transport).
- Novusvetus/AutoGitIgnore - A post-update-cmd script to automatically add Composer managed packages to .gitignore.
- Novusvetus/ClassHelper - Some class helper.
- Novusvetus/action-php_codesniffer (1.2.17 - GitHub PHP_CodeSniffer action. This workflow check the PHP, CSS and Javascript files for the wanted coding standards.)
- Updates 2025-02-05 on Novusvetus/action-php_codesniffer
- Updates 2025-02-05 on Novusvetus/IntelliJStatsPlugin
- Updates 2025-02-05 on Novusvetus/IntelliJStatsPlugin
- Updates 2024-01-15 on Novusvetus/action-php_codesniffer
- Updates 2024-01-14 on Novusvetus/action-php_codesniffer
- Updates 2024-01-13 on Novusvetus/action-php_codesniffer
- Updates 2024-01-11 on Novusvetus/action-php_codesniffer
- Updates 2024-01-10 on Novusvetus/action-php_codesniffer
- Updates 2024-01-04 on Novusvetus/StreamersMQTT
Nobody sponsors me. I am poor...
- Suzan1994
- CandleLearner-M
- Roohollah81
- sabbir-noyon
- ZenXen7
- nholuongut
- SaadAbdElGhaffar
- snowMan128
- Crazycrystaldev
- tubakhxn
Worldwide 🌍: Top 0.008% followers!
Germany 🇩🇪: Top 0.2% followers!
I look forward to hearing from you if you use one of my projects. Feel free to report bugs or feature requests. I will try my best to help!
- Mail: [email protected]
- My personal page: https://novusvetus.de
- Twitter: https://twitter.com/novusvetus
- Telegram: https://t.me/novusvetus