This repository contains an example set of packages for proposed solution to Microsoft/typescript#247. Each package uses a different development standard, but by making tsc lenient on what it accepts it should be possible for all of these standards to nicely interact.
pushd waiter
npm install
npm run build
pushd cook
npm install
npm run build
pushd cafe
npm install
npm run build
node src/index.js
rm -r */node_modules
# Follow Quick Start above
├── [email protected]
├── waiter
│ ├── [email protected]
│ └── items
├── cook
│ ├── [email protected]
│ └── items
└── barista
├── [email protected]
└── items
This package was developed by Botolf, he prefers to work in JavaScript, but as his teammates generally work in TypeScript he's kind enough to provide a TypeScript declaration file for the package
This package was developed by Elli, she works exclusively in TypeScript but distributes her package in JavaScript along with source maps and TypeScript declaration files for maximum compatibility with her colleagues work.
This package was developed by Cecil, he also works exclusively in TypeScript but unlike Elli he believes TypeScript is the one true way and only provides a package of TypeScript source files. If they need translating to JavaScript to be used by someone else, well they should do that at the latest point possible.
This package was developed by Capucine, she alternatively works in TypeScript and JavaScript depending on the most useful language for the project. Like Cecil she believes that when you're working in TypeScript it's best to actually work in TypeScript up until the point where you must translate to JavaScript. Consequentially she distributes this package with both the compiled JavaScript files and the original TypeScript files so that users of the package can choose themselves.