The Front-end of the LoRHIS project
All of the repositories for the LoRHIS project can be found below:
This IDE was originally used for the development of the project: IntelliJ
Node.js is required to run the project: Node.js
- Clone the Front-end repository
- Navigate to Front-end directory
- Install the dependencies with:
npm install # Install project's dependencies
npm install --save-dev vue-svg-loader # Install the svg loader package
npm install axios # Install the axios package
npm run dev
The Downlink API will always reply with Error 400 even with a Success, that's why the code will catch every error and ignore them. Fix the try-catch algorithm when the Downlink API is fixed on the server.
The current limit for a LoRaWAN package is 61 bytes, you can update the limit once it is updated to the theorical maximum 200 bytes.