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Go rich validation library. Validates request, nested JSON, nested struct, nested map, nested array, and nested slice.


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Valdn is a golang rich validation library. Validates request, nested JSON, nested struct, nested map, nested array, and nested slice.


  • Support all kinds.
  • Support all types (even custom types).
  • Validate request (application/json, multipart/form-data, application/x-www-form-urlencoded) + URL params.
  • Validate nested JSON.
  • Validate nested map.
  • Validate nested array.
  • Validate nested slice.
  • Validate nested struct.
  • Support using rules in struct field tag.
  • +45 rules ready to use.
  • +35 validation functions ready to use.
  • Add custom rule.
  • Add custom validation message.

Table of Contents


Validate request example:

package main

import (

func main() {
	http.HandleFunc("/", test)
	http.ListenAndServe(":8080", nil)

func test(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
	rules := valdn.Rules{}
	errs := valdn.ValidateRequest(r, rules)
	if len(errs) > 0 {
		w.Header().Set("Content-Type", "application/json")
	} else {
		fmt.Fprintf(w, "Hello, %s!", r.URL.Query().Get("name"))


Hello, [whatever value you will pass]

let's add rules

change rules := valdn.Rules{} to rules := valdn.Rules{"name": {"required"}}

now if you try to pass empty name value it will fail and output

  "name": "name is required"

let's add more rules

add "kind:string" to rules to be like this valdn.Rules{"name": {"required", "kind:string"}}

now if you try to pass non-string value it will fail and output

  "name": "name must be kind of string"

how about the lenght? let's add rules to make sure we get the value we need

add "minLen:3" and "maxLen:21" to rules to be like this valdn.Rules{"name": {"required", "kind:string", "minLen:3", "maxLen:21"}}

now if you try to pass value lower than 3 letters or greater than 21 letters it will fail and output

  "name": "name's length must be greater than or equal: 3"


  "name": "name's length must be lower than or equal: 21"

note: you can replace minLen:3 and maxLen:21 rules with lenBetween:3,21 rule

quick and simple right? check all the rules you can use or continue to discover more about valdn


go get ""

and then import it

import ""

Validate Single Value

Use valdn.Validate() to validate one single value.

valdn.Validate takes three arguments: name, value, and slice of rules ([]string{...}) and returns error


package main

import (

func main() {
	name := "Narmer"
	err := valdn.Validate("name", name, []string{"required", "kind:string", "maxLen:5"})

	if err != nil {

this will output:

name's length must be lower than or equal: 5

Keep in mind when using valdn.Validate:

  • It doesn't validate nested fields.
  • If an error is found it will not check the rest of the rules and returns the error.
  • It panics if one of the rules is not registered.

Validate Collection

Use valdn.ValidateCollection() to validate struct, map, slice and array.

valdn.ValidateCollection() takes two arguments: value and rules (valdn.Rules{...}) and returns valdn.Errors

Keep in mind when using valdn.ValidateCollection:

  • It panics if val is not kind of struct, map, slice or array.

  • Unexported struct fields will be ignored.

  • If an error is found it will not check the rest of the field's rules and continue to the next field.

  • If a parent has error it's nested fields will not be validated.

  • It panics if one of the rules is not registered.

  • You can use * to apply rules to all direct nested fields, example:

    valdn.Rules{"*": "required", "Parent.*": "minLen:5"}

Validate Struct

Use valdn.ValidateCollection() to validate struct.


package main

import (

type User struct {
	Permissions map[string]interface{}

func main() {
	user := User{
		Permissions: map[string]interface{}{"read": true, "write": false},

	rules := valdn.Rules{"Permissions": {"required", "len:2"}, "Permissions.write": {"equal:true"}}

	errors := valdn.ValidateCollection(user, rules)

	if len(errors) > 0 {

this will output:

Permissions.write does not equal true

Validate struct using struct field tag

package main

import (

type User struct {
	Name string `valdn:"required|maxLen:3"`

func main() {
	user := User{
		Name: "Ramses",

	rules := valdn.Rules{}

	errors := valdn.ValidateCollection(user, rules)

	if len(errors) > 0 {

this will output:

Name's length must be lower than or equal: 3

You can change the TagName and Separator used to identify rules in struct field tag:

valdn.TagName = "valdn"

valdn.Separator = "|"

Validate Map

Use valdn.ValidateCollection() to validate map.


package main

import (

func main() {
	egyptianClubsFoundedYear := map[string]interface{}{
		"Zamalek SC":         1811,
		"Al Ahly SC":         1907,
		"Ismailly SC":        1924,
		"Al Masry SC":        1920,
		"Ittihad of Alex SC": 1914,

	// use * to apply rules to all direct nested fields
	rules := valdn.Rules{"*": {"required", "int", "min:1"}, "Zamalek SC": {"equal:1911"}}

	errors := valdn.ValidateCollection(egyptianClubsFoundedYear, rules)

	if len(errors) > 0 {

this will output:

Zamalek SC does not equal 1911

Validate Array/Slice

Use valdn.ValidateCollection() to validate array/slice.


package main

import (

func main() {
	letters := []interface{}{
		"z", // 0
		"b", // 1
		"c", // 2
		"d", // 3

	// use * to apply rules to all direct nested fields
	rules := valdn.Rules{"*": {"required", "kind:string", "len:1"}, "0": {"equal:a"}}

	errors := valdn.ValidateCollection(letters, rules)

	if len(errors) > 0 {

this will output:

0 does not equal a

Validate JSON

Use valdn.ValidateJSON() to validate JSON.

valdn.ValidateJSON() takes two arguments: value and rules (valdn.Rules{...}) and returns valdn.Errors


package main

import (

func main() {
	stringJSON := `{"name":11}`

	rules := valdn.Rules{"name": {"required", "kind:string"}, "value": {"required"}}

	errors := valdn.ValidateJSON(stringJSON, rules)

	if len(errors) > 0 {

this will output:

name must be kind of string
value is required

Keep in mind when using valdn.ValidateJSON:

  • It panics if val is not JSON.
  • If an error is found it will not check the rest of the field's rules and continue to the next field.
  • If parent has error it's nested fields will not be validated.
  • It panics if one of the rules is not registered.
  • You can use * to apply rules to all direct nested fields, example:

valdn.Rules{"*": "required", "Parent.*": "minLen:5"}

Validate Request

Use valdn.ValidateRequest() to validate all Request types (application/json, multipart/form-data, application/x-www-form-urlencoded) + URL params.

valdn.ValidateRequest() takes two arguments: *http.Request and rules (valdn.Rules{...}) and returns valdn.Errors


package main

import (

func main() {
	// Create fake request for example only
	r := httptest.NewRequest(http.MethodPost, "/", strings.NewReader("lang=go")) // set request values: lang = go
	r.Header.Set("Content-Type", "application/x-www-form-urlencoded")            // set request header type to application/x-www-form-urlencoded

	rules := valdn.Rules{"lang": {"required", "minLen:3"}, "value": {"required"}}

	errors := valdn.ValidateRequest(r, rules)

	if len(errors) > 0 {

this will output:

lang's length must be greater than or equal: 3
value is required

Keep in mind when using valdn.ValidateRequest:

  • It panics if body is not compatible with header content type.
  • It panics if one of the rules is not registered.
  • If name has many values it will be treated as slice.
  • If name has values in URL params and request body, they will be merged into one slice with that name.
  • If an error is found it will not check the rest of the field's rules and continue to the next field.
  • You can use * to apply rules to all direct nested fields, example:

valdn.Rules{"*": "required", "Parent.*": "minLen:5"}

Change error messages

Use valdn.SetErrMsg() to set custom error message for a specific rule.

You can use provided parameters to dynamically set error messages:

  • [name]: filed name
  • [val]: field value
  • [ruleVal]: rule value (rule has value like min:value takes float or integer as value)


package main

import (

func main() {
	valdn.SetErrMsg("min", "[name]'s value is [val], [name] must be greater than [ruleVal]")

	m := map[string]interface{}{"age": 15}

	rules := valdn.Rules{"age": {"min:17"}}

	errors := valdn.ValidateCollection(m, rules)

	if len(errors) > 0 {

this will output:

age's value is 15, age must be greater than 17

you can use valdn.GetErrMsg to get error message

valdn.GetErrMsg takes three parameters ruleName (string), ruleValue (string), fieldName (string), fieldValue (interface{}) and returns the error message

Keep in mind when using valdn.SetErrMsg and valdn.GetErrMsg:

  • It panics if rule does not exist.

Add custom rules

Use valdn.AddRule() to add custom rule. valdn.AddRule() takes three arguments: name (string) and ruleFunction (valdn.RuleFunc) and error message


package main

import (

// Create rule to check if value starts with specific part
func startsWithRule(name string, val interface{}, ruleVal string) error {
	if v, ok := val.(string); ok {
		for i := 0; i < len(ruleVal); i++ {
			if v[i] != ruleVal[i] {
				return errors.New(valdn.GetErrMsg("startsWith", ruleVal, name, val))
	} else {
		panic(fmt.Errorf("startsWithRule expects value to be string, got: %v", reflect.TypeOf(val).Kind()))

	return nil

func main() {
	valdn.AddRule("startsWith", startsWithRule, "[name] must start with '[ruleVal]'") // rule name, rule function, validation error message

	s := []interface{}{
		"newcustomrule", // 0

	rules := valdn.Rules{"0": {"startsWith:test"}}

	errs := valdn.ValidateCollection(s, rules)

	if len(errs) > 0 {

this will output:

0 must start with 'test'

Validation rules

ruleName ruleVal Example Description
required - required requiredRule checks if val exists, and it's not empty.
It returns error if val is not exist or empty.
kind string kind:map kindRule checks if val's kind equals ruleVal.
It returns error if val's kind does not equal ruleVal.
notKind string notKind:string notKindRule checks if val's kind doesn't equal ruleVal.
It returns error if val's kind equals ruleVal.
kindIn string,string,... kind:uint,uint8,uint16 kindInRule checks if val's kind is one of ruleVal[].
It returns error if val's kind is not one of ruleVal[].
kindNotIn string,string,... kind:float32,float64 kindNotInRule checks if val's kind is not one of ruleVal[].
It returns error if val's kind is one of ruleVal[].
type string type:map[string]interface {} typeRule checks if val's type equals ruleVal.
It returns error if val's type does not equal ruleVal.
notType string notType:map[interface {}]string notTypeRule checks if val's type doesn't equal ruleVal.
It returns error if val's type equals ruleVal.
typeIn string typeIn:map[string]int,[]int typeInRule checks if val's type is one of ruleVal[].
It returns error if val's type is not one of ruleVal[].
typeNotIn string typeNotIn:map[int][]interface {},[4]string typeNotInRule checks if val's type is not one of ruleVal[].
It returns error if val's type is one of ruleVal[].
equal string equal:[1 4 57 109] kindRule checks if val's kind equals ruleVal.
It returns error if val's kind does not equal ruleVal.
int - int intRule checks if val is integer.
It returns error if val is not an integer.
uint - uint uintRule checks if val is unsigned integer.
It returns error if val is not an unsigned integer.
complex - complex complexRule checks if val is complex number.
It returns error if val is not a complex number.
float - float floatRule checks if val is float.
It returns error if val is not a float.
ufloat - ufloat ufloatRule checks if val is unsigned float.
It returns error if val is not an unsigned float.
numeric - numeric numericRule checks if val is numeric.
It returns error if val is not a numeric.
between integer or float,integer or float between:18,99 betweenRule checks if val is between min (ruleVal[0]) and max (ruleVal[1]).
It panics if val is not an integer or a float.
It panics if min or max is not set.
It panics if min is not an integer or a float.
It panics if max is not an integer or a float.
It returns error if val is not between min and max.
min integer or float min:5 minRule checks if val is lower than ruleVal.
It panics if val is not an integer or a float.
It panics if ruleVal is empty.
It panics if ruleVal is not an integer or a float.
It returns error if val is lower than ruleVal.
max integer or float max:5 maxRule checks if val is greater than ruleVal.
It panics if val is not an integer or a float.
It panics if ruleVal is empty.
It panics if ruleVal is not an integer or a float.
It returns error if val is greater than ruleVal.
in string,string,... in:55,somestring,[1 2 3] inRule checks if val equals one of ruleVal[] items.
It returns error if val doesn't equal any item in ruleVal[].
notIn string,string,... notIn:5.4,text,[1 2 3] notInRule checks if val doesn't equal any item in ruleVal[].
It returns error if val equals one of ruleVal[] items.
len integer len:7 lenRule checks if val's length equals ruleVal.
It panics if val is not array, slice, map, string, integer or float.
It returns error if val's length doesn't equal ruleVal.
minLen integer minLen:3 minLenRule checks if val's length is greater than or equal ruleVal or not.
It panics if val is not array, slice, map, string, integer or float.
It returns error if val's length is lower than ruleVal.
maxLen integer maxLen:14 maxLenRule checks if val's length is lower than or equal ruleVal or not.
It panics if val is not array, slice, map, string, integer or float.
It returns error if val's length is greater than ruleVal.
lenBetween integer,integer lenBetween:14,19 lenBetweenRule checks if val's length is between ruleVal[0] and ruleVal[1] or not.
It panics if val is not array, slice, map, string, integer or float.
It panics if min or max is not set.
It panics if min is not an integer.
It panics if max is not an integer.
It returns error if val's length is not between ruleVal[0] and ruleVal[1].
lenIn integer,integer,... lenIn:1,44,190 lenInRule checks if val's length equals one of ruleVal[] items.
It panics if val is not array, slice, map, string, integer or float.
It panics if one of ruleVal items is not an integer.
It returns error if val's length doesn't equal any item in ruleVal[].
lenNotIn integer,integer,... lenNotIn:7,389,512 lenNotInRule checks if val's length doesn't equal any item in ruleVal[].
It panics if val is not array, slice, map, string, integer or float.
It panics if one of ruleVal items is not an integer.
It returns error if val's length equals any item in ruleVal[].
regex string regex:^[A-Za-z][A-Za-z0-9_]{7,29}$ regexRule checks if val matches ruleVal regular expression.
It panics if val is not a string.
It panics if ruleVal is not a valid regular expression.
It returns error if val doesn't match ruleVal regular expression.
notRegex string notRegex:^[A-Za-z][A-Za-z0-9_]{7,29}$ notRegexRule checks if val doesn't match ruleVal regular expression.
It panics if val is not a string.
It panics if ruleVal is not a valid regular expression.
It returns error if val matches ruleVal regular expression.
email - email emailRule checks if val is a valid email address.
It panics if val is not a string.
It returns error if val is not a valid email address.
json - json jsonRule checks if val is a valid json.
It panics if val is not a string.
It returns error if val is not a valid json.
ipv4 - ipv4 ipv4Rule checks if val is a valid IPv4.
It panics if val is not a string.
It returns error if val is not a valid IPv4.
ipv6 - ipv6 ipv6Rule checks if val is a valid IPv6.
It panics if val is not a string.
It returns error if val is not a valid IPv6.
ip - ip ipRule checks if val is a valid IP address.
It panics if val is not a string.
It returns error if val is not a valid IP address.
mac - mac macRule checks if val is a valid mac address.
It panics if val is not a string.
It returns error if val is not a valid mac address.
url - url urlRule checks if val is a valid URL.
It panics if val is not a string.
It returns error if val is not a valid URL.
time - time timeRule checks if val is type of time.Time.
It returns error if val is not type of time.Time.
timeFormat string timeFormat:Monday, 02-Jan-06 15:04:05 MST timeFormatRule checks if val's format matches ruleVal.
It returns error if val's format doesn't match ruleVal.
timeFormatIn string,string,... timeFormatIn:Monday, 02-Jan-06 15:04:05 MST[]Mon, 02 Jan 2006 15:04:05 -0700 timeFormatInRule checks if val's format matches any of ruleVal[].
Use [] to split between two formats.
It returns error if val's format doesn't match any of ruleVal[].
timeFormatNotIn string,string,... timeFormatNotIn:02 Jan 06 15:04 MST[]02 Jan 06 15:04 -0700 timeFormatNotInRule checks if val's format doesn't match any of ruleVal[].
Use [] to split between two formats.
It returns error if val's format matches any of ruleVal[].
file - file fileRule checks if val is a valid file.
It returns error if val is not a valid file.
size integer size:12000 sizeRule checks if val's size equals ruleVal.
it panics if val is not a valid file.
it panics if ruleVal is not an integer.
It returns error if val's size doesn't equal ruleVal.
sizeMin integer sizeMin:4000 sizeMinRule checks if val's size greater than or equal ruleVal or not.
it panics if val is not a valid file.
it panics if ruleVal is not an integer.
It returns error if val's size is lower than ruleVal.
sizeMax integer sizeMax:20000 sizeMaxRule checks if val's size lower than or equal ruleVal or not.
it panics if val is not a valid file.
it panics if ruleVal is not an integer.
It returns error if val's size is greater than ruleVal.
sizeBetween integer,integer sizeBetween:2000,8000 sizeBetweenRule checks if val's size is between ruleVal[0] and ruleVal[1].
it panics if val is not a valid file.
It panics if min or max is not set.
It panics if min or max is not set.
It panics if min is not an integer.
It panics if max is not an integer.
It returns error if val's size is not between ruleVal[0] and ruleVal[1].
ext string ext:zip extRule checks if val's extension equals ruleVal.
it panics if val is not a valid file.
It returns error if val's extension doesn't equal ruleVal.
notExt string notExt:php notExtRule checks if val's extension does not equal ruleVal.
it panics if val is not a valid file.
It returns error if val's extension equals ruleVal.
extIn string,string,... extIn:jpeg,png,jpg,gif extInRule checks if val's extension equals one of ruleVal[] items.
It panics if val is not a valid file.
It returns error if val's extension doesn't equal any item in ruleVal[].
extNotIn string,string,... extNotIn:js,ts extNotInRule checks if val's extension doesn't equal one of ruleVal[] items.
It panics if val is not a valid file.
It returns error if val's extension equals any item in ruleVal[].

Validation functions

Function Takes Returns Description
IsEmpty val interface{} bool IsEmpty reports weather value is empty or not.
IsKind val interface{}, kind string bool IsKind reports weather value's kind equals kind.
IsKindIn val interface{}, kinds []string bool IsKindIn reports weather value's kind is one of kinds.
IsType val interface{}, typ string bool IsType reports weather value's type equals typ.
IsTypeIn val interface{}, types []string bool IsTypeIn reports weather value's type is one of types.
IsInteger val interface{} bool IsInteger reports weather value is integer or not.
IsUnsignedInteger val interface{} bool IsUnsignedInteger reports weather value is unsigned integer or not.
IsFloat val interface{} bool IsFloat reports weather value is float or not.
IsUnsignedFloat val interface{} bool IsUnsignedFloat reports weather value is unsigned float or not.
IsComplex val interface{} bool IsComplex reports weather value is complex number or not.
IsNumeric val interface{} bool IsNumeric reports weather value is (integer, float, complex) or not.
IsCollection val interface{} bool IsCollection reports weather value's kins is one of (Array, Slice, Map) or not.
IsEmail val interface{} bool IsEmail reports weather value is a valid email address or not.
IsJSON val interface{} bool IsJSON reports weather value is a valid json or not.
IsIPv4 val interface{} bool IsIPv4 reports weather value is a valid IPv4 or not.
IsIPv6 val interface{} bool IsIPv6 reports weather value is a valid IPv6 or not.
IsIP val interface{} bool IsIP reports weather value is a valid IP or not.
IsMAC val interface{} bool IsMAC reports weather value is a valid MAC address or not.
IsURL val interface{} bool IsURL reports weather value is a valid URL or not.
IsFile val interface{} bool IsFile reports weather value is a valid file or not.




Valdn is open-sourced library licensed under the MIT license.

I'm working on the documentation.****


Go rich validation library. Validates request, nested JSON, nested struct, nested map, nested array, and nested slice.






