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A React hook for handling Server-Sent Events (SSE) connections with automatic retry, error handling, and TypeScript support.


  • 🔄 Automatic reconnection with exponential backoff
  • 🎯 TypeScript support with generics for type-safe data handling
  • ⚡ Custom event handling
  • 🔍 Comprehensive error handling
  • ⏱️ Configurable retry strategy with jitter
  • 🧩 Custom data parsing support
  • 🎮 Manual connection control

Basic Usage

import { useServerSentEvents } from 'shared/hooks/useServerSentEvents';

function MyComponent() {
  const { data, status, error } = useServerSentEvents<{ message: string }>(

  if (status === 'ERROR') {
    return <div>Error: {error?.message}</div>;

  return (
      <p>Status: {status}</p>
      {data && <p>Message: {data.message}</p>}

API Reference

Hook Parameters

useServerSentEvents<T>(url: string, options?: UseSSEOptions<T>): UseSSEResult<T>

url: string

The URL of the SSE endpoint.

options?: UseSSEOptions<T>

Option Type Default Description
onMessage (event: MessageEvent) => void undefined Callback for handling raw message events
onError (error: Event) => void undefined Callback for handling error events
onOpen () => void undefined Callback when connection is established
onClose () => void undefined Callback when connection is closed
withCredentials boolean false Enable credentials for cross-origin requests
eventName string 'message' Custom event name to listen for
parseData (data: string) => T JSON.parse Custom data parsing function
retry RetryConfig See below Configuration for retry behavior


interface RetryConfig {
    maxAttempts: number; // Maximum number of retry attempts
    initialDelayMs: number; // Initial delay before first retry
    maxDelayMs: number; // Maximum delay between retries
    backoffFactor: number; // Exponential backoff multiplier
    jitterFactor?: number; // Random jitter factor (0-1)
    shouldRetry?: (error: SSEError, attemptCount: number) => boolean;

Default retry configuration:

    maxAttempts: 3,
    initialDelayMs: 1000,
    maxDelayMs: 30000,
    backoffFactor: 2,
    jitterFactor: 0.1,
    shouldRetry: () => true,

Return Value

The hook returns an object with the following properties:

interface UseSSEResult<T> {
    status: 'CONNECTING' | 'OPEN' | 'CLOSED' | 'ERROR';
    data: T | null;
    error: SSEError | null;
    close: () => void;
    reconnect: () => void;
    retryCount: number;
Property Type Description
status SSEStatus Current connection status
data T | null Latest received data, parsed according to parseData
error SSEError | null Error object if an error occurred
close () => void Function to manually close the connection
reconnect () => void Function to manually trigger reconnection
retryCount number Number of retry attempts made

Advanced Usage Examples

Custom Event Handling

const { data } = useServerSentEvents<UpdateData>(
        eventName: 'update',
        onMessage: (event) => {
            console.log('Raw event:', event);

Custom Data Parsing

const { data } = useServerSentEvents<UserStatus>(
        parseData: (data) => {
            const parsed = JSON.parse(data);
            return {
                lastUpdate: new Date(parsed.timestamp),

Custom Retry Strategy

const { status, error } = useServerSentEvents('', {
    retry: {
        maxAttempts: 5,
        initialDelayMs: 2000,
        maxDelayMs: 60000,
        backoffFactor: 1.5,
        shouldRetry: (error, attemptCount) => {
            // Don't retry on 404 errors
            if (error.code === 'NOT_FOUND') return false;
            return attemptCount < 5;

Manual Connection Control

function StatusMonitor() {
  const { status, close, reconnect } = useServerSentEvents(

  return (
      <p>Connection: {status}</p>
      <button onClick={close}>Stop Monitoring</button>
      <button onClick={reconnect}>Reconnect</button>

Error Handling

The hook provides detailed error information through the SSEError class:

class SSEError extends Error {
    code?: string;

Common error codes:

  • CONNECTION_ERROR: General connection failure
  • PARSE_ERROR: Failed to parse incoming data
  • MAX_RETRY_EXCEEDED: Maximum retry attempts reached

Best Practices

  1. Type Safety: Always provide a type parameter for better type inference:

    interface EventData {
        type: string;
        payload: unknown;
    const { data } = useServerSentEvents<EventData>(url);
  2. Error Handling: Always handle error states in your UI:

    if (status === 'ERROR') {
      return <ErrorComponent error={error} onRetry={reconnect} />;
  3. Cleanup: The hook automatically handles cleanup, but make sure to call close() when manually ending connections.

  4. Reconnection Strategy: Configure the retry strategy based on your needs:

    • Increase maxAttempts for critical connections
    • Adjust jitterFactor to prevent thundering herd problems
    • Use shouldRetry to implement custom retry logic

TypeScript Support

The hook is fully typed and supports generic type parameters for the event data:

interface UserData {
    firstName: string;
    lastName: string;
    email: string;
const { data } = useServerSentEvents<UserData>('');


React hook for managing server sent events






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