Rock Paper and Scissors game to show new javascript, html and css knowledge
You can play the live test at: Rock-Paper-Scissors Live Page
I Started with the html so I can get an idea of how the boxes will be arranged, then I worked in CSS changin the background of those boxes so I can get an idea of the size and how to rearrange them. Tried to make everything with em, rem, % but some px was added at the end for some aesthetic tweaks. The logic part was the easiest but got stuck with some dumb mistakes. Showed it to a friend of mine and he helped me to improve some code, specially in the css part.
Found some cool tricks in the process that I think will be useful in the future
- Need to add a winner to the game after the player or the computer wins 5 rounds
- Need to improve some of the code (button's part, trying to figure out how to implement the three of them to and querySelectorAll)
- Restarting the game without reloading the page
- The 🔁 emoji is smaller than the original buttons
- Comment more in the JS