This orocos component demonstrate a simple case of automatic mode switching for the kuka robot through FRI.
In the default mode, the robot follow a simple trajectory. The gravity compensation is activated when the operator touches the robot. The ATI force sensor is used to adapt gravity compensation to the load of the robot .
The component read a distance from the kinect module to scale the torque sent to the robot.
The external Forces at Tool Center Point are read from the lwr_fri component, if the norm of the force are above a threshold, then the gravity compensation is activated (send null torques).
If the norm of the force read by the force sensor is above a certain threshold then the component send the value of that norm in kg plus the default load to the KRL script through the shared array FRI_*_REA. The KRL script update the system variable $LOAD.M which represent the weight of the tool attached to the robot. As a consequence, the robot compensate automatically the weight of the new load.
Standard procedure of ros node installation in groovy.
wstool set kuka_fri_grav_comp --git
rosmake kuka_fri_grav_comp
Those ros node are required:
- kuka_component (isir branch)
- rtt_rosnode
- ATISensor
- directKinematics
- lbr4_state_publisher