Module to manage tasks for ISIRController: Create/update tasks from XML files.
- tinyxml
- ISIRController
: Lists of tasks.- Attributes
- None
- Elements
: Task description.- Attributes
- id (required) : The task identifier. It will be used to retrieve/update it.
- type (required) : The type of the task, it can be ACCELERATION, TORQUE, FORCE
- active (required) : 1 if the task is active, else 0
- Elements
(required) : Parameters of the task<feature>
(required) : The feature of the task
: Task parameters- Attributes
- w (required) : The weight of the task
- kp (required) : The stiffness of the task
- kd (required) : The damping of the task
- Elements
- None
: The feature of the task.- Attributes
- type (required) : The type of the feature, can be fullstate, partialstate, position, orientation, displacement, com, contact
- Elements
(required for fullstate, partialstate, frame): This elements specifies if the free flyer is considered.<dofs>
(required for partialstate, frame, com) : The selected degrees of freedom.<objective>
(required for fullstate, partialstate, frame, com) : The desired state of the task<segment>
(required for contact) : The name of the segment which is in contact.<local_offset>
(required for contact) : The offset of the contact point relative to the frame of the segment.<mu>
(required for contact) : Friction cone coefficient<margin>
(required for contact) : Margin
: This elements specifies if the free flyer is considered.- Attributes
- value (required) : INTERNAL, FREE_FLYER, FULL_STATE
- Elements
- None
: The selected degrees of freedom.- Attributes
- value (required) : For partialstate, it is the list of the degrees of freedom index. For frame tasks, it is RXYZ, XYZ, R, RX, XY...
- Elements
- None
: The desired state of the task- Attributes
- None
- Elements
(for fullstate, partialstate) : Desired joint angles ex : value="0.1 0.2 0.3"<qd_des>
(for fullstate, partialstate) : Desired joint angles velocity<qdd_des>
(for fullstate, partialstate) : Desired joint angles acceleration<tau_des>
(for fullstate, partialstate) : Desired joint torques<pos_des>
(for frame) : Desired position<vel_des>
(for frame) : Desired velocity<acc_des>
(for frame) : Desired acceleration
: Desired joint angles- Attribute
- value (required) : the desired value
- Elements
- None
: Desired position- Attributes
- xyz : the desired translation
- rpy : the desired roll pitch yaw
- Elements
- None
The segment involved in the contact- Attributes
- name (required) : the name of the segment.
- Elements
- None