Releases: HerpDerpinstine/DDSS.LobbyGuard
Releases · HerpDerpinstine/DDSS.LobbyGuard
- Implemented new Security measures for latest Game Update
- Added Initial Match Start Delay to Random Viruses of 2 minutes
- Added Initial Match Start Delay to Random Server Outages of 2 minutes
- Added Random Virus Min and Max Delay Settings
- Added Random Server Outage Min and Max Delay Settings
- Added Setting for allowing Janitors to Update Firmware on CCTV Cameras (ON by Default)
- Added Setting for allowing Janitors to Keep their Assigned Workstation (OFF by Default)
- Added Setting for Viruses to automatically disable the Firewall (OFF by Default)
- Added Setting for Enforcing Computer Windows stay within the Monitor Boundary (OFF by Default)
- Added Setting for using Server TimeStamps in Emails (ON by Default)
- Added Setting for using Server TimeStamps in Chat Messages (ON by Default)
- Improved Email Security
- Improved Player Security
- Improved Phone Security
- Improved TrashBin Security
- Improved Interaction Security
- Improved Match State Security
- Improved Collectible Holder Security
- Temporarily Removed Player Velocity Enforcement until it can be fixed
- Fixed an issue with DoorController.Start sometimes throwing an error
- Fixed an issue with Phones not allowing Calls to go through
- Fixed an issue with only being able to pickup 1 Mouse at a time instead of 2
- Fixed an issue with only being able to pickup 1 Toilet Paper Roll at a time instead of 2
- Fixed an issue with Assistant Promotion/Demotion not showing any Popup
- Fixed an issue with Consumables sometimes not being eatable
- Fixed an issue with Storage Boxes dropping items under the Shelves
- Fixed an issue with Mini-Map Markers not being placed on certain Binders
- Fixed an issue with the Paint application on Computers sometimes not having any Colors when Host
- Improved and Reworked all Security Patches
- Added a Setting for Printer Copies carrying over the Signature (Default is OFF)
- Added a Setting for Slacker TrashBin Fire Delay (Default is 4 seconds)
- Added a Setting for Slacker Server Outage Delay (Default is 6 seconds)
- Added a Setting for allowing Janitors to Vote (Default is OFF)
- Added a Setting for allowing Janitors to Lock Doors (Default is ON)
- Added a Setting for allowing Janitors to Unlock Doors (Default is ON)
- Added a Setting for allowing WorkStations to get Viruses while the Server is Down (Default is ON)
- Added a Setting for Player Leaves reducing Terminations (Default is ON)
- Added a Setting for Spawning Manager Keys (Default is ON)
- Added a Setting for Spawning Stereo CDs (Default is ON)
- Added a Setting for Spawning a Mouse and Mug on Desks that aren't assigned (Default is OFF)
- Implemented Extended Interaction Role Validation
- Implemented Error Prompt for when the Blacklist fails to Load or Save its JSON file
- Implemented
Security - Implemented
Security - Implemented
Security - Implemented
Security - Implemented
Security - Fixed an issue with
throwing errors when not Host - Fixed an issue with
throwing errors when not Host - Fixed an issue with Filing Cabinets needing to have a Drawer closed before the Task completes when Hosting
- Fixed an issue with Collectibles sometimes getting stuck in a Player's Hand
- Fixed a Game Issue with Spawned Objects sometimes becoming desynced
- Fixed an issue with Door Security completely breaking all Doors
- Adjusted Door Animation Awaiter
- Adjusted Door Security
- Fixed an issue with CollectibleHolder Security spamming errors
- Fixed an issue with the Game Crashing when a Manager is Fired
- Fixed an issue with Spanking not working as intended
- Fixed an issue with Voting not working as intended
- Fixed an issue with Objects sometimes Desyncing when Spawned if not Host
- Fixed an issue with CollectibleHolder Security that prevented stacking
- Fixed an issue with PaperTray Security not Validating Spawned Documents correctly
- Fixed an issue with Votes not being Reset when a Manager is Replaced
- Added a Toggle Setting for the Spawning of Keys (ON by Default)
- Added a Toggle Setting for Janitor Voting (OFF by Default)
- Added a Toggle Setting for Closing Doors on Lock (ON by Default)
- Improved
Security - Improved
Security - Fixed an issue with
throwing errors - Fixed an issue with
throwing errors - Fixed an issue with sometimes not being able to hear Emote sound effects when not Host
- Fixed an issue with sometimes not being able to hear the Server Alarm when not Host
- Fixed an issue with the Manager's Desk sometimes becoming unassigned after a Manager is fired or quits
- Fixed an issue with ConnectionFix Seamless Restart conflicting with LobbyGuard
- Fixed an issue with Tutorial NPC not being able to open Doors
- Fixed an issue with Workstations not allowing Spaces
- Fixed an issue with Chairs not allowing you to Sit or Leave when Waving or Facepalming
- Fixed an issue with TrashBin Fires not starting properly
- Fixed an issue that prevented Computer Interaction
- Fixed an issue with CigarettePack teleporting Cigs into Host's Hand
- Changed Player Velocity Enforcement to OFF by Default for causing desync issues in rare cases
- Implemented Support for Door Lock Capacity Game Rule
- Added more Logging to Kick and Blacklist
- Added more Protections and Checks to TrashBin Security
- Added Toggle Settings for Emoting, Pointing, and Handshaking while Interacting with Usables
- Fixed a Game Issue with Emoting/Handshaking and Usable Interaction
- Fixed an issue with Phone, Door, Binder, Printer, and Collectible Security throwing Trampoline Errors
- Fixed an issue with some Collectible Holders not checking Collectible type when Placed
- Fixed an issue with Firing a Slacker ending the Match early when
Hide Slackers from Clients
is enabled - Fixed an issue with the Host being unable to complete the Jelly Stapler task
- Fixed an issue with Held Usables being destroyed on Player Leave
- Fixed an issue with Sticky Notes not having the Username changed when Text is Edited