Interface between a Siglent oscilloscope and FY6800 AWG
The idea bases on solution proposed by 4x1md in
Currently implemented features:
- ESP is able to connect to a selected WiFi network and listen to oscilloscope requests
- After ESP sends request to AWG it waits for confirmation
- rewrite whole thing to C++, so adding new AWGs would be easier
- add possibility to configure SSID/PSK + IP without flashing the new SW
Currently supported AWG's:
- FY6800
- FY6900
You can view a video with the SDS-1204X-E and the FY6900 here
!WARNING! FY6800 VCC level is 5V, so it has to be dropped somehow to 3.3V ESP may release the magic smoke otherwise.
In my configuration I've just used a yellow LED, that dropped the voltage by ~2V. ESP consumes about 70mA, that's probably too much for a LED, but maybe it'll survive.