Connect to your ar drone 2 via WLAN, the run node.server.js open up localhost:3001 and you're ready to go.
Use W, A, S, D
to move front, back and sideways. Use your cursors
to go up/down or turn clockwise/counter clockwise.
Some animations can be triggered with 1-4
for taking of and esc
for landing.
When you crash use e
to recover from emergency mode.
This project is heavily inspired from . I just removed the three.js part and ported it from to faye since I like that better.
You can install/update the node dependencies via npm install -d
Dependencies for client code are managed via bower ( ).
You need to have ffmpeg
installed (it's used for the picture stuff)
This is how it looks like in action:
- use getUserMedia/the webcam to control the drone (like magic xylophone...)
- add a slider to make the speed/duration of actions configurable
- toggle between takeoff/land buttons or disable takeoff button after takeoff...
- mayby change the "recover" button to send a land command first (because otherwise the drone tries to start again...)
- only show the recover button when the drone is in emergency mode
- use canvas to draw angle-stuff or rotate the picture stream accordingly
- get rid of the (sometimes) long lag of the picture stream
- makte it work without ffmpeg (skip the picture stuff then....)