This project is a starting point to build a Graphql API with NodeJS and Typescript
The source code is open so that you can fork it and tweak as you want.
IMPORTANT: Any improvements are welcome
⭐ Stars are appreciate !
├── ddl # Your database creation scripts (sql)
├── src # Source
├────── gql-schemas # Directory to place your graphql schemas
├────── graphql # Graphql server directory
├────────── types # Typescript types definitions files generated from your graphql schema
├────── handlers # Handler for express routes
├────── helpers # Helpers functions
├────── routes # Express Routes
├── .gitignore
├── config.json # Configuration file for development environnement
├── config.production.json # Configuration file for production environnement
├── tsconfig.json # Typescript Configuration file
- Love 💕 - A lot of love (and coffee)
- NodeJS - Node.js® is a JavaScript runtime built on Chrome's V8 JavaScript engine
- TypeScript - Typed JavaScript at Any Scale
- GraphQL - A query language for your API
- Express JS - Fast, unopinionated, minimalist web framework for Node.js
$ git clone
IMPORTANT: Change configuration file (
) to match your server configuration
$ cd my-node-typescript-graphql-api-boilerplate
$ npm install
cd my-node-typescript-graphql-api-boilerplate
move to the api folder
npm install
install all dependencies.
$ npm run serve
$ npm run build
$ npm start