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Releases: Godiesc/firefox-gx


04 Mar 19:31
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I'll appreciate the help if you report bugs if you use beta version of the browser.


  • The file components/ogx_tricks.css always be the file to your personal changes into the theme. This file you could use to add some special features to the theme from the "Tricks" section.

  • 'Themes' extension: GX Theme Styles

  • 'Sounds' extension: Gx-mods [non-associated developer].

  • The theme size is large due to all the images in the new tab folder (18.5 MB).

  • You can disable the icons of contextual menus with the next preference in about:config page:

    firefoxgx.icon.disabled true


  • The 'Expand-on-hover' feature for default Firefox 'Vertical tabs' (not with extensions) has some bugs with this update (v.136), Firefox seems like it is doing this feature so maybe in the future it won't be necessary to do it with CSS. If you use tree-tabs (with an extension) the feature will work without any problem.


  • 'Sound' button code was redone.
  • Various bug fixes for Firefox v.136.


04 Feb 15:57
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I'll appreciate the help if you report bugs if you use beta version of the browser.


  • The file components/ogx_tricks.css always be the file to your personal changes into the theme. This file you could use to add some special features to the theme from the "Tricks" section.

  • 'Themes' extension: GX Theme Styles

  • 'Sounds' extension: Gx-mods [non-associated developer].

  • The theme size is large due to all the images in the new tab folder (18.5 MB).

  • You can disable the icons of contextual menus with the next preference in about:config page:

    firefoxgx.icon.disabled true


  • 'Main-image' config was redone, and now you won't need to align the image manually.
  • Refactored several files for better code maintainability.
  • Various bug fixes for Firefox v.135.


07 Jan 15:26
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I'll appreciate the help if you report bugs if you use beta version of the browser.


  • The file components/ogx_tricks.css always be the file to your personal changes into the theme. This file you could use to add some special features to the theme from the "Tricks" section.

  • 'Themes' extension: GX Theme Styles

  • 'Sounds' extension: Gx-mods [non-associated developer].

  • The theme size is large due to all the images in the new tab folder (18.5 MB).

  • You can disable the icons of contextual menus with the next preference in about:config page:

    firefoxgx.icon.disabled true


  • 'Left-Sidebar' behavior is better when it is showed/hidden (Ctrl + Shift + B), and in 'Fullscreen' this sidebar will show/hide according to your configuration.

  • Added compatibility for horizontal 'tabs groups', You can test it with this preference in about:config page:

    browser.tabs.groups.enabled true
  • For 'Tree-tabs' users now you have to use this preference in about:config page to have the 'Expand on hover' feature:

    firefoxgx.verticalTabs-expandOnHover true


  • Refactored several files for better code maintainability.
  • Various bug fixes for Firefox v.134.


26 Nov 04:41
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I'll appreciate the help if you report bugs if you use beta version of the browser.


  • The file components/ogx_tricks.css always be the file to your personal changes into the theme. This file you could use to add some special features to the theme from the "Tricks" section.
  • You have the GX Theme Styles extension for an easy way to change the theme and its colors.
  • You have Gx-mods extension to add special sounds like in Opera GX browser [non-associated developer].
  • The theme size is large due to all the images in the new tab folder (18.5 MB).
  • You can disable the icons of contextual menus with the next preference in about:config page:
firefoxgx.icon.disabled true


  • You can test new Firefox Sidebar with this preference in about:config page:
sidebar.revamp true
  • You can use the 'Firefox Vertical tabs' feature with this preference:
sidebar.verticalTabs true
  • If you use Firefox Vertical tabs you can add this preference to make the sidebar expand on 'hover':
firefoxgx.verticalTabs-expandOnHover true


  • Hamburger menu for Linux users now display in the default style keeping the previous position.
  • Various bug fixes for Firefox v.133.


29 Oct 15:33
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I'll appreciate the help if you report bugs if you use beta version of the browser.


  • The file components/ogx_tricks.css always be the file to your personal changes into the theme. This file you could use to add some special features to the theme from the "Tricks" section.
  • You have the GX Theme Styles extension for an easy way to change the theme and its colors.
  • You have Gx-mods extension to add special sounds like in Opera GX browser [non-associated developer].
  • The theme size is large due to all the images in the new tab folder (18.5 MB).
  • You can disable the icons of contextual menus with the next preference in about:config page:
firefoxgx.icon.disabled true


  • Compatibility with default Firefox 'Vertical-tabs' feature.
sidebar.verticalTabs true
  • If you use Firefox Vertical tabs you can add this preference to make the sidebar expand on hover:
firefoxgx.verticalTabs-expandOnHover true


  • Extra 'Classic-sound-icon' configuration now is enabled with a preference in about:config page:
firefoxgx.classic-sound-icon true
  • bug fix for 'image in menus' trick.
  • Added in the Tricks section the trick for users that use Adaptive Tab Bar Color extension.
  • Firefox added 2 spaces for wallpapers in the 'Photographs' category so 2 new wallpapers were added.
  • Various bug fixes for Firefox v.132.


01 Oct 12:53
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I'll appreciate the help if you report bugs if you use beta version of the browser.


  • The file components/ogx_tricks.css always be the file to your personal changes into the theme. This file you could use to add some special features to the theme from the "Tricks" section.
  • You have the GX Theme Styles extension for an easy way to change the theme and its colors.
  • You have Gx-mods extension to add special sounds like in Opera GX browser [non-associated developer].
  • The theme size is large due to all the images in the new tab folder (16.9 MB).
  • you can disable the icons of contextual menus with the next preference in about:config page:
firefoxgx.icon.disabled true


  • Initial compatibility with the new 'Firefox Sidebar' and 'Vertical-tabs' features.
  • If you use Firefox Vertical tabs you can add this preference to make the sidebar expand on hover:
firefoxgx.verticalTabs-expandOnHover true


  • Refactored tree-tab-style code to make code more understandable.
  • The new-tab page code was improved and now is compatible when you apply a light wallpaper with a dark Firefox theme and the other way round.
  • Main-image config was improved for pages like: about:addons, about:preferences and Firefox-view.
  • Various bug fixes for Firefox v.131.


03 Sep 05:30
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I'll appreciate the help if you report bugs if you use beta version of the browser.


  • The file components/ogx_tricks.css always be the file to your personal changes into the theme. This file you could use to add some special features to the theme from the "Tricks" section.
  • You have the GX Theme Styles extension for an easy way to change the theme and its colors.
  • You have Gx-mods extension to add special sounds like in Opera GX browser [non-associated developer].
  • you can disable the icons of contextual menus with the next preference in about:config page:
firefoxgx.icon.disabled true


  • Added some icons to the context menu for AI chat.
  • The theme has been updated for version 2 of the wallpaper feature, the following preferences should be 'true' by default, the theme will display a set of wallpapers in the 'Photographs' category:
browser.newtabpage.activity-stream.newtabWallpapers.enabled true
browser.newtabpage.activity-stream.newtabWallpapers.v2.enabled true



  • The size of the theme is larger because of all the images in the newtab folder (16.9MB).
  • Various bug fixes for Firefox v.130.


06 Aug 02:46
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I'll appreciate the help if you report bugs if you use beta version of the browser.


  • The file components/ogx_tricks.css always be the file to your personal changes into the theme. This file you could use to add some special features to the theme from the "Tricks" section.
  • You have the GX Theme Styles extension for an easy way to change the theme and its colors.
  • You have Gx-mods extension to add special sounds like in Opera GX browser [non-associated developer].
  • The size of the theme is larger because of all the images in the newtab folder (19.6MB).
  • you can disable the icons of contextual menus with the next preference in about:config page:
firefoxgx.icon.disabled true


  • The Code's comments were translated into English.
  • A little improve of the wallpaper when is it used with 'Main-image' config.
  • Various bug fixes for Firefox v.129.


09 Jul 15:09
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I'll appreciate the help if you report bugs if you use beta version of the browser.


  • The file components/ogx_tricks.css always be the file to your personal changes into the theme. This file you could use to add some special features to the theme from the "Tricks" section.
  • You have the GX Theme Styles extension for an easy way to change the theme and its colors.
  • You have Gx-mods extension to add special sounds like in Opera GX browser [non-associated developer].
  • you can disable the icons of contextual menus with the next preference in about:config page:
firefoxgx.icon.disabled true


  • Firefox-View page was improvement.
  • Various bug fixes for Firefox v.128.


11 Jun 16:13
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I'll appreciate the help if you report bugs if you use beta version of the browser.


  • The file components/ogx_tricks.css always be the file to your personal changes into the theme. This file you could use to add some special features to the theme from the "Tricks" section.
  • You have the GX Theme Styles extension for an easy way to change the theme and its colors.
  • You have Gx-mods extension to add special sounds like in Opera GX browser [non-associated developer].
  • you can disable the icons of contextual menus with the next preference in about:config page:
firefoxgx.icon.disabled true


  • New preference for about:config page was edited to active the new Firefox feature for NewTab wallpaper:
browser.newtabpage.activity-stream.newtabWallpapers.enabled true

Now the theme will display a set of wallpapers and you can change it in an easy way:


PD: Pls read again the README in the main github page for updated information.


  • The Hamburger Menu style was updated for Linux user when use Wayland or X11.
  • The Main logo was updated to a one I consider better.
  • The size of the theme is larger because of all the images in the newtab folder (19.6MB).
  • Various bug fixes for Firefox v.127.