An implementation of the game 'Snake' for the OpenAI Gym framework. This is done to make it easily connect to stable-Baselines.
The Snake environment can be installed by running 'pip install .' after downloading the and gym_snake folder. You can then create the game from Gym using
import gym
env = gym.make('gym_snake:snake-v0')
or using
from gym_snake import SnakeEnv
env = SnakeEnv(**kwargs)
where the arguments are
shape : (int, int)
This is the size of the grid
length : int (optional)
This is the starting length of the snake (defaults to 3).
seed : int (optional)
The seed is provided for so that runs can be reproduced.
The script
is provided as an example to both train and
watch the snake after it has been trained. The snake is 'trained' using DeepQ
learning. The snake
cannot be watched while training, but you can tell it to train using python
and then tell it to play using python --play
. Training (can be) computationally intensive.