An example of running Couchbase Server and Couchbase Sync Gateway in Docker using docker-compose. This repository is to be used for explanatory use only. Credentials for the Couchbase Server are being generated and used for configuration, server configuration is done with bare-minimum values. This example will run with minimal resources and logging in would be possible for anyone knowing these credentials. Therefore this disclaimer. This example will create a Couchbase server with two buckets: 'active' and 'archive'. The first bucket will be available in the Sync Gateway.
Install test-coverage by running npm.
npm install
While developing, I found it very impractical to have the sync-function in the configuration of the Sync Gateway. The configuration is in JSON and JavaScript-code does not belong in a JSON-configuration. I could not find a way to tell my IDE to ignore errors about having JavaScript in JSON and I found it ugly. That's why I added a bash-function for the Sync Gateway which parses the sync-function from a separate file and puts it in the JSON configuration, to be used by the Sync Gateway. For the sake of this example I added a sync-function which requires each document to have an attribute called 'type'.
Start the server-container and the sync-gateway-container. The sync-gateway-container will during startup wait for the configuration of the server-container. During the first startup, the initialization of the cluster will be performed and the bucket will be created.
docker-compose up
Check whether the Couchbase Sync Gateway started properly by accessing the REST API from the web browser.
The response of the Couchbase Sync Gateway should be comparable to the example below.
{"couchdb":"Welcome","vendor":{"name":"Couchbase Sync Gateway","version":"2.6"},"version":"Couchbase Sync Gateway/2.6.0(127;b4c828d) EE"}
The Mocha test-framework has been used for covering the Sync Gateway configuration with tests.
npm test