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Official code repository of < CBGBench: Fill in the Blank of Protein-Molecule Complex Binding Graph >


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CBGBench: Complex Binding Graph Benchmark is a benchmark for generative target-aware molecule design.

Paper [DiffBP] | Paper [D3FG] | Benchmark


  • Feb. 2025: Accepted by ICLR2025 as spotlight presentation. Congrats! Some of pretrained checkpoints of the edge-cutting methods have been released, pls download from Google Drive for further usage.
  • Dec. 2024: We have uploaded the molecules generated by the SOTA Methods (LiGAN, Pocket2Mol, TargetDiff, D3FG, DecomptDiff, VoxBind, and MolCraft) for evaluation. For most of them, the generated number is 100/pockets, while for some 200 (2 times) in order to check if it is necessary to report multi-seeds' results. If it is useful for your research, pls download from the Google Drive and cite the paper.
  • Oct. 2024: CBGBench paper v3 has just integrated the state-of-the-art MolCraft and VoxBind into evaluation, and the integration of their codes is in process.
  • Sep. 2024: CBGBench has joined the DeepModeling community, a community devoted to AI for science, as a sandbox-level project. Learn more about DeepModeling


This is the official code repository of the paper 'CBGBench: Fill in the Blank of Protein-Molecule Binding Graph', which aims to unify target-aware molecule design with single code implementation. Until now, we have included 7 methods as shown below:

Model Paper link Github
DiffBP Here is the official implementation.
D3FG Here is the official implementation.

These models are initially established for de novo molecule generation, and we extend more tasks including linker design, fragment growing, scaffold hopping, and side chain decoration.

Extend Tasks


Create environment with basic packages.

conda env create -f environment.yml
conda activate cbgbench

Install pytorch and torch_geometric

conda install pytorch==2.0.1 torchvision==0.15.2 torchaudio==2.0.2 pytorch-cuda=11.8 -c pytorch -c nvidia
conda install pyg pytorch-scatter pytorch-cluster -c pyg

Install tools for chemistry

# install rdkit, efgs, obabel, etc.
pip install --use-pep517 EFGs
pip install biopython
pip install lxml
conda install rdkit openbabel tensorboard tqdm pyyaml easydict python-lmdb -c conda-forge

# install plip
mkdir tools
cd tools
git clone
cd plip
python install
alias plip='python plip/plip/'
cd ..

### Note that if there is an error in, it can be ignored as long as openbabel is installed.

# install docking tools
conda install -c conda-forge numpy swig boost-cpp sphinx sphinx_rtd_theme
python -m pip install git+
pip install meeko==0.1.dev3 scipy pdb2pqr vina

# If you are unable to install vina, you can try: conda install vina
# If you encounter the following error:
# ImportError: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
# Please try the following steps to resolve it:
pip uninstall pillow
pip install pillow

Prepare Dataset


1. Download processed datasets

(i) Download the processed dataset from Google Drive. For each dataset, it corresponds to different methods and tasks. Please refer to the Table below to find the processed data that you need to use. Note that to train D3FG, it is a two-stage model that firstly generates functional groups and then generates linker atoms, so we named the two-stage model 'D3FG_fg' and 'D3FG_linker', and the training data is different for them.

Table: The data file name corresponding to different methods and tasks.

model task file name
Pocket2Mol de novo data/pl/crossdocked_v1.1_rmsd1.0_pocket10_processed_fullatom.lmdb
GraphBP de novo data/pl/crossdocked_v1.1_rmsd1.0_pocket10_processed_fullatom.lmdb
DiffSBDD de novo data/pl/crossdocked_v1.1_rmsd1.0_pocket10_processed_fullatom.lmdb
DiffBP de novo data/pl/crossdocked_v1.1_rmsd1.0_pocket10_processed_fullatom.lmdb
TargetDiff de novo data/pl/crossdocked_v1.1_rmsd1.0_pocket10_processed_fullatom.lmdb
FLAG de novo data/pl_arfg/crossdocked_v1.1_rmsd1.0_pocket10_processed_arfuncgroup.lmdb
D3FG de novo data/pl_fg/crossdocked_v1.1_rmsd1.0_pocket10_processed_funcgroup.lmdb
Pocket2Mol fragment data/pl_decomp/crossdocked_v1.1_rmsd1.0_pocket10_processed_frag.lmdb
GraphBP fragment data/pl_decomp/crossdocked_v1.1_rmsd1.0_pocket10_processed_frag.lmdb
DiffSBDD fragment data/pl_decomp/crossdocked_v1.1_rmsd1.0_pocket10_processed_frag.lmdb
DiffBP fragment data/pl_decomp/crossdocked_v1.1_rmsd1.0_pocket10_processed_frag.lmdb
TargetDiff fragment data/pl_decomp/crossdocked_v1.1_rmsd1.0_pocket10_processed_frag.lmdb
Pocket2Mol linker data/pl_decomp/crossdocked_v1.1_rmsd1.0_pocket10_processed_linker.lmdb
GraphBP linker data/pl_decomp/crossdocked_v1.1_rmsd1.0_pocket10_processed_linker.lmdb
DiffSBDD linker data/pl_decomp/crossdocked_v1.1_rmsd1.0_pocket10_processed_linker.lmdb
DiffBP linker data/pl_decomp/crossdocked_v1.1_rmsd1.0_pocket10_processed_linker.lmdb
TargetDiff linker data/pl_decomp/crossdocked_v1.1_rmsd1.0_pocket10_processed_linker.lmdb
Pocket2Mol scaffold data/pl_decomp/crossdocked_v1.1_rmsd1.0_pocket10_processed_scaffold.lmdb
GraphBP scaffold data/pl_decomp/crossdocked_v1.1_rmsd1.0_pocket10_processed_scaffold.lmdb
DiffSBDD scaffold data/pl_decomp/crossdocked_v1.1_rmsd1.0_pocket10_processed_scaffold.lmdb
DiffBP scaffold data/pl_decomp/crossdocked_v1.1_rmsd1.0_pocket10_processed_scaffold.lmdb
TargetDiff scaffold data/pl_decomp/crossdocked_v1.1_rmsd1.0_pocket10_processed_scaffold.lmdb
Pocket2Mol side chain data/pl_decomp/crossdocked_v1.1_rmsd1.0_pocket10_processed_sidechain.lmdb
GraphBP side chain data/pl_decomp/crossdocked_v1.1_rmsd1.0_pocket10_processed_sidechain.lmdb
DiffSBDD side chain data/pl_decomp/crossdocked_v1.1_rmsd1.0_pocket10_processed_sidechain.lmdb
DiffBP side chain data/pl_decomp/crossdocked_v1.1_rmsd1.0_pocket10_processed_sidechain.lmdb
TargetDiff side chain data/pl_decomp/crossdocked_v1.1_rmsd1.0_pocket10_processed_sidechain.lmdb

(ii) Copy the datasets to ./data dir, in which the complete data file directory will look like

- CGBBench
    - data
        - pl
            - crossdocked_v1.1_rmsd1.0_pocket10_processed_fullatom.lmdb
            - crossdocked_v1.1_rmsd1.0_pocket10_processed_linker.lmdb
        - pl_arfg
            - crossdocked_v1.1_rmsd1.0_pocket10_processed_arfuncgroup.lmdb
        - pl_decomp
            - crossdocked_v1.1_rmsd1.0_pocket10_processed_frag.lmdb
            - crossdocked_v1.1_rmsd1.0_pocket10_processed_linker.lmdb
            - crossdocked_v1.1_rmsd1.0_pocket10_processed_scaffold.lmdb
            - crossdocked_v1.1_rmsd1.0_pocket10_processed_sidechain.lmdb
        - pl_fg
            - crossdocked_v1.1_rmsd1.0_pocket10_processed_funcgroup.lmdb

2. Download raw data and prepare from scratch

(i) Download crossdocked_v1.1_rmsd1.0.tar.gz from TargetDiff Drive, and copy it to ./raw_data/ with

mkdir raw_data
tar -xzvf crossdocked_v1.1_rmsd1.0.tar.gz ./raw_data

(ii) Run the following:

python ./scripts/ --source raw_data/crossdocked_v1.1_rmsd1.0 --dest raw_data/crossdocked_v1.1_rmsd1.0_pocket10

(iii) In training, the Dataset will be prepared for each task. Please refer to Training.

ADRB1 and DRD3 Targets

Download processed targets.

Also, you can download the processes targets file case_study from Google Drive, and copy it to the ./data directory, which will lead the dir to

- CGBBench
    - data
        - case_study
            - processed
                - case_study_processed_fullatom.lmdb
                - case_study_processed_funcgroup.lmdb


1. If you want to train from scratch, you can run the following

python --config ./configs/{task}/train/{method}.yml --logdir ./logs/{task}/{method}

{task} can be replaced with denovo, linker, frag, scaffold and sidechain, and {method} can be replaced with the model name. The following table gives the detailed method-task pairs and the replacement.

Table: method-task pairs used to train from scratch.

Method Task {method} + {task}
Pocket2Mol de novo pocket2mol + denovo
GraphBP de novo graphbp + denovo
DiffSBDD de novo diffsbdd + denovo
DiffBP de novo diffbp + denovo
TargetDiff de novo targetdiff + denovo
FLAG de novo flag + denovo
D3FG de novo d3fg_fg + denovo ; d3fg_linker + denovo
Pocket2Mol linker design pocket2mol + linker
GraphBP linker design graphbp + linker
DiffSBDD linker design diffsbdd + linker
DiffBP linker design diffbp + linker
TargetDiff linker design targetdiff + linker
Pocket2Mol fragment growing pocket2mol + frag
GraphBP fragment growing graphbp + frag
DiffSBDD fragment growing diffsbdd + frag
DiffBP fragment growing diffbp + frag
TargetDiff fragment growing targetdiff + frag
Pocket2Mol scaffold hopping pocket2mol + scaffold
GraphBP scaffold hopping graphbp + scaffold
DiffSBDD scaffold hopping diffsbdd + scaffold
DiffBP scaffold hopping diffbp + scaffold
TargetDiff scaffold hopping targetdiff + scaffold
Pocket2Mol side chain decoration pocket2mol + sidechain
GraphBP side chain decoration graphbp + sidechain
DiffSBDD side chain decoration diffsbdd + sidechain
DiffBP side chain decoration diffbp + sidechain
TargetDiff side chain decoration targetdiff + sidechain

Note that D3FG and FLAG are not compatible with the extended tasks, and D3FG utilizes 2-stage-training strategies, so if you want to train D3FG yourself, you need to run:

python --config ./configs/denovo/train/d3fg_fg.yml --logdir ./logs/denovo/d3fg_fg
python --config ./configs/denovo/train/d3fg_linker.yml --logdir ./logs/denovo/d3fg_linker

2. Also, you can use our pretrained ones from Google Drive, the corresponding pretrained data file names to different tasks and models are provided in the form below:


Download the pretrained .pt checkpoints that you need, and copy them into ./logs/, which will lead to the following directory structure:

- CBGBench
    - logs
        - denovo
            - d3fg_fg
                - pretrain
                    - checkpoints
            - d3fg_linker
                - pretrain
                    - checkpoints
            - diffbp
                - pretrain
                    - checkpoints
        - frag
            - diffbp
                - pretrain
                    - checkpoints

Generation on test sets

Once the model is trained, you can draw samples from them on the test pockets, with the following:

bash --method {method} --task {task} --tag {tag} --checkpoint {ckpt_number}

In the command, {method} and {task} pair can be found in the former Table on method-task pairs. {tag} should be replaced with selftrain or pretrain, according to the checkpoints you use. If the --checkpoint parameter is provided without a number, it will automatically find the latest .pt file. If a number is provided, it will use the specified checkpoint file.

For example, if you want to generate samples on the test set for de novo design with the downloaded pretrained targetdiff model, you can run:

bash --method targetdiff --task denovo --tag pretrain --checkpoint pretrained

If you want to generate samples on the test set for de novo design with self-trained targetdiff model, you can run:

bash --method targetdiff --task denovo --tag selftrain --checkpoint

Or if you want to test the checkpoint of the 100000-th.

bash --method targetdiff --task denovo --tag selftrain --checkpoint 100000

Note that D3FG uses a two-step generation strategy, so the command should be

bash --method d3fg_fg --task denovo --tag {tag} --checkpoint  # generate the functional groups
bash --method d3fg_linker --task denovo --tag {tag} --checkpoint # generate the linkers

We give the selected generated molecules by state-of-the-art methods in our benchmark for the de novo task, which can be downloaded from the Google Drive. You can directly download them for evaluation. Besides, in each directory, there are metrics files ending with .pt as the raw evaluation results.


Run the following:

cd evaluate_scripts
bash --method {method} --task {task} --tag {tag}

For example, if you have trained TargetDiff by yourself, run

bash --method targetdiff --task denovo --tag selftrain
bash --method targetdiff --task frag --tag selftrain
bash --method targetdiff --task linker --tag selftrain
bash --method targetdiff --task scaffold --tag selftrain
bash --method targetdiff --task sidechain --tag selftrain

Or if you have downloaded pretrained models, please run

cd evaluate_scripts
bash bash --method {method} --task {task} --tag pretrained


  1. Use the pretrained models to generate molecules on real-world targets flexibly.

  2. Include more models, such as 3DSBDD, DecompDiff, VoxMol, and LiGAN.

  3. Release the pretrained models, test the feasibility and reproducivity once the paper is published.


The codebase is initialized by Haitao Lin and Odin Zhang, with the CBGbench v1 as our motivation; The subsequent running of the code repository will be managed by Haitao Lin, Guojiang Zhao and his team of DP Technology.

If you find the repository is helpful to your research or projects, please cite to our benchmark paper as reference:

title={{CBGB}ench: Fill in the Blank of Protein-Molecule Complex Binding Graph},
author={Haitao Lin and Guojiang Zhao and Odin Zhang and Yufei Huang and Lirong Wu and Cheng Tan and Zicheng Liu and Zhifeng Gao and Stan Z. Li},
booktitle={The Thirteenth International Conference on Learning Representations},

And our former works of DiffBP and D3FG:

author ="Lin, Haitao and Huang, Yufei and Zhang, Odin and Ma, Siqi and Liu, Meng and Li, Xuanjing and Wu, Lirong and Wang, Jishui and Hou, Tingjun and Li, Stan Z.",
title  ="DiffBP: generative diffusion of 3D molecules for target protein binding",
journal  ="Chem. Sci.",
year  ="2025",
volume  ="16",
issue  ="3",
pages  ="1417-1431",
publisher  ="The Royal Society of Chemistry",
doi  ="10.1039/D4SC05894A",
url  ="",

title={Functional-Group-Based Diffusion for Pocket-Specific Molecule Generation and Elaboration},
author={Haitao Lin and Yufei Huang and Odin Zhang and Yunfan Liu and Lirong Wu and Siyuan Li and Zhiyuan Chen and Stan Z. Li},
booktitle={Thirty-seventh Conference on Neural Information Processing Systems},


This project is licensed under the terms of the GPL-3.0 license.


Official code repository of < CBGBench: Fill in the Blank of Protein-Molecule Complex Binding Graph >








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