A CV/Portfolio/Blog built in TypeScript using React, React PDF and P5JS. with a Rest / GraphQL backend written in Rust using Contentful for portfolio and blog content.
- Dependencies
- Build Service Locally
- Build Portfolio Locally
- Build Portfolio Image
- Build Service Image
- Prod Environment
- Add Contentful API IPs to /etc/hosts
- Deploy
- Redeploy
- Teardown
- // Todo
- // Done
- Urls
- Third Parties
- Resources
- Node
- Rust [
] - Docker
# Service
cd service
# Once only
rustup default nightly
# Build Service
cargo build [--release]
# Run Service locally
ACCESS_TOKEN=token SPACE_ID=id ENVIRONMENT=env cargo run [--release]
# Test Service
cargo test [--release]
# Run in WSL or linux
# Portfolio
cd portfolio
# Install Dependencies
npm install
# Build portfolio
npm run build
# Run Locally
npm run start # Requires service to be up!
# With script
./scripts/build-portfolio.sh $DOCKER_HUB_USER_REGISTRY cujo-portfolio
# OR
# Build with Docker: Dev
docker build -f portfolio/Dockerfile -t $DOCKER_HUB_USER_REGISTRY/cujo-portfolio:latest ./portfolio
# Build with Docker: Prod
docker build -f portfolio/Dockerfile -t $DOCKER_HUB_USER_REGISTRY/cujo-portfolio:latest --build-arg BUILD_MODE=":prod" ./portfolio
# Push image
docker push $DOCKER_HUB_USER_REGISTRY/cujo-portfolio:latest
# With script
./scripts/build-service.sh $DOCKER_HUB_USER_REGISTRY cujo-rust
# OR
# Build with Docker
docker build -f service/Dockerfile -t $DOCKER_HUB_USER_REGISTRY/cujo-rust:latest ./service
# Push image
docker push $DOCKER_HUB_USER_REGISTRY/cujo-rust:latest
- Convert all pngs and jpgs to Avifs
- Switch all gifs to WebMs
- Add Rust code coverage
- Write front end tests
- Display a reading list
- Remove Auth0 and redirecting with a Message broker queue subscription (Pubnub)
- Remove Prenderer caching
- Implement server side rendering and incremental static regeneration with NextJS
- Swap NGINX and client side rendering for NextJS
- Find out why all images are loading twice
- Fixed huge react bundle sizes - it was
the whole time - Swap React class components for React functional components
- Use GraphQL client to frontend
- Add a GraphQL API to backend
- Trigger recache on contentful update
- Get SEO and social media previews to work
- Implement async system design
- Cujo service now maintains a cache of contentful content
- Requests from the website now read the cache only
- Contentful webhooks now call the cujo service on content publish / unpublish
- We authenticate the webhook POST request agaisnt Auth0
- Redirect and validate the token so only authenticated clients can trigger a can regenerate the cache
- Generate CV PDF from contentful content
- Add new section to showcase and allow users to download an up to date copy of my CV PDF
- Write blog
- Add competency levels to skills and visualise
- Move CV fully to Contentful and have backend collect CV data
- Update color scheme to be less dark
- Replace WordPress with Contentful to reduce need to host own content and infrastructure
- Responsive and styled Nav
- Restyle experience and education so they resemble a timeline
- Add auto redeployment of new images pushed for prod
- Create Circle CI build pipeline
- Optimize images (sizes, file encodings - https://developers.google.com/speed/pagespeed/insights/)
- Add authentication to wordpress rest api
- Write backend tests
- Get backend service working in prod
- Document backend build and deployment
- Put Blog data access and collation in backend service
- Swap backstretch with a 2d/3d WEBGL canvas visualisation?
- Swap out static file with Rust backend service?
- Formalise colour palette
- Setup SSL correctly.. (ssl-companion is running, it will assign certificates when the window opens again)
- Fix predator/prey image asset
- Finish contact page
- Add site footer
- Proof read profile
- Add asset citations (now using my own images or free stock images only)
- Produce production build for deployment
- Move sharing bar to bottom on mobile devices
- 3D Box wave
- Waves
- Hexagons
- Phylotaxis
- 4D tesseract projection?
- Conway's game of life
- https://danclarke.dev - Portfolio
- https://danclarke.dev/blog - Blog
- https://danclarke.dev/cv - Generate, Show and Download Resume
- https://api.danclarke.dev/graphql - GraphQL API
- https://api.danclarke.dev/graphiql - GraphQL Playground
- https://www.contentful.com/ - Contentful
- https://www.pubnub.com/ - Pubnub
- Coding Train -
https://thecodingtrain.com/ - Lets Get Rusty -
https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCSp-OaMpsO8K0KkOqyBl7_w - Rust Rest API -
https://cloudmaker.dev/how-to-create-a-rest-api-in-rust/ - Fix Reqwest in Linux -
https://stackoverflow.com/questions/52238397/why-does-reqwest-require-an-openssl-installation#52238675 - Hosting websites using Nginx -
https://blog.harveydelaney.com/hosting-websites-using-docker-nginx/ - Add Sudoers -
https://linuxize.com/post/how-to-add-user-to-sudoers-in-ubuntu/ - Auto image redeploy with Watchtower -
https://alexgallacher.com/setting-up-watchtower-to-update-docker-containers/ - CircleCI Path filtering -
https://circleci.com/docs/2.0/using-dynamic-configuration#execute-specific-workflows-or-steps-based-on-which-files-are-modified - React scroll spy -
https://makotot.github.io/react-scrollspy/ - React icons -
https://react-icons.github.io/react-icons/icons?name=io5 - DevIcons -
https://devicon.dev/ - Contentful -
https://www.contentful.com/ - Rich Text Renderer -
https://www.npmjs.com/package/@contentful/rich-text-react-renderer - Import SCSS variables in Typescript -
https://medium.com/@christian.tonye_16869/scss-variables-in-react-typescript-components-de19d7f96245 - Circular Progress Bar -
https://github.com/kevinsqi/react-circular-progressbar - Generating PDF with React -
React PDF
https://react-pdf.org/- Rendering a PDF in Canvas -
React PDF
https://mozilla.github.io/pdf.js/examples/ - How to actually render to a Canvas -
https://stackoverflow.com/questions/59867174/why-getcontext-function-cannot-be-called-on-react-jsx-canvas-object - Fixing build with PDFJS -
mozilla/pdf.js#13200 - Material Icons png - https://github.com/material-icons/material-icons-png
- Rendering a PDF in Canvas -
- Auth0 Client Credentials Flow -
https://auth0.com/docs/get-started/authentication-and-authorization-flow/call-your-api-using-the-client-credentials-flow - Securing Actix Service with Auth0 -
https://auth0.com/blog/build-an-api-in-rust-with-jwt-authentication-using-actix-web/#Securing-the-API - Generate Prerendered pages with Prerender - https://github.com/prerender/prerender-nginx
- Triggering a reache with Prerender - https://docs.prerender.io/v1/docs/en/6-api
- Ubuntu does not cache DNS records - https://www.cloudns.net/blog/dns-cache-explained/
- Async GraphQL Crate -
https://github.com/async-graphql/async-graphql- Async GraphQL tutorial -
https://romankudryashov.com/blog/2020/12/graphql-rust/ - Async GraphQL book -
- Async GraphQL tutorial -
- GraphQL Client load GQL files -
apollographql/graphql-tag#42- Craco Plugin -
- Craco Plugin -
- GraphQL Request -
https://github.com/prisma-labs/graphql-request - GZipping bundles to load page faster -
https://stackoverflow.com/questions/55704772/how-to-compress-build-with-without-ejecting-create-react-app-also-include-compr - React Icons Tree shaking doesn't work -
react-icons/react-icons#289- Styled Icons to the rescue https://github.com/styled-icons/styled-icons
- Carousel https://www.npmjs.com/package/tiny-slider-react
- Compiling canvas from source for M1 mac - https://github.com/Automattic/node-canvas#compiling
- for alpine - Automattic/node-canvas#866
- Nextjs docker file - https://github.com/vercel/next.js/tree/canary/examples/with-docker
- Fix react-pdf issue in nextjs prod build - https://stackoverflow.com/questions/72081585/created-pdf-doesnt-display-in-production-build-and-dev-build-page-but-locally
- Pubnub rust crate - https://docs.rs/pubnub-hyper/latest/pubnub_hyper/