Django webapp that lets you:
- turn an image of a map into an interactive map
- let you and your friends add markers to the map
I use this to share maps from my D&D game with my party and let them add locations they visited. This webapp could be useful for any TTRPG, or any map really.
- Create a group of users with one admin.
- Add a map by uploading an image.
- Users in your group can add and edit markers.
- Markers can have different colors and icons.
- Group markers in layers.
- Measure distances.
- Export as static maps
- Get the code from this repo
- Install Python dependencies from
- Install GDAL. This is a bit more involved than your average Python library. I found this guide useful:
- Install Python bindings for GDAL. I used
pip install pygdal=="`gdal-config --version`.*"
Do you want to use free hosting? Don't mind that only you can add markers? Then run Django locally, edit your maps, and press the 'export as static maps' button on the map list view. Your maps will be exported to a local folder, which you can upload to Github Pages.
This is the best way to deploy this project, since it will allow your friends to also add and edit markers.
I'm using a server with Nginx and uWSGI.
For Nginx you may have to increase the allowed upload file size, since some of these maps can be quite large:
client_max_body_size 20M;
I use Systemd to manage my services. Example systemd service file to start uwsgi:
Environment="DJANGO_SECRET_KEY=<secret key>"
ExecStart=/home/<username>/venvs/dndmap/bin/uwsgi --ini dndmap.ini
For convenience I made a script to run on the remote server whenever an update is needed:
cd ~/dndmap/
export "DJANGO_SECRET_KEY=<secret key>"
~/venvs/dndmap/bin/python collectstatic --ignore tiles/ --noinput
~/venvs/dndmap/bin/python migrate
sudo systemctl restart dndmap
Here we list some of the things we used when creating this project.
We use this library to convert an image into a Leaflet tileset:
And used some code from here for Leaflet settings:
This project uses, which itself is a fork of
For markers we use