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Releases: ConciseCSS/concise.css


29 Dec 21:55
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  • Update version numbers in the CSS files.
  • [fix: jameskolce/atgrid.css#25] Add overflow:auto to container (db01940)


18 Dec 06:08
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18 Nov 23:07
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  • [fix: #241] Split globals file []


No CSS changes


15 Nov 23:46
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After seven months of work, Concise v4 is now available to everybody. Quite a lot of things have happened since then. Here is a small overview:

  • The current development of Concise CSS is being handled by me (@jameskolce).
  • The framework has been almost completely rewritten, but the basic principles of being Concise are kept.
  • Now add-ons are completely independent of each other. Previously, they were included with the core, now they need to be installed separately with NPM or using the CDN.
  • A new add-on called Concise Utils has been added, with a lot of helper classes to improve the development workflow or to add context-dependant styles.
  • Concise UI is now written using the RSCSS guidelines.
  • The compilation of the source code is now done using the Concise CLI.
  • The compiler still uses Sass, but also includes some PostCSS plugins that will help with the development of websites.
  • A new lh unit is added to manage vertical rhythm. Using PostCSS-LH
  • Custom media queries are available, so you can write things like @media (--small).
  • Styles are automatically prefixed to work with older browsers, using Autoprefixer.
  • All the font sizes are now handled using the typeScale() function.

You can check the complete list of changes here: v3.4.0...master

And the new docs are already available at


01 May 00:58
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  • [] [ref: #135] Add pxToRem function
  • [] [ref: #134] Fix specificity of form modifiers


18 Jan 21:42
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  • [ebf60b9] A new mixin has been added called columnOffset that allows you to easy move columns in your design.
  • [e0fa570] We have added a new helper class .nonresponsive that when applied to the <body> tag, will keep elements and components from resizing on different window sizes. There is also a $non-responsive variable that can be turned on/off that will remove the unnecessary non-responsive CSS if you do not need it.
  • [c89aa3e] We have updated how margin is applied on <p> tags. Now, every <p> that is not the last child will have a bottom margin.
  • [eaeb244] Grid examples have been added to the test.html file.
  • [cab7e86] Examples have been added for how grid column offsets can be used.
  • [60c6948] The card with image has been fixed inside of test.html



  • [05f00da] There was an issue with windows with small heights and modal visibility which has been fixed.


15 Dec 18:58
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  • Added styling for <sub>, <sup>, <samp>, and <s> tags (4be43c2)
  • Added styles for table footers (d34ee94)
  • James Kolce fixed the grid utility for full-width columns (73e1f56)
  • [ref: #91] Fix style consistency for input type="submit" (83d68e6)
  • [ref: #88] Add proper RTL and LTR language support (8ff20ba)
  • A utility has been added so you can now close modal windows via the background, and not just use the "X". (3b84d0e)


06 Nov 20:29
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This is a pretty small update with just a few things fixed from v3.1.0.

Concise Package

  • All of our Node.js dependencies have been updated so they work with the latest version (9f8bce3)
  • We've made a few updates to our contributing guidelines (6f47ad7)
  • [ref: #87] We have added the composer.json file back per a request from a Concise user. (4094dc0)


  • Fixed a problem with the spacing variables, by moving the $base-unit variable (5352553)


08 Oct 19:07
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  • [ref: #76] We found that we were hard-coding font-colors and spacing in certain places of the framework, as opposed to using variables. We have removed these colors, and abstracted them to the _globals.scss file, as well as removed the spacing (which was happening on <p> elements inside of modals).
  • [ref: #81] We have removed the declared line-height for list items.


  • [ref: #75] We removed the dedicated add-ons directory for the v2.x.x version of Concise and have included the files inside of our main website repository.
  • [ref: #77] The custom scrollbars on the website, which were causing unexpected behavior, have been removed.
  • [ref: #78] We fixed an example that was broken on the website for fluid images.


17 Sep 17:54
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Wow, it's been quite awhile since we've had a release! After we released some minor versions of Concise v2 I was approached by James Kolce a web designer and developer about some thoughts for a possible v3 of the framework that included some big changes.

Originally written in Stylus by James, we took these ideas and ported them to SASS, and through months and months of testing, cleaning up code, and obsessing over every little detail, what you see before you is the result. We are very proud of what we've managed to create and hope you love using it as much as we do.

So, what's new in the framework? Let's take a look:


We have a completely updated website at We know it's not perfect and there are some things to clean up (responsive navigation, how it looks on huge screens, etc), but we think it's a great start. It simplifies our documentation and will hopefully aid you in using Concise to build great websites.

Are you still using v2? Don't fear, we have the documentation available right here for you:

Build Process

We've dropped Gulp as our build system and are instead relying strictly on NPM scripts. This allows us to have less tools when building the framework which in turn will reduce complexity and issues in the future. These scripts are located inside of the package.json with instructions on how to use those scripts here.


We've completely ditched it. There is no more JavaScript in Concise. We wanted to make a lightweight front-end framework that's easy to use and easy to customize, and the JavaScript components were getting in the way of that by adding unnecessary bloat.


For the core of the framework, we've broken out our files into three folders:

  • /globals - Global files such as functions, mixins and variables
  • /layout - Styling for layout components (typography, tables, forms, etc)
  • /utils - Utilities used with the framework (conditional styling, grid, helpers, etc)

We have also added a /custom folder with a basic SASS file and a variables file so can get started using Concise very easily. You can add your own styles, override all of our variables, and do whatever you want.

Concise UI

Last but certainly not least, we have replaced our old add-ons system with a new set of files called Concise UI. This includes styling for common components used throughout websites and web applications. There is styling for alerts, dropdowns, cards, buttons, modals, progress bars, and much more. We have also more tightly integrated Concise UI with our core framework so that you can easily add/remove components with each project that you work on, and customize them to your own needs.

However, if you're not interested in Concise with the UI components, we have included downloads without them. You can choose to download the Concise CSS with or without the UI components, or just download the SASS and build your own project!

That covers most of what's new in Concise v3. Again, big thanks to all of the help from James Kolce in building the framework and the website, and to all of the support that we get on Facebook, Twitter, the blog posts written about the framework, and every single person who has posted an issue on GitHub for the framework. You all helped make this a great framework with your feedback and we really appreciate it.

The Concise team