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Computer Science Society ( CSS AMU )

The Official Club of Department of Computer Science, Faculty of Science, Aligarh Muslim University

Popular repositories Loading

  1. css-amu-frontend css-amu-frontend Public

    The official website of the Computer Science Society, developed by Hasan Faraz Khan and Noor Fatima.

    JavaScript 4 3

  2. amu-calendar-app amu-calendar-app Public

    This application was developed at the behest of the Department of Computer Science at AMU to function as the primary Calendar App for the institution. Made on React Native by Noor Fatima and Nikhil…

    JavaScript 1

  3. Learning-Git Learning-Git Public

    Use this repository to learn Git.

    Python 1 22

  4. ML-Notebooks ML-Notebooks Public

    Repository for pushing codes and notebooks related to Machine Learning.

    Jupyter Notebook 1 8

  5. ML-Projects-2021 ML-Projects-2021 Public


  6. image-resources image-resources Public



Showing 10 of 17 repositories

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