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Folders and files

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20 Commits

Repository files navigation

Git Hidden Folder

The hidden folder ends in .git for example project.git. This mean that the project is an git repo.

Initialize an empty Git repository to a new project

  • First, create a new folder
  • Lasty, initalize the new repo
mkdri new-projects
cd new-projects
git init
git status
git add
# Makes changes to
git commit -m "add file"


There are other ways to clone

  • SSH
  • GitHub CLI


git clone
cd GitHub-Cert-Learning

Generate a Personal Access Token (PAT)

Use the PAT as the password when you login

  • Give access to contents for Commits


Create the SSH Keys IF they do not exist, type enter three times.

cd ~/.ssh
ssh-keygen -b 4096 -t rsa

Save the public key to GitHub, login into GitHub and go to settings and open the tab SSH and GFG Keys. Paste the public key and give it a good name then click New SSH Key.

cat ~/.ssh/

Try this command now!!!

git clone [email protected]:amprod2000/GitHub-Cert-Learning.git
cd GitHub-Cert-Learning

GitHub CLI

The GitHub CLI is a command Line Interface to interact with your GitHub Account. You can quickly perform common GitHub actions without leaving your developer environment.

Syntax Description
brew install gh The GitHub CLI can be installed on Windows, Linux, and macOS.
"features": {
     "": {}
The GitHub CLI can be installed for GitHub Codespaces via Features.
gh auth login Login
gh repo clone amprod2000/GitHub-Cert-Learning Clone
gh repo create github-examples --public Create a repo
gh issue create --title "Issue title" --body "Issue body" Create an issue
gh pr review --comment -b "Interesting" Reviewing a PR

Core Commands

Commands Description
gh auth ...
gh browse ...
gh codespace ...
gh gist ...
gh issue ...
gh org ...
gh pr ...
gh project ...
gh release ...
gh repo ...

Additional Commands

Commands Description
gh alias ...
gh api ...
gh completion ...
gh config ...
gh extension ...
gh gpg-key ...
gh lable ...
gh ruleset ...
gh search ...
gh secret ...
gh ssh-key ...
gh status ...
gh variable ...

GitHub Actions Commands

Commands Description
gh cache ...
gh run ...
gh workflow ...


A Git commit represent incremental changes to a codebase represented with a git tree (graph) at a specific time.

A git commit contains

  • Additions, modifications, and deletions of files.
  • Additions and deletions of file contents.
  • Hash: A unique SHA-1 hash identifier for each commit that acts as an ID, for example 2840504c6e5315a2209797c55f6f042f5434d87f.
  • Auther information: The name and email of the person who made the commit.
  • Message: A Description of what changes the commit contains. Write good commit messages!
  • Timestamp: The date and time when the commit was made.
  • Parent Commit Hash(es):
  • Snapshot of Content: A snapshot of the project at the time of the commit not the files, but reference to them.
Git does not store the whole files in each commit but stores the state of changes. This reduces the file size. To the developer the files will appear in full.

Common Git Commands you should know!

Syntax Description
git add FILE_NAME Files to be staged
git add . Adds all files from current directory & subdirectory.
git rm FILE_NAME Remove a specific file
git commit To commit changes and opens the default editor to add a message.
git commit -m "WRITE A GOOD COMMIT MESSAGE!!!" To commits staged changes with a message without opening an editor
git commit -a -m "WRITE A GOOD COMMIT MESSAGE!!!" Automatically stages all tracked, modified files before the commit
git commit --amend Modifies the most recent commit
git commit -m "Initial commit" --allow-empty Creates an empty commit, useful as a placeholder
git commit -m "WRITE A GOOD COMMIT MESSAGE!!!" --author="Author Name <[email protected]>" Commits with a specified author
git checkout/switch 2840504c6e5315a2209797c55f6f042f5434d87f Checkout to a specific commit based on SHA hash
git config --global core.editor EDITOR_NAME Set the global editor


Branches are copies of a point in time that have been modified to be different.

All repositories start with the main branch.

Create branches for

  • Specific environments: Staging, Development, Production
  • Specific to developers: andrew, bayko, cindy
  • Per feature: payment-gateway-feature
  • Per bug: hotfix-blank-homepage
Syntax Description
git branch List all local branches
git branch NAME Creates a new branch
git checkout/switch BRANCH_NAME Checkout (Switch to) a branch
git checkout/switch -b BRANCH_NAME Creates and checkout (Switch to ) a branch
git branch -d BRANCH_NAME Delete a branch
git branch -m OLD_BRANCH_NAME NEW_BRANCH_NAME Rename a branch
git branch -a Lists both remote and local branches

A common workflow for developers is to create a branch or a feature, and they need to push their branch upstream to the remote name origin.

# Creates and checkout (Switch to ) a branch.
git checkout -b BRANCH_NAME

# Developer makes changes to files.

# Adds all files from current directory & subdirectory.
git add .

# To commits staged changes with a message without opening an editor.
git commit -m "WRITE A GOOD COMMIT MESSAGE!!!"

# ...
git push -u origin BRANCH_NAME


  • A git remote represents the reference to remote location where a copy of the repository is hosted.
  • You can have multiple remote entries for your git repo.
  • The most common is called origin as a remote name, it indicates the central or golden repo everyone is working from and represents the source of truth.

The remote entries are stored in .git/config

[core] repositoryformatversion = 0
        filemode = true
        bare = false
        logallrefupdates = true
[remote "origin"]
        url = [email protected]:amprod2000/GitHub-Cert-Learning.git
        fetch = +refs/heads/*:refs/remotes/origin/*
[branch "main"]
        remote = origin
        merge = refs/heads/main
        vscode-merge-base = origin/main
[remote "upstream"]
        url = [email protected]:CODE33301/GitHub-Cert-Learning.git
        fetch = +refs/heads/*:refs/remotes/upstream/*
        gh-resolved = base
[branch "dev"]
        vscode-merge-base = origin/main
        remote = origin
        merge = refs/heads/dev

Common Git Remote Commands you should know!

Syntax Description
git remote -v Lists all remote repositories along with their URLs.
git remote add NAME URL ...
git remote remove NAME ...
git remote rename OLD_NAME NEW_NAME ...
git push REMOTE_NAME BRANCH_NAME Pushes a branch and it's commits to the specific remote
git pull REMOTE_NAME BRANCH_NAME Pulls updates from a remote branch
git fetch REMOTE_NAME Fetch updates without pulling

Upstream & Downstream

Key Term Description
Downstream A repository that pulls or clones from another repository. Pulling is downstream
Upstream The repository to which we push changes. Push is upstream.


git stash list
git stash
git stash save STASH_NAME
git stash apply
git stach pop


If you want to merge the dev branch to the main branch, you need to be in dev first for example, ...

git switch/checkout dev
git merge main


To stage changes that will be included in the commit, the . adds all possible files.

git add
git add .

Git Reset

Reset moves files from stage to unstage, preventing from files being commited.

git add .
git reset


Shows files that will not will not be commited

git status

Gitconfig File

What stores the global configurtion for git.

git config --list --show-origin


git config --global "First Last"
git config --global [email protected]


Shows recent git commits to the tree

git log


To push a repo to our remote origin

git push


Github Flow is a light-weight workflow for multiple developers working on a single repository.

  • Create a branch: for each new task or feature. create a new branch off the main branch.
  • Add Commits: Make changes and commit them to your branch.
  • Open a Pull Request: Start a discussion about your commits, reviewing code in the pull request.
  • Discuss and Review: Share your pull request with teammates for feedback.
  • Deploy: Test your changes in a production environment.
  • Merge: Once your changes are verified, merge them into the main branch.


A repo for learning and earning the GitHub cert






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