This is a class project for an irrigation sensor developed using MikroC and Proteus. The project aims to measure soil moisture and temperature, and use the data to control the irrigation system.
The project consists of 3 main components: the sensor, controller & Motor. The sensor measures soil moisture and temperature, and sends the data to the controller. The controller processes the data and determines whether the irrigation system needs to be turned on or off.
- MikroC: Used to develop the firmware for the microcontrollers.
- Proteus: Used to simulate and test the circuit design.
To get started with this project, you will need to:
- Clone this repository to your local machine.
- Open the MikroC project file irrigation_sensor.mcp and build the firmware for both the sensor and the controller.
- Open the Proteus simulation file irrigation_sensor.pdsprj and simulate the circuit design.
- Once the simulation is complete, you can test the system by adjusting the soil moisture and temperature levels and observing the behavior of the irrigation system.