Welcome to the QBasic project, a minimal BASIC language interpreter. This project allows you to learn about expression trees and class inheritance, and gain a deeper understanding of how programming languages work. You can adapt existing programs to solve different but related tasks, experiencing the process of modifying existing systems.
Features Overview:
- Supports basic BASIC statements such as
. - Supports expression parsing and syntax tree display.
- Provides a debug mode that allows setting breakpoints and viewing variable values.
- Supports loading, editing, and running programs.
- Load and edit BASIC programs through the input box or LOAD button.
- Execute the program using the RUN button.
- In debug mode, manage breakpoints using ADD and DELETE commands.
- Supported commands in the command window:
- Built-in commands: QUIT to exit, HELP to display the help document
- ADD to add breakpoints, DELETE to remove breakpoints
- Commands corresponding to buttons, such as LOAD corresponding to the LOAD command, but it is not recommended to use
- Edit commands: Commands starting with a line number, such as
, will insert the command at line number 10. If there is already a command on that line, it will be replaced
- Function of the input window:
- During program execution, there may be situations where
waits for input. The input window will display a "waiting for input" icon. At this time, you can enter content in the input window and press Enter to continue the program
- Symbols and syntax tree:
- Displayed in postfix notation, for example,
1 + 2 * 3
will be parsed as1 2 3 * +
and form a tree structure with different lengths of whitespace prefixes - (This is actually ugly, but the lab requires it. You can swap the two in
to display in BNF format
// astOutput(stmts[status.next_line]->toString());
auto strs = stmts[status.next_line]->toTabbedString();
for(const auto& s: strs) {
- Save and load:
- Code edited through commands will not be automatically saved
- Use ctrl+s to save the current code, which will bring up the save file dialog
- The program cannot be run directly before loading, please save the code first
- Other windows: No special instructions
- Example programs: Please refer to the example programs in the