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chore(release): 1.0.0 [skip ci]
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# 1.0.0 (2023-03-16)

### Bug Fixes

* **[token]:** handle error with API ([e83be45](e83be45))
* add amount for MsgWithdrawDelegatorReward ([b459115](b459115))
* add astra-ui ([a7c2e29](a7c2e29))
* add default value formatEther with null/empty value ([165bf53](165bf53))
* add default value in setLatestBlock ([fe1562d](fe1562d))
* add field in key for TokenTransaction row ([3a01d16](3a01d16))
* add format number in GasFee, GasPrice ([4f75e7e](4f75e7e))
* add from/to in tx list + update MsgSend ([afe453f](afe453f))
* add line-numbers in code view ([3f15e84](3f15e84))
* add loader for tabs ([aa922c3](aa922c3))
* add more txn detail with multiple txn endpoint ([0dacded](0dacded))
* add MsgAcknowledgement ([f93c9ea](f93c9ea))
* add NFT inventory ([c35678f](c35678f))
* add structure + some common libs + ide config ([4771c51](4771c51))
* add support contract transaction ([c777229](c777229))
* add switch between address from evm to cosmos in address detail ([bcf9908](bcf9908))
* add value in tx MsgDelegate ([20e935f](20e935f))
* address internal tx with paging + scroll layout ([d00a1f4](d00a1f4))
* api get tx counter ([b6829fc](b6829fc))
* api search endpoint ([2c2879c](2c2879c))
* apply config txs hash split length + display link to from addres in token transfer row ([9535bf1](9535bf1))
* astra-ui package ([2546368](2546368))
* auto close SearchModal ([cd13473](cd13473))
* auto focus Search after click ([ab09ef8](ab09ef8))
* bug calculate TokenAmount ([4ccfa23](4ccfa23))
* bug copy text with ellipse ([3d3bfb8](3d3bfb8))
* bug crash ([69fa52d](69fa52d))
* bug import module ([a25f831](a25f831))
* bug logics ([0605b66](0605b66))
* bug not found contractMethodName ([1a95a9e](1a95a9e))
* bug not show validator name ([2252626](2252626))
* bug reports ([#20](#20)) ([df1d1a3](df1d1a3))
* bug wrong link tx in coinbalancehistory ([afdc15e](afdc15e))
* bugs + logo + title ([606fa3a](606fa3a))
* build ([edadf27](edadf27))
* calculate tx value in tx list ([6e63d16](6e63d16))
* catch api call ([3ffa80a](3ffa80a))
* change attr name ([d201f9e](d201f9e))
* change cosmos endpoint ([af49759](af49759))
* change moment to dayjs ([b1db06b](b1db06b))
* change step of chart ([ec89689](ec89689))
* change step of chart ([1403c02](1403c02))
* change text align ([21363ef](21363ef))
* change unit of Gas/Fee ([05d5fd0](05d5fd0))
* check null value get amount ([7862f98](7862f98))
* checkout amount = null ([47c1a31](47c1a31))
* contract overview detail + remove uppercase func name ([82ac9a5](82ac9a5))
* convert bignumber to string ([23becd6](23becd6))
* convert string to number ([e9b2737](e9b2737))
* convert toString for decode input ([0471081](0471081))
* cosmos ([bfbfa52](bfbfa52))
* crash layout ([2d0d71a](2d0d71a))
* cumulativeGasUsed to gasUsed ([697ef9b](697ef9b))
* default proposer name ([0e4b8ca](0e4b8ca))
* disable call fetch latest-block-number when no need ([1eb695d](1eb695d))
* disable Sentry for testnet ([1984a2f](1984a2f))
* disable Sentry for testnet ([1dbd818](1dbd818))
* disable switch theme button ([edf0f38](edf0f38))
* disable switch theme button ([5e182e8](5e182e8))
* display address balance_updated_at with NaN ([7cc4256](7cc4256))
* display amount transfer with NFT + add sentry captureException ([d651ed4](d651ed4))
* display bignumber value ([047c6ac](047c6ac))
* display contract name in tx detail To field ([744c1a7](744c1a7))
* display createdContractAddressName for contract in txdetail ([1fe0c65](1fe0c65))
* display evm Txhash for address transaction if exist ([093fca9](093fca9))
* display evmHash for evm tx in block detail ([006c288](006c288))
* display fn Mint/Burn + NFT ([2925ac4](2925ac4))
* display internal tx type when internal tx callType empty ([4b2f9e7](4b2f9e7))
* display label Testnet/Mainnet in Navbar ([4677bdf](4677bdf))
* display name for contract ([6050506](6050506))
* display nft image + style nft instance in mobile ([ea8bc52](ea8bc52))
* display NFT instance ([9739a6a](9739a6a))
* display token decimals ([b218190](b218190))
* display token info in address detail ([8ab4e84](8ab4e84))
* display token transfer currency symbol + logo ([ee57652](ee57652))
* display tx amount ([b2ded4e](b2ded4e))
* display tx logs ([d2ffeee](d2ffeee))
* display with 0 value ([9193350](9193350))
* dont have message ([e7284a4](e7284a4))
* duplicate key in token transaction ([9ba833e](9ba833e))
* duplicate router.push in page 1 ([511a654](511a654))
* edit api for log abi ([4e4cc57](4e4cc57))
* empty to in internaltx + tx detail ([5b5dd8a](5b5dd8a))
* error build ([9ebc846](9ebc846))
* error display formatNumber ([5bb7fdf](5bb7fdf))
* error LinkText not show link + open in new tab ([63adf33](63adf33))
* error navigation token after clicking on SearchResult ([5af31c5](5af31c5))
* error parse number in token transfer. Int to Float value ([1a8da17](1a8da17))
* error with link search cosmos hash ([ea4a346](ea4a346))
* evm get tx with cosmos hash ([a392267](a392267))
* evm icon ([2a467ef](2a467ef))
* exception when parse tx detail messages is undefined ([eca17eb](eca17eb))
* format lockup period number ([4a5dab2](4a5dab2))
* get address balance ([52af944](52af944))
* handle 404 component + querystring tx ([1c06654](1c06654))
* hardcode blockscout endpoint in verify contract ([d6fa9b8](d6fa9b8))
* hide loader when hash is null ([6832361](6832361))
* homepage responsive ([4155b23](4155b23))
* hotfix next config ([e2698c2](e2698c2))
* hotfix next config ([934d31c](934d31c))
* hotfix type ([776135e](776135e))
* img alt missing ([b88e5d7](b88e5d7))
* import components ([7260dee](7260dee))
* import global css ([b19ef07](b19ef07))
* incase next/prev page not update Router path in page 1 ([c6cc2c2](c6cc2c2))
* input decode ([aa6af67](aa6af67))
* install astra-ui from npm ([6f6f989](6f6f989))
* key, declare ([728addc](728addc))
* link wrong token address in transfer CardInfo ([bfa36a9](bfa36a9))
* long number js not parse ([eaa0fc7](eaa0fc7))
* margin homepage overview ([8e671c7](8e671c7))
* merge conflict ([9d95673](9d95673))
* merge feat/asa-163 ([d5abcd7](d5abcd7))
* missing config navigate link with contract in SearchResult ([c88e246](c88e246))
* missing currentDay ChartPrice ([9c50dc0](9c50dc0))
* missing from to evm ([5d5bfe9](5d5bfe9))
* missing import ([3dfdecb](3dfdecb))
* missing import TransacionTypeEnum ([23df7c9](23df7c9))
* missing sgSubmitProposal ([1a8ab29](1a8ab29))
* missing TextProposal ([cee851a](cee851a))
* missing type ([8e5d850](8e5d850))
* mobile tokens + holders ([5cb7839](5cb7839))
* moon image overflow in mobile ([5d1933c](5d1933c))
* msg create validator minSelfDelegation value ([31bca7a](31bca7a))
* nft not has image ([c296b7f](c296b7f))
* not return NaN when format gas ([7cdff9f](7cdff9f))
* not show minSelfDelegation and format tab value ([1e9842d](1e9842d))
* page title ([2476174](2476174))
* pageloader can not clear loading ([b091418](b091418))
* pageTitle tx detail + style address detail ([8ad2a2e](8ad2a2e))
* pagination && update api data ([e98831e](e98831e))
* pagination apply param in first time ([1e94b5a](1e94b5a))
* pagination in Tabs ([0c445af](0c445af))
* pagination lite next/prev ([6c6fe35](6c6fe35))
* pagination next/prev ([c61fee7](c61fee7))
* pagination push router ([73008ae](73008ae))
* pagination query + PageLoader ([a67adac](a67adac))
* pagination Tokens + Holders ([fadac87](fadac87))
* paging NftInventory ([8f393a5](8f393a5))
* parse from/to with tx detail ([6e49c72](6e49c72))
* prevent push null field to CardInfo ([a5b90f4](a5b90f4))
* rawTrace + get evm tx with cosmos hash ([d0e299c](d0e299c))
* remove add a point in chart tx ([cb5ade9](cb5ade9))
* remove center class name ([50f63ca](50f63ca))
* remove console.log ([1776a5d](1776a5d))
* remove env file ([4c4120c](4c4120c))
* remove error when build sourde ([c5d5ed7](c5d5ed7))
* remove file ([7477b72](7477b72))
* remove format UpperCase contract function name ([eee0389](eee0389))
* remove getServerSideProps in page 404 ([fe716d6](fe716d6))
* remove input section if decode fail ([#22](#22)) ([45c501d](45c501d))
* remove log ([ed3b38c](ed3b38c))
* remove log and miss import ([794675c](794675c))
* remove sentry catchException ([34234fb](34234fb))
* remove trash data ([b33ccd1](b33ccd1))
* remove unused Footer ([4092698](4092698))
* remove unused import ([98cc90b](98cc90b))
* remove unused variables ([00215ac](00215ac))
* remove year of api path ([547dc4d](547dc4d))
* remove year of api path ([0cb01a4](0cb01a4))
* replace a tag with Link component nextjs ([5025338](5025338))
* return zero when empty data ([d469739](d469739))
* return zero when empty data ([51cc37f](51cc37f))
* revert astra-ui ([18c96cf](18c96cf))
* revert remove ARG SENTRY_AUTH_TOKEN ([97ab657](97ab657))
* revert remove ([85501a6](85501a6))
* scroll, loader, charts ([401fec6](401fec6))
* search margin top-bottom ([0274a82](0274a82))
* search modal update hidden ([4445677](4445677))
* search UX + display search token result ([5dc5a89](5dc5a89))
* sentry integration ([aec14d4](aec14d4))
* seo title, description page ([3ced72d](3ced72d))
* show amount ([e8882c5](e8882c5))
* show blocknumber in tx detail ([7f749ae](7f749ae))
* some bugs ([34eb959](34eb959))
* some small bugs ([6bff92f](6bff92f))
* some ui ([418eabe](418eabe))
* somebugs null data + init fetch loading ([04bbb40](04bbb40))
* style token-transfer mobile ([dcbf120](dcbf120))
* sum all amount/value from messages in cosmos tx ([28a3aa3](28a3aa3))
* temporarely disable QrCode Btn ([b19032f](b19032f))
* token holder display percentage holder ([61cdc02](61cdc02))
* token holders mobile + ButtonCopy ([4dcf027](4dcf027))
* token page ([39798d6](39798d6))
* token pages responsive ([262f272](262f272))
* token title + astra holders ([8dff647](8dff647))
* tokens page in mobile ([e2fa5b0](e2fa5b0))
* tslint + build ([fd807d1](fd807d1))
* tx detail ([6c6e776](6c6e776))
* tx detail query type param ([7979ae4](7979ae4))
* ui fontsize ASA amoount in tx list ([1e9051a](1e9051a))
* update address detail if it's validator ([84188f8](84188f8))
* update address transactions ([3b584b4](3b584b4))
* update address/contract address ([af1cdbf](af1cdbf))
* update amount in CreateVestingClawBack tx ([062380e](062380e))
* update api ([f9cc16e](f9cc16e))
* update API evmVersion + solidityCompiler ([61bea0e](61bea0e))
* update api get ASA holders ([47f27cb](47f27cb))
* update asa-163 ([#4](#4)) ([aa97c08](aa97c08))
* update astra-ui ([a7a8f5a](a7a8f5a))
* update astra-ui ([1756339](1756339))
* update astra-ui for formatNumber fn ([bbd7a6b](bbd7a6b))
* update astra-ui npm version ([d6ffdae](d6ffdae))
* update astra-ui version ([284572b](284572b))
* update astra-ui version ([8d4e8c8](8d4e8c8))
* update astra-ui version ([a4682ab](a4682ab))
* update chart height for desktop ([15062ad](15062ad))
* update chart height for desktop ([#16](#16)) ([3fc869e](3fc869e))
* update chart overview interval call fetch data ([1fd7998](1fd7998))
* update codeblock view ([525d6cc](525d6cc))
* update color dotspace ([527d894](527d894))
* update config ([77412bc](77412bc))
* update config build + fix bug formatUnits ([c367863](c367863))
* update config secret ([0870cc0](0870cc0))
* update contract code ([75042fc](75042fc))
* update contract creation data in address tx ([2302626](2302626))
* update Contract overview + tx list UI ([c73dcc0](c73dcc0))
* update contract verfified status ([195578d](195578d))
* update display amount with NFT in tokens list ([714ea4c](714ea4c))
* update display contract search result ([ca05294](ca05294))
* update display NFT transfer ([87e2f0a](87e2f0a))
* update display overview tx ([d133324](d133324))
* update display token name when search with token address hash ([64399c7](64399c7))
* update display tx hash with betweenElilse text ([88ee9a0](88ee9a0))
* update display txdatail and msgcreatevalidator ([f640a5a](f640a5a))
* update display validator label name ([3d27cab](3d27cab))
* update Dockerfile ([88bcbff](88bcbff))
* update ellipses address length for Desktop ([a17f643](a17f643))
* update EVM API endpoint ([1462059](1462059))
* update evm msg with cosmos scan msg ([a6114f0](a6114f0))
* update evmType in tx overview ([d5c99fc](d5c99fc))
* update field with API change ([39d5a7c](39d5a7c))
* update From/To from cosmos msg ([527732b](527732b))
* update fromAddressName, toAddressName display in tx detail ([6689d8c](6689d8c))
* update key TokenTransaction ([0080a13](0080a13))
* update label address to ([495ea51](495ea51))
* update lib ([f9e46aa](f9e46aa))
* update missing import ([c6b03ce](c6b03ce))
* update mobile Homepage statistics ([af450df](af450df))
* update mobile style ([dfb8f1a](dfb8f1a))
* update MsgExec ([209ab6e](209ab6e))
* update MsgExec ([#29](#29)) ([fe0ed37](fe0ed37))
* update msgUndelegate ([1917e5b](1917e5b))
* update navbar ([ce98d84](ce98d84))
* update navbar + fee units + add proposer name ([2947669](2947669))
* update nextjs config ([dd23a66](dd23a66))
* update path navbar ([48af15b](48af15b))
* update SameBytecodeAddress in contract code ([7e85284](7e85284))
* update sentry config ([8052721](8052721))
* update Sentry env ([4120912](4120912))
* update some cosmos msg transaction ([5202b15](5202b15))
* update some texts ([049c1d3](049c1d3))
* update some texts ([e7034e8](e7034e8))
* update style row ([9ab245c](9ab245c))
* update text ([fd24b06](fd24b06))
* update text ([560ad08](560ad08))
* update text message ([c6a99c9](c6a99c9))
* update Token Detail + mobile ([8a301af](8a301af))
* update token page meta tag + parse BigNumber with decimals ([091ea61](091ea61))
* update TokenDetail page ([905f75d](905f75d))
* update tx api and address api ([6f70289](6f70289))
* update tx type icon ([ea19bbf](ea19bbf))
* update uppercase currency ([4e608dd](4e608dd))
* update validator name in search result ([83b077f](83b077f))
* update vault ([c22b807](c22b807))
* update verify code description ([f110054](f110054))
* update vest balance ([f7012d3](f7012d3))
* update vest balances ([682d83e](682d83e))
* update with case from/to null both and parse from .messages[0] ([6460d79](6460d79))
* update with feedback ([e518ecc](e518ecc))
* update with feedback ([c9be797](c9be797))
* update with new endpoint ([79d05e5](79d05e5))
* update with search type ([1a48ece](1a48ece))
* update yarn.lock ([e6dda19](e6dda19))
* upppercase asa name ([605fc12](605fc12))
* use chainindexing for get tx detail (all) ([48c5a4a](48c5a4a))
* useAppDispatch instead of useDispatch ([1ef1c6a](1ef1c6a))
* verify contract endpoint hardcode ([e39fa8d](e39fa8d))
* wrong field name in coinbalance history ([295c94b](295c94b))
* wrong logic compare contract verified ([23d013c](23d013c))
* wrong path import lib astra-ui ([de542a1](de542a1))
* wrong props LinkMaker tx ([004ad9a](004ad9a))
* wrong total_record in pagination /blocks, /txs ([e6706dc](e6706dc))

### Features

* add animation for block and transaction ([b7ff487](b7ff487))
* add cosmos msg ([b1966f4](b1966f4))
* add demo page ([0ee2670](0ee2670))
* add fee burned chart ([7090c1e](7090c1e))
* add fee burned chart ([88b813d](88b813d))
* add GA + fix some bugs ([631887d](631887d))
* add i18 ([6e7f1c2](6e7f1c2))
* add IN/OUT tag ([2500870](2500870))
* add msg grant ([cc44371](cc44371))
* add msg grant ([e6ecf44](e6ecf44))
* add MsgClawback ([50ae043](50ae043))
* add MsgDeposit ([05c393f](05c393f))
* add MsgEditValidator ([a1b01d4](a1b01d4))
* add msgGrant ([9c1a714](9c1a714))
* add new msg ([28104db](28104db))
* add page tokens + holders ([6c3ad42](6c3ad42))
* add Search in all pages ([fffcc60](fffcc60))
* add some global components ([#2](#2)) ([ed45e20](ed45e20))
* add tiki validation code for exchange ([a69ce5a](a69ce5a))
* add tiki verification code ([64ee610](64ee610))
* add token detail - part1 ([8f44faa](8f44faa))
* add token-transfer for address detail ([b56d0cf](b56d0cf))
* add token-transfer for address detail ([#13](#13)) ([dd7b1a1](dd7b1a1))
* cache enter ([b7c2cac](b7c2cac))
* change api ([0d1b9bc](0d1b9bc))
* decode inputdata ([d557289](d557289))
* init block page ([a4ea472](a4ea472))
* init navbar ([94ea627](94ea627))
* init page token ([338bf59](338bf59))
* init sentry installation ([5b3ff58](5b3ff58))
* init ticket ([998fd67](998fd67))
* install next-seo + init default content ([#23](#23)) ([c81aaff](c81aaff))
* move NFT properties to tab ([86d34b3](86d34b3))
* move NFT properties to tab ([#27](#27)) ([df41a6a](df41a6a))
* nft token transaction pagination ([#25](#25)) ([dfe0728](dfe0728))
* nft token transactions pagination ([#24](#24)) ([3f16f89](3f16f89))
* public chart ([85d470e](85d470e))
* token transfer transaction details ([f2f1604](f2f1604))
* update address detail tabs: token-transfers, tokens, coin-balance, internal-transactions ([083d46a](083d46a))
* update some endpoints ([d574289](d574289))
* update stats api ([4b8e7e4](4b8e7e4))
* verify contract ([#21](#21)) ([ff1d1a2](ff1d1a2))

### Performance Improvements

* reduce call some APIs ([b20c7c7](b20c7c7))
* remove duplicate setInterval timer ([ced3b12](ced3b12))
  • Loading branch information
semantic-release-bot committed Mar 16, 2023
1 parent e108760 commit a49a539
Showing 1 changed file with 340 additions and 0 deletions.

0 comments on commit a49a539

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