Hungry Academy Project for
The TeacherCenter is a hub for teachers to get their funded. Input a url from a DonorsChoose project and send emails, Tweets and Facebook posts to promote your project. Print customized letters and flyers.TeacherCenter tracks your click-through rates on each medium and provides analytics for your project donations.
Use the following account for a test project: email: [email protected] password: hungry
- Postgres running locally
- install:
brew install postgresql
- start server:
pg_ctl -D /usr/local/var/postgres -l /usr/local/var/postgres/server.log start
- install:
- Set environment variables
- open
export bitly_username=YOURUSERNAME
, any bitly account will workexport bitly_api_key=YOURAPIKEY
, find it here: new_relic_key=YOURKEY
, create a new relic account, then go to, click on your account, download the yaml file. Your key is the license key in the yaml file. (this step is not necessary to get things working, you will simply see an error in the console without it)
- source your bash profile in all relevant terminal windows
source ~/.bash_profile
- open
- rake db:setup
- rake db:test:prepare
- rake db:seed
rails server
bundle exec rspec