ipLocator - a fast basic Geo-Ip Server made with Go
(v. 01/07/2015 Meets maxmind.com 2015 database format. See comments in code for options.)
(1) pure go key/value store boltdb (https://github.com/boltdb/bolt)
go get github.com/boltdb/bolt
(2) bloomfilter
go get github.com/AndreasBriese/bbloom
Configure ipLocator with command line options (default values shown)
-download_DB=false: Reload database from maxmind.com and Restore database from GeoLite-Data
-ip="": enter a csv-list of IP
-json=false: return JSON
-new_DB=false: Restore database from maxmind.com GeoLite-Data
-server=false: run server at localhost:9000
go run ipLocator.go -download_DB=true -server=true
- downloads the maxmind.com GeoLite2 - CSV .zip database folder
- unzips it
- loads csv-data into programs database ./iplocs.bdb (~ 500 MB)
- starts server at localhost:9000 (--> const ServerAddr within ipLocator.go)
As of 2014-08-17 a demo server is running at https://oo.bootes.uberspace.de
As of 2014-08-17 a demo server is running at http://bric.lepus.uberspace.de:61165