WebAssembly or WASM is a low level instruction set which allows running compiled language inside a WebBrowser. For example C and Rust code can be compiled to WASM and then loaded and executed by the Browser runtime.
Technically one could also run interpreted language like Python (implemented in C) in a webbrowser by compiling the interpreter to WASM (in the case of python, this is the goal of the pyodide project). A similar approach was undertaken by Keno Fisher porting julia 1.3 to WASM using emscripten.
On the other hand, a subset of Julia can also be compiled ahead-of-time using GPUCompiler.jl/StaticCompiler.jl. WASM is one of the enabled output targets of the LLVM compiler bundled in julia.
Encouraged by post of running Julia with StaticCompiler.jl on an Arduino, how difficult could it be to run a non-trivial julia code in a WebBrowser using WASM?
This approach here uses a subset of the Julia language and the array object of StaticTools.jl to create a small WASM program. In particular we should have:
- No dynamic memory allocation and garbage collector
- No code that could throw an exception (in particular no bounds checks)
- Only scalars and arrays of integer and floats can be used between JavaScript and Julia (in particular no boolean arrays).
Luckily, the julia programming language does not get in your way to write low-level code. However it is possible to use higher-level constructs like tuples and named tuples inside the julia code but such data structures cannot be (easily) made available in JavaScript.
- Julia 32-bit from https://julialang.org/downloads/
- The command line tools
- Compiler clang
- For testing, it is useful to use JavaScript runtime node
On Ubuntu 22.04, these requirements can be install by:
sudo apt install wabt clang lld nodejs
To install all julia dependencies, start the 32-bit version of julia and run:
using Pkg
The source code of the fluid model is in a separate repository: https://github.com/Alexander-Barth/FluidSimDemo.jl
We will use GPUCompiler.jl
to declare a WASMTarget
and to emit WASM code. This is the file wasm_target.jl
which we will use.
Note that we use 32-bit julia (on Linux) and 32-bit WASM format. Using the 64-bit version (of julia or the WASM format) did not work for me.
One of the simplest functions would be to add two integers and return the sum.
function add(a::Int32,b::Int32)
return a+b
obj = build_obj(add, Tuple{Int32,Int32})
write("test_add.o", obj)
The wasm object file is saved to test_add.o
which can be inspected by wasm2wat
$ wasm2wat test_add.o
(type (;0;) (func (param i32 i32) (result i32)))
(import "env" "__linear_memory" (memory (;0;) 0))
(func $julia_add (type 0) (param i32 i32) (result i32)
local.get 1
local.get 0
Note that the function add has been prefixed by julia_
The linker step is necessary to export the julia_add
wasm-ld --no-entry --export-all -o test_add.wasm test_add.o
To test the WASM binary, it is convenient to use node
. The code can be executed by running:
node test_add_node.js
where test_add_node.js
is the file:
const fs = require('fs');
const wasmBuffer = fs.readFileSync('test_add.wasm');
WebAssembly.instantiate(wasmBuffer).then(wasmModule => {
// Exported function live under instance.exports
const { julia_add, memory } = wasmModule.instance.exports;
// Call the function and display the results.
const result = julia_add(2,3)
The Julia base array type can unfortunately not be used but the array type of StaticTools.jl is accepted by GPUCompiler.jl.
The memory layout is relatively simple:
struct MallocArray{T,N} <: DensePointerArray{T,N}
size::NTuple{N, Int}
So we have essentially:
- a pointer
- the total number of elements (
) - a tuple with the size along each dimension
The code test_matrix_node.js
emulates such an array. For a matrix (2D array), there are thus four 32-bit integers: pointer, number of elements, number of lines and number of rows (where the number of elements is the product of the number of rows and lines).
WASM exposes a special binary data buffer memory.buffer
to allocate such data structures. A pointer would then just be an index or rather offset relative to the start of this byte buffer. Using JavaScript’s typed arrays, a part of the buffer can be interpreted as a vector of 32-bit integer, 64-bit floating point number,...
JavaScript typed arrays are always one-dimensional, which correspond to a flatten view of the array seen from Julia. As a consequence, for
JavaScript typed array there is no additional difficulty concerning row-major or column-major matrix layout.
The example code test_matrix.jl
sums over all elements of a matrix and in addition it mutates all elements by adding 1. Running the JavaScript code test_matrix_node.js
gives the expected output. As in Julia, scalar parameters (32/64-bit integer, floats) are passed by value while arrays are passed by reference and can thus changes are visible
by the caller.
As a final example we take a simple 2D fluid simulation solving the inviscid and incompressible Navier-Stokes equations. It is based on the compact implementation of Matthias Müller reimplemented in Julia: FluidSimDemo.jl
The generated WASM binary assumes that a memset
function exists. Lukily, this function is simple enought that we can provide a C-implementation that can be compiled to wasm with clang
The online demo is avialable here:
The shallow water equations model is similar to the 2D Navier-Stokes equations but the implicit pressure solver is replaced by explicit for the free surface. If the time step is too large, the model can be come unstable.
The online demo is available here:
The online demo is available here.
The julia code is based on SmoothedParticleHydrodynamics.jl
In a layered ocean model, the ocean is represented by a series of
Then we can compute the Montgomery potential
See chapter 12 "Layered Models" of Geophysical Fluid Dynamics: Physical and Numerical Aspects, Benoit Cushman-Roisin, Jean-Marie Beckers, Academic Press, 2011 for more information.
The up and dowward integration can also be written as matrix multiplication. If
In total, the layers are coupled by:
The second term is a constant and it does not contribute to the gradient of Montgomery potential P and can therefore be ignored.
Finding the eigenvectors and eigenvalues of the symmetric matrix
The online demo is available here.
Two tracers
The online demo is available here.