This simple control adds a dynamic legend component to a MapLibre GL map, where, for a given layer and property, the average value of this property for the features currently rendered is displayed and a tick points to its position in the gauge scale.
It's based in the gauge I implemented in the app Distanciamiento peatonal in Madrid (a map where the width of the sidewalks in Madrid are evaluated in terms of keeping the required social distancing), but made into a proper parametric control.
Check the live example here.
It has no dependencies, but if you want to use it as an UMD bundle, you need to
yarn install
yarn build
You will find the deliverables in the /dist
folder. Just reference the CSS in your html
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="dist/gaugelegend.css" />
If you want to use the global GaugeLegend
object instead of importing the module, then you need to add the script too
<script src="dist/gaugelegend.js"></script>
Then, in your script
const map = new maplibre.Map({ ... });
map.on('load', function () {
id: 'my_layer',
const gauge = new GaugeLegend({
layer: 'my_layer',
property: 'my_property',
colors: ["#007080", "#546e82", "#7f6984", "#a16287", "#c25689", "#e0448b", "#ff1d8e"],
breaks: [7,17,32,57,129,253,334]
map.addControl(gauge, 'top-right');
And Ta-da!
Param | Datatype | Description | Default |
layer | string | The ID of the layer to be observed | |
property | string | The numeric property that will be observed | |
colors | string[ ] | Array of HEX colors to be used in the legend. Should match the ones used to style the layer | |
breaks | number[ ] | Array of breaks of the classification of the selected property. Must have the same size as colors |
theme | enum['dark', 'light'] | Avaliable themes | 'dark' |
size | string | Diameter of the control in CSS units | '100px' |
unit | string | Unit symbol to be added to the displayed value | '' |
text1 | string | Upper text | '' |
text2 | string | Bottom text | '' |
trigger | MapEventType | Map event that fires the control update. | 'render' |
fixedto | uint | Number of decimal positions | 2 |
Custom themes can be used by adding the needed classes in your CSS:
.gauge-mycustomtheme {
/* Using semitransparent background
lightens the visual weight of the control */
background: my_background_color;
.text-mycustomtheme {
color: my_font_color;
/* Adding a halo to improve readability
if semitransparent background was used */
text-shadow: 0 0 3px my_background_color_no_transparency;
The tick won't be themed as its color doesn't rely on CSS, but this issue can be overrided:
gauge._tick.setAttribute('stroke', my_tick_color);
- Change CSS classes to
namespace when available.
Example favicon by Nick Roach