PGCronner is a simple and fast Python package written in Rust using PyO3 that helps manage PostgreSQL cron jobs. It lets you take control of your cron jobs by allowing you to add, remove, or list them easily. PGCronner uses a custom table to handle all these operations seamlessly.
The tool takes advantage of the PyO3 library—an extension module that enables interoperability between Python and Rust. This allows for an increased performance and memory safety.
First of all, you need to ensure that you have Python installed on your system. If you do not, please follow the official guide to get it up and running.
The package can be installed via pip:
pip install pgcronner
To use the package, you just need to import it into your Python script.
Here is an example of how to create a new pgcron job:
from pgcronner import PgCronner, Job
PG_URI = "postgresql://postgres:postgres@localhost:5432/postgres"
pgcronner = PgCronner(PG_URI)
# Create a Job
# my_job = Job("<name>", "<schedule>", "<command>", "<source>")
my_job = Job("testjob", "*/5 * * * *", "SELECT 1;", "source")
# Pass the Job Object
# Sync db table with pgcron
# This deletes all jobs with prefix 'pgcronner' in the `cron.job` table and populates it with the jobs in `pgcronner_jobs`
# See below for implementation
Listing all the jobs:
jobs = pgcronner.all()
for job in jobs:
Retrieve one job:
job ="<jobname>")
Removing a job:
# The parameter would be the job name you want to delete.
In the examples directory there's also an example on how to add this to a Django project.
For more detailed instructions and API details, refer to the full documentation at
We welcome any kind of contribution - reporting issues, suggesting new features, or even writing code. Please make sure to read the file before making a pull request.
This project is licensed under the MIT License.
This Python package has been realized using PyO3 to create a bridge between Rust and Python.
Enjoy the power of managing your PostgreSQL cron jobs with simplicity and ease. Happy PGCronning!