Releases: 42wim/matterbridge
matterbridge v1.26.0
New features
- irc: Allow substitution of bot's nick in RunCommands (irc) (#1890)
- matrix: Add Matrix username spoofing (#1875)
- general: Update dependencies (#1951)
- mattermost: Remove mattermost 5 support (#1936)
- mumble: Implement sending of EventJoinLeave both to and from Mumble (#1915)
- whatsappmulti: Improve attachment handling (whatsapp) (#1928)
- whatsappmulti: Handle incoming document captions from whatsapp (#1935)
- irc: Fix empty messages on IRC (#1897)
- telegram: Fix message html entities escaping when sending to Telegram (#1855)
- telegram/slack: Fix error messages in telegram and slack bridges (#1862)
- telegram: Fix telegram attachment comment formatting and escaping (#1920)
- telegram: Make the cgo lottie a build tag (-tag cgolottie) (#1955)
- whatsappmulti: Update dependencies and fix whatsmeow API changes (#1887)
- whatsappmulti: Fix the "Someone" nickname problem (whatsapp) (#1931)
This release couldn't exist without the following contributors:
@s3lph, @sas1024, @Glandos, @jx11r, @Lucki, @BuckarooBanzay, @ilmaisin, @Kufat
matterbridge v1.25.2
matterbridge v1.25.1
- matrix: Add KeepQuotedReply option for matrix to fix regression (#1823)
- slack: Improve Slack attachments formatting (slack) (#1807)
- general: Update dependencies (#1813,#1822,#1833)
- mattermost: Add space between filename and URL (mattermost). Fixes #1820
- matrix: Update matterbridge/gomatrix. Fixes #1772 (#1803)
- telegram: Do not modify .webm files (telegram). Fixes #17**88 (#1802)
- telegram: Do not apply any markup to URL entities (telegram) (#1808)
- telegram: Fix telegram message deletion request (#1818)
- vk: Fix UploadMessagesPhoto for vk community chat (vk) (#1812)
This release couldn't exist without the following contributors:
@bd808, @chugunov, @sas1024, @SevereCloud, @ValdikSS
matterbridge v1.25.0
Breaking changes
- whatsapp: deprecated, the library isn't maintained anymore.
We're switching to but as this uses a GPL3 licensed library we can't provide you with binaries.
You'll need to build it yourself. More information about this can be found here:
New features
- whatsappmulti: whatsapp multidevice support added - more info
- general: Add Dockerfile_whatsappmulti for building with WhatsApp Multi-Device support (Whatsmeow) (#1774)
- telegram: Add UseFullName option (telegram) (#1777)
- slack: Use slack real name as user name (slack) (#1775)
- general: Ignore sending file with comment, if comment contains IgnoreMessages value (#1783)
- general: Update dependencies (#1784)
- irc: Update lrstanley/girc dep (#1773)
- slack: Preserve threading for messages with files (slack) (#1781)
- telegram: Preserve threading from telegram replies (telegram) (#1776)
- telegram: Multiple media in one message (telegram) (#1779)
- whatsapp: Add whatsapp deprecation warning (#1792)
- discord: Change discord non-native threading behaviour (discord) (#1791)
This release couldn't exist without the following contributors:
@sas1024, @tpxtron
matterbridge v1.24.1
- discord: Switch to discordgo upstream again (#1759)
- general: Update dependencies and vendor (#1761)
- general: Create inmessage-logger.tengo (#1688) (#1747)
- general: Add OpenRC service file (#1746)
- irc: Refactor utf-8 conversion (irc) (#1767)
- irc: Fix panic in irc. Closes #1751 (#1760)
- mumble: Implement a workaround to signal Opus support (mumble) (#1764)
- telegram: Fix for complex-formatted Telegram text (#1765)
- telegram: Fix Telegram channel title in forwards (#1753)
- telegram: Fix Telegram Problem (unforwarded formatting and skipping of linebreaks) (#1749)
This release couldn't exist without the following contributors:
@s3lph, @ValdikSS, @reckel-jm, @CyberTailor
matterbridge v1.24.0
New features
- harmony: new protocol added: Add support for Harmony (#1656)
- irc: Allow binding to IP on IRC (#1640)
- irc: Add support for client certificate (irc) (#1710)
- mattermost: Add UseUsername option (mattermost). Fixes #1665 (#1714)
- mattermost: Add support for using ID in channel config (mattermost) (#1715)
- matrix: Reply support for Matrix (#1664)
- telegram: Add Telegram Bot Command /chatId (telegram) (#1703)
- general: Update dependencies/vendor (#1659)
- discord: Add more debug options for discord (#1712)
- docker: Use Alpine stable again in Dockerfile (#1643)
- mattermost: Log eventtype in debug (mattermost) (#1676)
- mattermost: Add more ignore debug messages (mattermost) (#1678)
- slack: Add support for deleting files from slack to discord. Fixes #1705 (#1709)
- telegram: Add support for code blocks in telegram (#1650)
- telegram: Update telegram-bot-api to v5 (#1660)
- telegram: Add comments to messages (telegram) (#1652)
- telegram: Add support for sender_chat (telegram) (#1677)
- vk: Remove GroupID (vk) (#1668)
- mattermost: Use current parentID if rootId is not set (mattermost) (#1675)
- matrix: Make HTMLDisable work correct (matrix) (#1716)
- whatsapp: Make EditSuffix option actually work (whatsapp). Fixes #1510 (#1728)
This release couldn't exist without the following contributors:
@DavyJohnesev, @GoliathLabs, @pontaoski, @PeGaSuS-Coder, @dependabot[bot], @vpzomtrrfrt, @SevereCloud, @soloam, @YashRE42, @danwalmsley, @SuperSandro2000, @inzanity
matterbridge v1.23.2
matterbridge v1.23.1
If you're running mattermost 6 you should update.
- mattermost: Do not check cache on deleted messages (mattermost). Fixes #1555 (#1624)
- mattermost: Fix crash on users updating info. Update matterclient dep. Fixes #1617
- matrix: Keep the logger on a disabled bridge. Fixes #1616 (#1621)
- msteams: Fix panic in msteams. Fixes #1588 (#1622)
- xmpp: Do not fail on no avatar data (xmpp) #1529 (#1627)
- xmpp: Use a new msgID when replacing messages (xmpp). Fixes #1584 (#1623)
- zulip: Add better error handling on Zulip (#1589)
This release couldn't exist without the following contributors:
@Polynomdivision, @minecraftchest1, @alexmv
matterbridge v1.23.0
New features
- irc: Add UserName and RealName options for IRC (#1590)
- mattermost: Add support for mattermost v6
- nctalk: Add support for separate display name (nctalk) (#1506)
- xmpp: Add support for anonymous connection (xmpp) (#1548)
- general: Update vendored libraries
- docker: Use github actions to build dockerhub/ images
- docker: Update GH actions to multi arch (arm64) (#1614)
- telegram: Convert .tgs with go libraries (and cgo) (telegram) (#1569)
- mumble: Remove newline character in bridge multiline messages (mumble) (#1572)
- slack: Add space before file upload comment (slack) (#1554)
- slack: Invalidate user in cache on user change event (#1604)
- xmpp: Fix XMPP parseNick function (#1547)
This release couldn't exist without the following contributors:
@powerjungle, @gary-kim, @KingPin, @Benau, @keenan-v1, @tytan652, @KidA001,@minecraftchest1, @irydacea
matterbridge v1.22.3
- whatsapp: Update Rhymen/go-whatsapp module to latest master (2b8a3e9b8aa2) (#1518)
This release couldn't exist without the following contributors: