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Releases: 200Tigersbloxed/HRtoVRChat_OSC

Launch Arguments Window

28 Jan 21:37
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Added a new window for managing launch arguments, instead of all the arguments being near the bottom of the Program tab. The arguments window can be opened from the Program Tab.

Bools are now serialized as bools instead of floats! You can revert this change from the Launch Arguments window, or by passing the --use-01-bool launch argument.

The OSCAvatarListener class has been improved greatly to have better handling for the OSC directory. You will no longer crash from empty folders without the Avatar directory in your userid folder, and if you want to, passing the --no-avatars-folder argument will check if a given directory has the avatar config file without the Avatars folder.

Finally, there have been even more typo fixes to the word Pulsoid. These are typos that have been around for literally months without me noticing...

There are no changes to:

  • HRtoVRChat_OSC_SDK
  • HRtoVRChat_OSC_Prefab
  • HRtoVRChatLauncher


  • New Launcher Arguments window
    • This window removes the old checkboxes from the Program tab, to it's own window
    • Custom arguments can also be passed from the UI now
  • Bools are now serialized as bools, instead of floats
    • If you need them as floats still, pass the --use-01-bool
  • Improved Avatar Config File Detection
    • To check for config files outside of an Avatars folder, pass the --no-avatars-folder argument
    • For last resort, there is a try-catch so the application no longer crashes
  • Fixed LogHelper typos

Setup Wizard BugFix

13 Jan 06:09
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Fixed a bug where PulsoidSocket had a typo in the Setup Wizard

There are no changes to the following:

  • HRtoVRChat_OSC
  • HRtoVRChat_OSC_SDK
  • HRtoVRChatLauncher
  • HRtoVRChat_OSC_Prefab


  • Fixed PulsoidSocket typo in Setup Wizard (again)


09 Jan 05:38
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New HRtoVRChat release now bundles a Launcher to automatically manage your HRtoVRChat application! This is separate from HRtoVRChat builds as this is only one file and will manage your HRtoVRChat application for you, so you don't have to!

In this update, support for HRProxy Custom Devices has also been added! For most people, you won't use this, however, this will be used as a transition for FitbitHRtoWS public servers (to cut down on server costs) and possibly to phase out Stromno (because no one should have to pay $5). It's hrType is hrproxy and you input the identifier in the config property hrproxyId.

The prefab has also been updated to fix various bugs with the CVR CCK, as well as fixing errors preventing some CCK users from even using the tool.

Finally, logging with the remote SDK will now log in the HRtoVRChat_OSC application, mainly so logs will write to the log file, from the remote SDK.


  • Add HRtoVRChatLauncher
    • Manages install of HRtoVRChat UI Helper
    • Supports Windows x64 and Linux x64
      • MacOS is not supported due to NET not being able to single-file all unmanaged binaries on MacOS
  • Add support for HRProxy
    • Added hrproxy hrType
    • Added hrproxyId (string) config value
    • Added HRProxy to Setup Wizard
  • Send Logs over the network with Remote SDKs
    • Message is HRLogMessage
    • Note: Same Log method will work, just be sure to update your SDK
  • Fix exceptions when the CCK was installed
  • Remove exceptions when checking for the VRCAvatarDescriptor in the AnimatorWindow

Typo Fix

20 Oct 02:56
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Had a typo where the Pulsoid HRType would be registered as pusloid, instead of pulsoid

There are no changes with:

  • HRtoVRChat_OSC
  • HRtoVRChat_SDK


  • Fixed typo issue in the SetupWizard

Setup Wizard

09 Oct 22:42
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Welcome to the Release of HRtoVRChat v2.2.0! It's been a while since the last release, as there hasn't been too much to add, however, I'm back with two new features!


Please DELETE your HRtoVRChat_OSC config.cfg file if you're updating from the UI application!

Setup Wizard


The new Setup Wizard allows new users to easily setup their HRtoVRChat in minutes, without having to spend the time of reading the README (please, just, read it), confusion during basic setup, and and basic setup issues that occur after manual setup. The Setup Wizard will request to be run when there is not a present HRtoVRChat_OSC Config file. If the user wishes to setup manually, they may also do so by declining the Setup Wizard.


As requested in #12 , this new Parameter does the exact same thing as the current HRPercent, but ranged from -1 to 1, for all of those savvy Unity users.

Hopefully by next update, we'll have the CefGlue working on macOS. Have a good one lads!


  • Added new SetupWizard window
    • Allows new users to easily setup HRtoVRChat for first-time use
  • Added FullHRPercent (float) parameter
    • Range of HR between the MinHR and MaxHR config value on a scale of -1 to 1
    • Huge Thanks to ImLeXz for math help :)
    • Implements #12
  • Made AssetTools.Icon a Property

OSC and Config

21 Aug 16:25
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Small update regarding OSC and the Config. You can now change the listener port!


  • Added receiverPort config
    • Allows user to change the receiver port for OSC
    • VRChat's Default is 9001
  • Updated help command

Prefab Fixes

21 Aug 00:17
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Small fix for prefab preventing users from Building when Scripts are present.


  • Fixed issue where UnityEditor namespaces would be used while building
    • This resulted in the exception Assets/HRtoVRChat/Scripts/VRC/VRCSDKAnimations.cs(x,y): error CS0103: The name 'AssetDatabase' does not exist in the current context

There are no differences in v2.1.0 software and v2.1.1 other than the Prefab

ChilloutVR Support

04 Aug 23:38
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New release! This release adds support for HRtoVRChat to be used in ChilloutVR! To use OSC in ChilloutVR, you must have an OSC mod, below I've linked some common ones, most of which should work fine.

To setup an avatar for use in ChilloutVR, you'll need to grab the latest unitypackage and software from our Downloads Page, and re-import in a project backup of your existing avatar. Remove all traces of previous HRtoVRChat's old prefab (including Animator Layers, Parameters, etc.) before importing. Remove the VRChat SDK, and import the ChilloutVR CCK. Then, setup as you normally would.

By default, HRtoVRChat_OSC will start when it detects ChilloutVR, but this can be disabled with the ExpandCVR config entry.


  • Added ExpandCVR (bool) Config
    • Add support for detecting ChilloutVR as an application
    • Default is true
  • Config now loads before starting OSC
  • Prefab now supports using both VRChat SDK and ChilloutVR CCK
    • Do not mix SDKs; one or the other!

V2 Release!

26 Jun 00:21
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Finally! After 2 months of development, HRtoVRChat version 2 is ready to release! There have been major changes in the UI application to now make it compatible across most operating systems! The UI helper now supports Windows, macOS, and Linux! There are currently no plans to build for Android.

On top of this, we've broadened our support of games to now introduce support for the popular social experience Neos! You can use this by passing the --neos-bridge argument, or with the new UI's Neos Bridge checkbox. You can find information on how to setup Neos support here.

Did I also mention we have a new website? Our new website can be located at
There's plenty of information on here for anyone new to HRtoVRChat to look through!

There's still a lot more to go over in this release, so I'll just drop it in the Changes down below, thanks everyone!

You can Download the Latest Versions of HRtoVRChat Here

(or down below in the artifacts)


  • New UI Application!
    • The new UI Application is now compatible with most desktop operating systems.
    • No longer running on WinForms, now Avalonia
  • AppBridge for communicating data from HRtoVRChat_OSC to the UI Application
    • Provides Avatar Information, along with Parameters
  • Neos Compatibility Bridge
    • Pass the --neos-bridge argument to enable
    • The Websocket URL default is ws://localhost:4206/HRtoVRChat
  • HRSDK is now universal between Network and Reflection!
  • Added GetName() to HRManager Interface
  • Fixes with WebSocketTemplate nullables
  • Fixed issue where HRManager wouldn't restart properly if it failed
  • Fixed issue where Parameters wouldn't register properly if they were given custom names
  • ExternalHRSDK is now Obsolete, use HRSDK
  • Set default MaxHR to 255
  • Fixed issues with IsActive not being correct in some HRManagers
  • Introduced IsOpen support for all HRManagers
    • HRManagers that don't natively support IsOpen now default to if the HR is greater than 0

ExternalHRSDK Patch

04 Jun 22:51
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HRtoVRChat - v1.10.1

Quick patch for some issues with the 🍊 ExternalSDK class in the SDK.

ℹ️ Developers!

Please update your SDK and Software

These changes are NOT documented in the SDK docs, so if there's any questions, please ask me in the discord or the discussion board


  • Fixed issue where ExternalSDK would not update any values
    • Setting the CurrentHRData property will automatically update values
      • You can manually update by invoking the OnHRMessageUpdated field
    • Reported by @TypicalZedF and @ButterscotchV
  • Add missing docs to SDK fields and properties