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The ./go script: a unified development environment interface

A ./go script aims to abstract away all of the steps needed to develop (and sometimes deploy) a software project. It is a replacement for READMEs and other documents that may become out-of-date, and when maintained properly, should provide a cohesive and discoverable interface for common project tasks.

This gem abstracts common functionality used in the Ruby-based ./go scripts of several 18F projects, and provides a ./go script generator for new projects.

This gem was inspired by the blog articles In Praise of the ./go Script - Part I and In Praise of the ./go Script - Part II by Pete Hodgson.

Note: Not to be confused with the Go programming language. This convention is completely unrelated, though it does bear a great deal of resemblance to the Go language's go command.

Everyone: install Ruby

Install the Ruby programming language if it isn't already present on your system. We recommend using a Ruby version manager such as rbenv or rvm to do this.

Project authors: creating a ./go script

Install the go_script gem via gem install go_script.

To ensure version consistency for all developers, install Bundler via gem install bundler and add gem 'go_script' to your project's Gemfile.

To create a fresh new ./go script for your project, run:

$ cd path/to/the/project/repository

$ go-script-template > ./go

# Alternately, if you installed go_script using Bundler:
$ bundle exec go-script-template > ./go

# Make the script executable:
$ chmod 700 ./go

As a bonus, if the project only needs to initialize itself by installing Ruby gems from a Gemfile, there is no need to define an init command. The ./go script will automatically install Bundler and run bundle install.

Project contributors: bootstrapping

If the project already has a ./go script, you do not need to install anything first other than Ruby. Just run the ./go script. It will automatically install the go_script gem, either via Bundler (if a Gemfile is present) or directly using gem install.

Listing commands

To see the list of available commands for a script: run ./go help (or one of the common variations thereon, such as ./go -h or ./go --help). For example, the output of ./go help for this repository's ./go script is:

Usage: ./go [option|command] [optional command arguments...]

  -h,--help     Show this help
  -v,--version  Show the version of the go_script gem

Development commands
  update_gems  Update Ruby gems
  test         Execute automated tests
  lint         Run style-checking tools
  ci_build     Execute continuous integration build
  release      Test, build, and release a new gem

Defining commands

The def_command directive defines the individual ./go commands that comprise the ./go script interface. Its arguments are:

  • id: A Ruby symbol (basically, a string starting with : with no quotes around it) defining the name of the command.
  • description: A very brief description of the command that appears in the usage text.

These def_command definitions often use the exec_cmd directive that runs a shell command and exits on error. There are also additional directives from lib/go_script/go.rb that may be used to define commands, and commands may be built up from other commands defined in the ./go script itself.

Note: Command names must be unique. Defining a command with a name already used elsewhere will cause the ./go script to exit with an error message.

Command groups

Each command_group invocation marks the beginning of a set of related commands. These groupings organize how commands are displayed in the help/usage message.

go-script-template generates a default command_group called :dev. You are free to edit this definition, or to add additional command_group definitions.

Note: Command group names must be unique, and command groups cannot be re-opened after their initial definition. Defining a command group with a name already used elsewhere will cause the ./go script to exit with an error message.

Also, command names must be unique across all command groups. Defining a command with the same name as that in another command group will also cause the ./go script to exit with an error message.

Command arguments

Commands may take command-line arguments, which are passed in as block variables. In the following example, the ./go init command takes no arguments, and the ./go test command takes an argument list that is appended as additional command line arguments to rake test. For example, ./go test runs bundle exec rake test without any further arguments, while running ./go test TEST=_test/go_test.rb ultimately runs bundle exec rake test TEST=_test/go_test.rb.

command_group :dev, 'Development commands'

def_command :init, 'Set up the development environment' do

def_command :test, 'Execute automated tests' do |args = []|
  exec_cmd "bundle exec rake test #{args.join ' '}"

Command blocks may take more than one parameter, corresponding to a specific number of additional command line arguments for a specific command.


  1. Fork the repo (or just clone it if you're an 18F team member)
  2. Create your feature branch (git checkout -b my-new-feature)
  3. Commit your changes (git commit -am 'Add some feature')
  4. Push to the branch (git push origin my-new-feature)
  5. Create a new Pull Request

Feel free to ping @mbland with any questions you may have, especially if the current documentation should've addressed your needs, but didn't.

Public domain

This project is in the worldwide public domain. As stated in CONTRIBUTING:

This project is in the public domain within the United States, and copyright and related rights in the work worldwide are waived through the CC0 1.0 Universal public domain dedication.

All contributions to this project will be released under the CC0 dedication. By submitting a pull request, you are agreeing to comply with this waiver of copyright interest.


The `./go` script: a unified development environment interface



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