ESPHome configuration for Tecalor Ventilation
- A relay board like this:
- A length of Cat5/6 cable
- Optional: Electronics box to house the relay board in.
- Obtain a USB to 3.3v TTL serial programmer
- Connect the pins:
- GND to GND
- 3.3v to 3.3v on the board (not to 5v pin)
- TX to RX
- RX to TX
- Open ESPhome in a Chrome-based browser (Google Chrome / MS Edge)
- Use the ESPhome interface to prepare the board
- Select Generic ESP32
- Enter your wifi credentials
- Upload the initial firmware
- The board should now appear ONLINE in the ESPhome interface
- Copy the relevant parts of the ventilation-controller.yaml config to your ESPhome config (make sure the wifi credentials are correct)
- Upload the new config wirelessly to the board
- Add the board to Home Assistant
- Switch off the ventilation initially from the Techalor Control panel
- Enjoy controlling the house ventilation from Home Assistant
Connect the relay board to the Tecalor module:
- Relay 1 NO to 'Betriebsart' pin
- Relay 2 NO to 'Stufe 0/1' pin
- Relay 3 NO to 'Stufe 2' pin
- Relay 4 NO to 'Stufe 3' pin
- All Relays COM terminals together and to 'Schalter' pin
- Use 24V DC and GND from the ventilation power supply to power relay board.