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REGO Methods


ODRL Class ODRL Key Rego-Method Description
action dome-op:create is_creation(request) Check if the given request is a creation
action dome-op:set_published is_set_published(request) check if the entity is set to published in the request.
leftOperand dome-op:role role(verifiable_credential,organization_id) retrieves the roles from the (lear) credential, that target the current organization
leftOperand dome-op:currentParty current_party(credential) the current (organization)party,
leftOperand dome-op:relatedParty related_party(http_part) get the entity from tm-forum and extract related party
leftOperand dome-op:owner owner(related_party) filter the given list of related_party(ies) for one with role "Owner"
leftOperand dome-op:relatedParty_role related_party_role(entity) return the role from the related party of an entity
leftOperand dome-op:validFor_endDateTime valid_for_end_date_time(entity) return the end of the validity of an entity
leftOperand dome-op:validFor_startDateTime valid_for_start_date_time(entity) return the start of the validity of an entity


ODRL Class ODRL Key Rego-Method Description
rightOperand odrl:policyUsage policy_usage return the current time in ms, e.g. the time that the policy is used
operand odrl:and and_operand(constraints) checks if all given constraints are true
operand odrl:andSequence and_sequence_operand(constraints) checks if all given constraints are true
operand odrl:or or_operand(constraints) check that at least one of the constraints is true
operand odrl:xone only_one_operand(constraints) check that exactly one of the constraints is true
operator odrl:eq eq_operator(leftOperand, check that both operands are equal
operator odrl:hasPart has_part_operator(leftOperand, check that the rightOperand is in the leftOperand
operator odrl:gt gt_operator(leftOperand, check that the leftOperand is greater than the rightOperand
operator odrl:gteq gt_eq_operator(leftOperand, check that the leftOperand is greater or equal to the rightOperand
operator odrl:isAllOf is_all_of_operator(leftOperand, check that the given sets are equal
operator odrl:isAnyOf is_any_of_operator(leftOperand, check that the leftOperand is contained in the rightOperand set
operator odrl:isNoneOf is_none_of_operator(leftOperand, check that the leftOperand is not contained in the rightOperand set
operator odrl:isPartOf is_part_of_operator(leftOperand, check that the rightOperand is contained in the leftOperand set
operator odrl:lt lt_operator(leftOperand, check that the leftOperand is less than the rightOperand
operator odrl:lteq lt_eq_operator(leftOperand, check that the leftOperand is less or equal to the rightOperand
operator odrl:neq n_eq_operator(leftOperand, check that the operands are unequal
action odrl:modify is_modification(request) checks if the given request is a modification
action odrl:delete is_deletion(request) checks if the given request is a deletion
action odrl:read is_read(request) checks if the given request is a read operation
action odrl:use is_use(request) checks if the given request is a usage
target odrl:target,odrl:uid is_target(target, check that the uid of the target is equal to the given uid
assignee odrl:uid,odrl:assignee is_user(user,uid) is the given user id the same as the given uid
leftOperand odrl:currentTime current_time returns the current time in ms


ODRL Class ODRL Key Rego-Method Description
helper ## organization_did did of the organization running the PAP
helper ## request the request as part of the policy input
helper ## body the request body as json object
helper ## http_part the http request
helper ## headers the headers of the request
helper ## authorization the (undecoded) authorization header
helper ## decoded_authorization the decoded authorization jwt
helper ## decoded_token_payload the decoded payload of the jwt
helper ## verifiable_credential the verifiable credential received as part of the token
helper ## issuer the issuer of the credential
helper ## token the unprefixed bearer token
helper ## entity the entity provided as http-body
helper ## target the target of the request, found as the last part of the path


ODRL Class ODRL Key Rego-Method Description
action ngsild:create is_creation(request) Check if the given request is a creation
leftOperand ngsi-ld:entityType entity_type(http_part) retrieves the type from an entity, either from the request path or from the body
leftOperand ngsi-ld: # retrieves the value of the property, only applies to properties of type "Property". The method should be concretized in the mapping.json, to match a concrete property.
leftOperand ngsi-ld:_observedAt # retrieves the observedAt of the property The method should be concretized in the mapping.json, to match a concrete property.
leftOperand ngsi-ld:_modifiedAt # retrieves the modifiedAt of the property The method should be concretized in the mapping.json, to match a concrete property.
leftOperand ngsi-ld: # retrieves the object of the relationship, only applies to properties of type "Relationship". The method should be concretized in the mapping.json, to match a concrete property.


ODRL Class ODRL Key Rego-Method Description
action tmf:create is_creation(request) Check if the given request is a creation
leftOperand tmf:lifecycleStatus life_cycle_status(entity) return the lifeCycleStatus of a given entity
leftOperand tmf:resource resource_type(http_part) retrieves the type of the resource from the path


ODRL Class ODRL Key Rego-Method Description
assignee odrl:any is_any allows for any user
leftOperand vc:role role(verifiable_credential,organization_id) retrieves the roles from the credential, that target the current organization
leftOperand vc:currentParty current_party(credential) the current (organization)party,
leftOperand vc:type types(verifiable_credential) the type(s) of the current credential


ODRL Class ODRL Key Rego-Method Description
operator http:isInPath is_in_path_operator(leftOperand, check that left operand is in the path of the right operand
leftOperand http:path path(http_part) returns the currently requested path