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User Manual of imod


IMOD is an icpp module package manager tool used to install, uninstall and show the third-party modules.

How it works


This tool mainly works for the HOME/.icpp directory which it installs to, uninstalls from and lists the third-party icpp modules. The HOME in different system has different value as follows:

  • macOS/Linux/iOS: HOME = $HOME;
  • Windows: HOME = %userprofile%;
  • Android: HOME = /sdcard/Android;


When creating a new icpp module, you should give it a json configuration file to tell imod what to do. A general template json is as follows:

  "name": "",
  "assets": [],
  "headers": [],
  "header-dirs": [],
  "sources": [],
  "binary-objs": [],
  "binary-libs": [],
  "include-dirs": [],
  "install-prefix": ""
  • name: the module name;
  • assets: the module resource files;
  • headers: the export C/C++ headers;
  • header-dirs: the export C/C++ header directories;
  • sources: the module source files which will be compiled as objects and then be packed into this module if the include-dirs is not empty otherwise directly pack the source files;
  • binary-objs: the precompiled object files;
  • binary-libs: the dynamic shared libraries;
  • include-dirs: the temporary include directories used when compile the previous sources;
  • install-prefix: the install prefix of the binary-libs used when you want to keep the layout of packed libraries;


vpand@MacBook-Pro icpp % imod -h                
OVERVIEW: ICPP, Interpreting C++, running C++ in anywhere like a script.
  IObject Module Manager Tool built with ICPP v0.1.0.255
USAGE: imod [options]


ICPP Module Manager Options:

  --create=<string>    - Create an icpp package from a json configuration file.
  --install=<string>   - Install an icpp package file.
  --list               - List all the installed modules.
  --uninstall=<string> - Uninstall an installed module.



The working directory should be ICPP_ROOT/snippet when you are testing this configuration.

  "name": "module-demo",
  "headers": ["module.h"],
  "header-dirs": [],
  "sources": ["", ""],
  "binary-objs": [],
  "binary-libs": [],
  "include-dirs": []

Another complicated demonstration configurations can be found at icpp-qt, icpp-reference.


vpand@MacBook-Pro snippet % imod --create=./module.json
 + Packing include/icpp/module-demo/module.h.
 + Packing lib/module-demo/module.o.
 + Packing lib/module-demo/main.o.
 | Built a new package with raw size: 2929.
 | Compressing the package buffer with brotli...
 | Successfully created ./module-demo-osx-arm64.icpp with compressed size: 1147.


vpand@MacBook-Pro snippet % imod --install=./module-demo-osx-arm64.icpp
 | Decompressing package buffer...
 | Installing module module-demo...
 | Installing include/icpp/module-demo/module.h...
 | Installing lib/module-demo/module.o...
 | Parsing the symbols of lib/module-demo/module.o...
 | Parsed 2 symbols in module.o.
 | Installing lib/module-demo/main.o...
 | Parsing the symbols of lib/module-demo/main.o...
 | Parsed 1 symbols in main.o.
 | Created /Users/geekneo/.icpp/lib/module-demo/symbol.hash.
 + Successfully installed module-demo.


vpand@MacBook-Pro snippet % imod --list                                
Installed module:
 * module-demo


vpand@MacBook-Pro snippet % icpp module-demo Hello icpp module .
argc=5, argv={ "module-demo", "Hello", "icpp", "module", ".", }


vpand@MacBook-Pro snippet % imod --uninstall=module-demo        
 | Uninstalled module module-demo.