Some files are autogenerated, and included in git so that the project
may be built with a naive go get ...
These generated files can be regenerated with make generate
, and the
updated generated files should also be included in the PR that
modified the input files.
TL;DR: run make vendor
whenever you add/remove a dependency. run GO111MODULE=on go get -u .....
to update deps.
This project uses go mod
, Go modules feature implemented since Go 1.11. This feature needs to be turned on explicitly via the GO111MODULE
env variable, if you checkout the kubecfg
repo in its canonical location in the GOPATH (i.e. $GOPATH/ This feature is turned on automatically if you checkout the kubecfg
repo anywhere else in the filesystem.
This repository is configured to use Go modules as a source of truth for dependency information, but to rely on vendoring to resolve the dependencies during build.
It's thus possible to build kubecfg
directly with go build
if the repo is checked out in the GOPATH (which makes it go get
table too), or when it's checked out outside the GOPATH.
In order to make sure that the vendor/
directory is kept up to date, the Makefile
instructs go build
to consume the modules from the vendored directory (via -mod=vendor
flag) as opposed to fetching the modules in the user's cache. That flag is available only if GO111MODULE is turned on, but effectvely turns the build into a legacy pre-Go-modules build.
If you're familiar with Go modules, feel free to build kubecfg
with go build or test directly, but please check in vendored repository (the CI build will likely catch you if you forget):
$ make vendor
To make things easier for reviewers, put updates to vendor/
in a separate commit within the same PR if possible.
This is a good one to run before sending a non-trivial change for review.
# See unused
govendor list +unused
# Remove unused
govendor remove +unused
Make code change that imports new library, then:
# See missing
govendor list +missing
% govendor fetch -v +missing
Note pinning a library to a specific version requires extra work. In
particular, we do this for client-go
and apimachinery
- to find
the current version used for these libraries, look in
for the version
field (not versionExact
) of
an existing package. Use that same version in the commands below:
# For example: To pin all imported client-go packages to release v3.0
% govendor fetch -v[email protected]
# *Note* the above may pull in new packages from client-go, which will
# be imported at HEAD. You need to re-run the above command until
# all imports are at the desired version.
# TODO: There is probably a better way to do this.
It is safe (and appropriate) to re-run govendor fetch
with a
different version, if you made a mistake or missed some libraries.
Add appropriate tag. We do this via git (not github UI) so the tag is signed. This process requires you to have write access to the real master branch (not your local fork).
% tag=vX.Y.Z % git fetch # update % git tag -s -m $tag $tag origin/master % git push origin tag $tag
Wait for the travis autobuilders to build release binaries.
Now create the github release, using the existing tag created above.