{ "id": "Robot_1234", "name": "Robot Script 123", "executionPlatform": "Camunda Cloud", "executionPlatformVersion": "{{ CAMUNDA_CLOUD_VERSION }}", "script": "*** Settings ***\nDocumentation Robot to solve the first challenge at rpachallenge.com,\n... which consists of filling a form that randomly rearranges\n... itself for ten times, with data taken from a provided\n... Microsoft Excel file. Return Congratulation message to Camunda.\n\nLibrary RPA.Browser.Playwright\nLibrary RPA.Excel.Files\nLibrary RPA.HTTP\nLibrary Camunda\n\n*** Tasks ***\nComplete the challenge\n Start the challenge\n Fill the forms\n Collect the results\n\n*** Keywords ***\nStart the challenge\n New Browser headless=false\n New Page http://rpachallenge.com/\n RPA.HTTP.Download\n ... http://rpachallenge.com/assets/downloadFiles/challenge.xlsx\n ... overwrite=True\n Click button\n\nFill the forms\n ${people}= Get the list of people from the Excel file\n FOR ${person} IN @{people}\n Fill and submit the form ${person}\n END\n\nGet the list of people from the Excel file\n Open Workbook challenge.xlsx\n ${table}= Read Worksheet As Table header=True\n Close Workbook\n RETURN ${table}\n\nFill and submit the form\n [Arguments] ${person}\n Fill Text //input[@ng-reflect-name=\"labelFirstName\"] ${person}[First Name]\n Fill Text //input[@ng-reflect-name=\"labelLastName\"] ${person}[Last Name]\n Fill Text //input[@ng-reflect-name=\"labelCompanyName\"] ${person}[Company Name]\n Fill Text //input[@ng-reflect-name=\"labelRole\"] ${person}[Role in Company]\n Fill Text //input[@ng-reflect-name=\"labelAddress\"] ${person}[Address]\n Fill Text //input[@ng-reflect-name=\"labelEmail\"] ${person}[Email]\n Fill Text //input[@ng-reflect-name=\"labelPhone\"] ${person}[Phone Number]\n Click input[type=submit]\n\nCollect the results\n ${resultText}= Get Text selector=css=div.congratulations .message2\n Set Output Variable resultText ${resultText} \n Close Browser\n" }