A MATLAB library for extended ("double double") precision, giving close to quad precision.
Based on the QD library available from: http://crd-legacy.lbl.gov/~dhbailey/mpdist/
Note: Complex support within this class is experimental, and should not be relied upon without testing your specific use.
The DoubleDouble class has the following public properties:
- eps
- pi
The DoubleDouble class has the following public, non-static methods:
- DoubleDouble
- disp
- ToSumOfDoubles
- double
- isscalar
- isreal
- isnumeric
- isfinite
- isinf
- isnan
- real
- imag
- conj
- angle
- size
- length
- numel
- numArgumentsFromSubscript
- end
- repmat
- reshape
- isequal
- isempty
- diag
- tril
- triu
- plus
- minus
- uminus
- uplus
- times
- mtimes
- rdivide
- ldivide
- mldivide
- mrdivide
- power
- mpower
- lt
- gt
- le
- ge
- ne
- eq
- colon
- ctranspose
- transpose
- horzcat
- vertcat
- subsref
- subsasgn
- subsindex
- sparse
- any
- all
- find
- sum
- prod
- max
- min
- cumsum
- diff
- cumprod
- cummax
- cummin
- dot
- norm
- abs
- sign
- floor
- ceil
- fix
- round
- realsqrt
- sqrt
- sqrtm
- exp
- expm1
- expm
- log
- log2
- log10
- logm
- funm
- sincos
- sin
- asin
- cos
- acos
- tan
- atan
- atan2
- sinh
- asinh
- cosh
- acosh
- sinhcosh
- tanh
- atanh
- mod
- rem
- lu
- qr
- det
- inv
- chol
- ldl
- eig
- conv
- sort
- unique
- mean
- median
- std
- var
- meshgrid
- linspace
- unique
- mean
- median
- std
- var
- meshgrid
- linspace
The DoubleDouble class has the following public, static methods:
- IsEqualWithExpansion
- ones
- zeros
- eye
- nan
- inf
- rand
- randn
- randi
- Plus
- Minus
- Times
- MTimes
- RDivide
- LDivide
- MLDivide
- MRDivide
- Sum
- CumSum
- Diff
- Prod
- CumProd
- Norm
- Max
- CumMax
- Min
- CumMin
- Dot
- ExpandSingleton