In this document you can find all about ken widgets.
The ken library does not support null safety yet. It will be converted soon.
Make sure to declare a compatible sdk in your pubspec.yaml
sdk: ">=2.11.0 <3.0.0"
Also disable the null safety in the debug configuration:
"args": [
Icons, in the ken library, are treated as numeric values. You can find further information about IconData codes in the flutter documentation
The style of ken widgets depends on the json_theme library. You can define your custon style in a json file that must be placed in the folder /assets/jsons/themes/
The name must be declared in the folder /assets/jsons/config.json
"theme": "app.json",
If you don't declare a custom style, the ken library will use its internal theme file.
This section will list all ken widgets with their coresponding parameters and style's default.
Each ken widget has two constructors:
Is the canonical Flutter constructor. It receives all the parameters in the constructor.
data: 'Hi there',
Is the constructor that lets you add a widget to a Smeupdynamic screen dynamically through a json file. in this case you won't send the parameter in the constructor but you will define it in a json which represents the entire form. The form is divided in sections.
A section has the following orientations: row and column. Each section might contains only one component (widget) except when you have to define a TabBar. In this case, each component represent a Tab.
"loaded": true,
"layout": "column",
"id": "testForm",
"type": "EXD",
"title": "[description]",
"sections": [
"id": "S1",
"components": [
"type": "BTN",
"id": "buttons_1",
"options": {
"BTN": {
"default": {
"horiz": "Yes",
"backColor": "R255G000B000",
"borderColor": "R000G000B000",
"fontColor": "R000G000B000",
"padding": { "right": 5 },
"height": 50,
"width" : 300,
"fontSize": 20
"data": {
"rows": [
{ "value": "I am a button" },
{ "value": "I am a button too" }
You don't instantiate a widget through the dynamic constructor, but instead send a json containing the page structure and its components to SmeupDynamicScreen which will create all the widgets for you. The dynamic constructor of a widget receives in input the part of the json that it will use to create the instance. The json will be parsed and used to fill the same parameters that you can pass through the static constructor.
The json will be sent from the dynamic constructor into the widget model.
Each widget can receive the data in two different ways:
- compilation time: the "data" property into the json file will contain the data to use in the component
- run time: the "fun" property into the json file will contain the function to execute when the widget is loaded. The "fun" property contains a Smeup script language used to reduce the syntax of the function.
In the documentation you can find the input parameters to define a SmeupAppBar in your static Scaffold.
This widget is used internally by SmeupDynamicScreen, to create the top AppBar when it receives the json of the form.
- The property "title" is used as Title
- The property "buttons" is used to create the "actions" in the appBar
"layout": "column",
"id": "testForm",
"type": "EXD",
"title": "[description]",
"sections": [
"buttons": [
"icon": "59110",
"text": "Static Widgets",
"flat": true,
"dynamisms": [
"event": "click",
"exec": "F(EXD;*ROUTE;) 2(;;StaticScreen)",
"async": false
Its style depends on:
- "appBarTheme" if the dynamicScreen is a form
- "dialogTheme" if the dynamicScreen is a dialog.
json_theme's supported attributes:
- backColor :
- borderColor :
- borderWidth :
- borderRadius : (note: the button will be available only with a 'rectangle' shape)
- elevation :
- fontColor : textTheme.button.color
- fontSize : textTheme.button.fontSize
- fontBold : textTheme.button.fontWeight
- iconSize : iconTheme.size
- iconColor : iconTheme.color
Others attributes:
- width : 0
- height : 70
- position :
- align :
- padding : EdgeInsets.all(5)
- valueField : 'value'
- innerSpace : 10.0
- isLink : false
- orientation : WidgetOrientation.Vertical
- iconData : 0
json_theme's supported attributes:
- dayFontSize : textTheme.bodyText2.fontSize
- eventFontSize : textTheme.headline3.fontSize
- titleFontSize : textTheme.bodyText2.fontSize
- markerFontSize : appBarTheme.titleTextStyle.fontSize
json_theme's not overridable attributes:
- width : 0
- height : 0
- showPeriodButtons : true
- titleColumnName : 'XXDESC'
- columnName : 'XXDAT1'
- columnName : 'XXGRAF'
- initTimeColumnName : 'init'
- endTimeColumnName : 'end'
- showAsWeek : false
- showNavigation : true
- padding : EdgeInsets.all(0)
Others attributes:
json_theme's supported attributes:
Others attributes:
- height : 100
- autoPlay : false
json_theme's supported attributes:
Others attributes:
- chartType : ChartType.Bar
- refresh : -1
- width : 100
- height : 100
- legend : true
json_theme's supported attributes:
- fontColor : textTheme.bodyText1.color
- fontSize : textTheme.bodyText1.fontSize
- fontBold : textTheme.bodyText1.fontWeight
- backColor : textTheme.bodyText1.backgroundColor
- borderColor : timePickerTheme.dayPeriodBorderSide.color
- borderWidth : timePickerTheme.dayPeriodBorderSide.width
- borderRadius : timePickerTheme.shape.borderRadius (note: the button will be available only with a 'rectangle' shape)
- iconSize : iconTheme.size
- iconColor : iconTheme.color
- captionFontColor : textTheme.caption.color
- captionFontSize : textTheme.caption.fontSize
- captionFontBold : textTheme.caption.fontWeight
- captionBackColor : textTheme.caption.backgroundColor
Others attributes:
- width : 100
- height : 20
- valueField : 'value'
- descriptionField : 'description'
- padding : EdgeInsets.all(0)
- label : ''
- align : Alignment.centerLeft
- innerSpace : 10.0
- underline : true
- showBorder : false
json_theme's supported attributes:
- fontColor : textTheme.headline1.color
- fontSize : textTheme.headline1.fontSize
- fontBold : textTheme.headline1.fontWeight
- captionFontColor : textTheme.caption.color
- captionFontSize : textTheme.caption.fontSize
- captionFontBold : textTheme.caption.fontWeight
- iconSize : iconTheme.size
- iconColor : iconTheme.color
Others attributes:
- padding : EdgeInsets.all(0)
- width : 120
- height : 120
- valueColName : 'value'
- iconColName : 'icon'
- textColName : 'description'
- umColName : 'um'
- selectLayout : ''
- forceText : ''
- forceIcon : ''
- forceValue : ''
- forceUm : ''
- numberFormat : '*;0'
json_theme's supported attributes:
Others attributes:
- isDialog : false
- backButtonVisible : true
The backgroundColor is "scaffoldBackgroundColor" if SmeupDynamicScreen is a form and "dialogTheme.backgroundColor" if it is a dialog.
json_theme's supported attributes:
- defaultAppBarBackColor: appBarTheme.backgroundColor
- titleFontColor : appBarTheme.titleTextStyle.color
- titleFontSize : appBarTheme.titleTextStyle.fontSize
- titleFontBold : appBarTheme.titleTextStyle.fontWeight
- elementFontColor : appBarTheme.toolbarTextStyle.color
- elementFontSize : appBarTheme.toolbarTextStyle.fontSize
- elementFontBold : appBarTheme.toolbarTextStyle.fontWeight
Others attributes:
- imageWidth : 40
- imageHeight : 40
- showItemDivider : true
json_theme's supported attributes:
- borderColor : timePickerTheme.dayPeriodBorderSide.color
- borderWidth : timePickerTheme.dayPeriodBorderSide.width
- borderRadius : timePickerTheme.shape.borderRadius (note: the button will be available only with a 'rectangle' shape)
- backColor : timePickerTheme.backgroundColor
- fontSize : textTheme.bodyText1.fontSize
- fontBold : textTheme.bodyText1.fontWeight
- backColor : textTheme.bodyText1.backgroundColor
- captionFontSize : textTheme.caption.fontSize
- captionFontBold : textTheme.caption.fontWeight
- captionBackColor : textTheme.caption.backgroundColor
- elevation :
Others attributes:
- label : ''
- width : 100
- height : 100
- padding : EdgeInsets.all(0)
- showBorder : false
- valueField : 'value'
- displayedField : 'display'
- align : Alignment.topCenter
- innerSpace : 10.0
- underline : true
The SmeupAppBar is an internal widget, it can be used only statically.
json_theme's supported attributes:
Others attributes:
- padding : EdgeInsets.all(8)
- layout : '1'
- autoAdaptHeight : true
json_theme's supported attributes:
Others attributes:
- valColName : 'value'
- maxColName : 'maxValue'
- minColName : 'minValue'
- warningColName : 'warning'
- maxValue : 100
- minValue : 0
- warning : 50
- value : 0
json_theme's supported attributes:
Others attributes:
- width : 40
- height : 40
- padding : EdgeInsets.all(0)
- isRemote : false
json_theme's supported attributes:
- backColor : cardTheme.color
- borderColor : cardTheme.shape.side.color
- borderWidth : cardTheme.shape.side.width
- borderRadius : cardTheme.shape.borderRadius (note: the button will be available only with a 'rectangle' shape)
- fontColor : textTheme.headline4.color
- fontSize : textTheme.headline4.fontSize
- fontBold : textTheme.headline4.fontWeight
- captionFontColor : textTheme.headline5.color
- captionFontSize : textTheme.headline5.fontSize
- captionFontBold : textTheme.headline5.fontWeight
Others attributes:
- width : 0
- height : 300
- padding : EdgeInsets.only(left: 5, right: 5)
- columns : 0
- rows : 0
- orientation : Axis.vertical
- listHeight : 0
json_theme's supported attributes:
- fontColor : textTheme.bodyText2.color
- fontSize : textTheme.bodyText2.fontSize
- fontBold : textTheme.bodyText2.fontWeight
- backColor : textTheme.bodyText2.backgroundColor
- iconSize : iconTheme.size
- iconColor : iconTheme.color
Others attributes:
- padding : EdgeInsets.all(0)
- align :
- width : 0
- height : 15
- valColName : 'value'
json_theme's supported attributes:
- color : dividerTheme.color
- thickness : dividerTheme.thickness
Others attributes:
json_theme's supported attributes:
- backColor : cardTheme.color
- borderColor : cardTheme.shape.side.color
- borderWidth : cardTheme.shape.side.width
- borderRadius : cardTheme.shape.borderRadius (note: the button will be available only with a 'rectangle' shape)
- fontColor : textTheme.headline4.color
- fontSize : textTheme.headline4.fontSize
- fontBold : textTheme.headline4.fontWeight
- captionFontColor : textTheme.headline5.color
- captionFontSize : textTheme.headline5.fontSize
- captionFontBold : textTheme.headline5.fontWeight
Others attributes:
- width : 0
- height : 170
- padding : EdgeInsets.only(left: 5, right: 5)
- listType : SmeupListType.oriented
- portraitColumns : 1
- landscapeColumns : 1
- layout : '1'
- orientation : Axis.vertical
- defaultSort : ''
- backgroundColName : ''
- showSelection : false
- selectedRow : -1
- listHeight : 0
json_theme's supported attributes:
- color : progressIndicatorTheme.color
- linearTrackColor : progressIndicatorTheme.linearTrackColor
Others attributes:
- valueField : 'value'
- progressBarMinimun : 0
- progressBarMaximun : 0
- height : 10
- padding : EdgeInsets.all(0)
json_theme's supported attributes:
- color : progressIndicatorTheme.color
- circularTrackColor : progressIndicatorTheme.circularTrackColor
Others attributes:
- defaultSize : 30
json_theme's supported attributes:
Others attributes:
- padding : 5.0
- size : 200
- maxReads : 1
- dealyInMillis : 0
json_theme's supported attributes:
- radioButtonColor : radioTheme.fillColor
- fontColor : textTheme.bodyText1.color
- fontSize : textTheme.bodyText1.fontSize
- fontBold : textTheme.bodyText1.fontWeight
- backColor : textTheme.bodyText1.backgroundColor
- captionFontColor : textTheme.caption.color
- captionFontSize : textTheme.caption.fontSize
- captionFontBold : textTheme.caption.fontWeight
- captionBackColor : textTheme.caption.backgroundColor
Others attributes:
- defaultValueField : 'code'
- defaultDisplayedField : 'value'
- defaultAlign : Alignment.centerLeft
- defaultWidth : 100
- defaultHeight : 75
- defaultPadding : EdgeInsets.all(0)
- defaultColumns : 1
The SmeupSection is an internal widget, it can be used only statically.
- dim : 0
- layout : ''
- autoAdaptHeight : inherithed from SmeupForm
json_theme's supported attributes:
- activeTrackColor : sliderTheme.activeTrackColor
- thumbColor : sliderTheme.thumbColor
- inactiveTrackColor : sliderTheme.inactiveTrackColor
Others attributes:
- defaultPadding : EdgeInsets.only(left: 10, right: 10)
- defaultSldMin : 0
- defaultSldMax : 100
json_theme's supported attributes:
- color : splashColor
Others attributes:
json_theme's supported attributes:
- thumbColor : switchTheme.thumbColor
- trackColor : switchTheme.trackColor
- captionFontSize : textTheme.caption.fontSize
- captionFontBold : textTheme.caption.fontWeight
- captionBackColor : textTheme.caption.backgroundColor
- captionFontColor : textTheme.caption.color
Others attributes:
- width : 100
- height : 50
- align :
- padding : EdgeInsets.all(0)
json_theme's supported attributes:
- fontSize : textTheme.bodyText1.fontSize
- fontBold : textTheme.bodyText1.fontWeight
- backColor : textTheme.bodyText1.backgroundColor
- fontColor : textTheme.bodyText1.color
- captionFontSize : textTheme.caption.fontSize
- captionFontBold : textTheme.caption.fontWeight
- captionBackColor : textTheme.caption.backgroundColor
- captionFontColor : textTheme.caption.color
- borderColor : timePickerTheme.dayPeriodBorderSide.color
- borderWidth : timePickerTheme.dayPeriodBorderSide.width
- borderRadius : timePickerTheme.shape.borderRadius (note: the button will be available only with a 'rectangle' shape)
Others attributes:
- label : ''
- width : 100
- height : 100
- padding : EdgeInsets.all(0)
- showBorder : false
- autoFocus : false
- underline : true
- submitLabel : ''
- showSubmit : false
- iconData : 0
json_theme's supported attributes:
- fontSize : textTheme.bodyText1.fontSize
- fontBold : textTheme.bodyText1.fontWeight
- backColor : textTheme.bodyText1.backgroundColor
- fontColor : textTheme.bodyText1.color
- captionFontSize : textTheme.caption.fontSize
- captionFontBold : textTheme.caption.fontWeight
- captionBackColor : textTheme.caption.backgroundColor
- captionFontColor : textTheme.caption.color
- borderColor : timePickerTheme.dayPeriodBorderSide.color
- borderWidth : timePickerTheme.dayPeriodBorderSide.width
- borderRadius : timePickerTheme.shape.borderRadius (note: the button will be available only with a 'rectangle' shape)
Others attributes:
- label : ''
- submitLabel : ''
- width : 100
- height : 100
- padding : EdgeInsets.all(0)
- showBorder : false
- autoFocus : false
- valueField : 'value'
- showSubmit : false
- underline : true
json_theme's supported attributes:
- fontSize : textTheme.bodyText1.fontSize
- fontBold : textTheme.bodyText1.fontWeight
- backColor : textTheme.bodyText1.backgroundColor
- fontColor : textTheme.bodyText1.color
- captionFontSize : textTheme.caption.fontSize
- captionFontBold : textTheme.caption.fontWeight
- captionBackColor : textTheme.caption.backgroundColor
- captionFontColor : textTheme.caption.color
- iconSize : iconTheme.size
- iconColor : iconTheme.color
- buttonBackColor : primaryColor
- borderColor : timePickerTheme.dayPeriodBorderSide.color
- borderWidth : timePickerTheme.dayPeriodBorderSide.width
- borderRadius : timePickerTheme.shape.borderRadius (note: the button will be available only with a 'rectangle' shape)
Others attributes:
- label : ''
- submitLabel : ''
- width : 100
- height : 100
- padding : EdgeInsets.all(0)
- showBorder : false
- autoFocus : false
- valueField : 'value'
- showSubmit : false
- underline : true
- showRules : true
- showRulesIcon : true
- checkRules : true
json_theme's supported attributes:
- borderColor : timePickerTheme.dayPeriodBorderSide.color
- borderWidth : timePickerTheme.dayPeriodBorderSide.width
- borderRadius : timePickerTheme.shape.borderRadius (note: the button will be available only with a 'rectangle' shape)
- backColor : timePickerTheme.backgroundColor
- fontSize : textTheme.bodyText1.fontSize
- fontBold : textTheme.bodyText1.fontWeight
- backColor : textTheme.bodyText1.backgroundColor
- captionFontSize : textTheme.caption.fontSize
- captionFontBold : textTheme.caption.fontWeight
- captionBackColor : textTheme.caption.backgroundColor
- elevation :
Others attributes:
- label : ''
- width : 100
- height : 100
- padding : EdgeInsets.all(0)
- showBorder : false
- valueField : 'value'
- displayedField : 'display'
- align : Alignment.topCenter
- innerSpace : 10.0
- underline : true
The SmeupWait contains the following two widgets. Read their documentation for further information about their defaults: - SmeupSplash - SmeupProgressIndicator
json_theme's supported attributes: - splashColor : splashColor - loaderColor : splashColor - circularTrackColor : progressIndicatorTheme.circularTrackColor
Others attributes:
: color of the screen backgroundColor. It's a convenient way to get the main color in static components where there is not an attribute to define them or as default color: - SmeupForm default color - SmeupSection backgroundColor - Dialog backgroundColor - SmeupButton with isLink attribute as bacbroundColor and borderColor - SmeupDatePicker when the border is hidden - SmeupTimePicker when the border is hidden -
: the main color of the application. It's a convenient way to get the main color in static components where there isn't an attribute to define them or as default color: - background of the buttons in SmeupTextAutocomplete - background of the buttons in SmeupTextPassword -
: color of the SnackBar's backgroundColor in case of error