Hey, thanks for your interest in contributing to Moss (moss.ryanatkn.com). The project is currently in early alpha and there will be many breaking changes ahead.
The guiding principles of Moss:
- build around CSS custom properties, primarily for runtime theming
- expose APIs to end-users for last-mile theming, customization, and content creation
- make the DX flexible and ergonomic
Moss differs from Tailwind in that it starts from CSS custom properties and uses them everywhere. It also has more opinions than most frameworks, but a goal is to let both developers and end-users shape it for their needs.
If this sounds interesting to you, I'm welcoming help to iterate on APIs to get Moss to 1.0 and beyond. See the Github issues.
I've been growing Moss slowly over 5+ years to support Zzz and my other projects that focus on end users, with regular breaking changes and experimental patterns.
If you feel comfortable looking at the source code, Moss is ready to use in non-criticial and hobby projects, with the major caveat that there will be a lot of breaking changes ahead. The code is significantly incomplete but I think it's stable enough to use if you're willing to keep up with the relatively fast-moving changelog. Your feedback is welcome to help it improve. See the Github issues.
I'm open to PRs when they fit the project's design goals, which can be subtle and arbitrary. Feel free to open PRs for straightforward changes, but start with an issue for most PRs.
The code is permissively licensed, feel free to fork for your own needs.
If you like Moss and want to help sustain it, see ryanatkn.com/funding.