The of
function creates new instance of Stringable
Str.of('foo bar');
// Stringable Object
The after
function returns everything after the given value in a string.
The entire string will be returned if the value does not exist within the string:
Str.after('This is my name', 'This is');
// ' my name'
The afterLast
function returns everything after the last occurrence of the given value in a string.
The entire string will be returned if the value does not exist within the string:
Str.afterLast('App\\Http\\Controllers\\Controller', '\\');
// 'Controller'
The ascii
function will attempt to transliterate the string into an ASCII value:
// 'u'
The before
function returns everything before the given value in a string:
Str.before('This is my name', 'my name');
// 'This is '
The beforeLast
function returns everything before the last occurrence of the given value in a string:
Str.beforeLast('This is my name', 'is');
// 'This '
The between
function returns the portion of a string between two values:
Str.between('This is my name', 'This', 'name');
// ' is my '
The betweenFirst
function returns the smallest possible portion of a string between two values:
Str.betweenFirst('[a] bc [d]', '[', ']');
// 'a'
The camel
function converts the given string to camelCase
// 'fooBar'
The charAt
function allows to get a character by index from a multibyte string:
Str.charAt('Hello, world!', 1);
// 'e'
The contains
function determines if the given string contains the given value. This function is case-sensitive:
Str.contains('This is my name', 'my');
// true
You may also pass an array of values to determine if the given string contains any of the values in the array:
Str.contains('This is my name', ['my', 'foo']);
// true
The containsAll
function determines if the given string contains all the values in the given array:
Str.containsAll('This is my name', ['my', 'name']);
// true
The convertCase
function converts the given string to given mode:
Str.convertCase('HeLLo WoRLD', MB_CASE_LOWER);
// 'hello world'
The endsWith
function determines if the given string ends with the given value:
Str.endsWith('This is my name', 'name');
// true
You may also pass an array of values to determine if the given string ends with any of the values in the array:
Str.endsWith('This is my name', ['name', 'foo']);
// true
Str.endsWith('This is my name', ['this', 'foo']);
// false
The excerpt
function extracts an excerpt from the string that matches the first instance of a phrase within that string:
Str.excerpt('This is my name', 'my', {
radius: 3
// ' my na...'
The radius
option, which defaults to 100
, allows you to define the number of characters that should appear on each side of the truncated string.
In addition, you may use the omission
option to change the string that will be prepended and appended to the truncated string:
Str.excerpt('This is my name', 'name', {
radius: 3,
omission: '(...) '
// '(...) my name'
The explode
function splits the string by the given delimiter and returns an array containing each section of the split string:
Str.explode('foo bar baz', ' ');
// ['foo', 'bar', 'baz']
The finish
function adds a single instance of the given value to a string if it does not already end with that value:
Str.finish('this/string', '/');
// 'this/string/'
Str.finish('this/string/', '/');
// 'this/string/'
The wrap
function wraps the string with the given strings:
Str.wrap('is', 'This ', ' me!');
// 'This is me!'
The is
function determines if a given string matches a given pattern. Asterisks may be used as wildcard values'foo*', 'foobar');
// true*/, 'foobar');
// false
The isAscii
function determines if a given string is an ASCII string:
// true
// false
The isJson
function determines if a given string is valid JSON:
// true
Str.isJson('{"first": "John", "last": "Doe"}');
// true
Str.isJson('{first: "John", last: "Doe"}');
// false
The isUrl
function determines if a given string is a valid URL:
// true
// false
The isUlid
function determines if a given string is a valid ULID:
// true
// false
The isUuid
function determines if a given string is a UUID:
// true
// false
The isMatch
function will return true
if the string matches a given regular expression:
Str.isMatch(/foo (.*)/, 'foo bar');
// true
Str.isMatch(/foo (.*)/, 'laravel');
// false
The kebab
function converts the given string to kebab-case
// 'foo-bar'
The length
function returns the length of the given string:
// 7
The limit
function truncates the given string to the specified length:
Str.limit('The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog', 20);
// 'The quick brown fox...'
You may also pass a second argument to change the string that will be appended to the end of the truncated string:
Str.limit('The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog', 20, ' (...)');
// 'The quick brown fox (...)'
The lower
function converts the given string to lowercase:
// 'laravel'
The words
function limits the number of words in a string. If necessary, you may specify an additional string that will be appended to the truncated string:
Str.words('Perfectly balanced, as all things should be.', 3, ' >>>');
// 'Perfectly balanced, as >>>'
The markdown
function converts GitHub flavored Markdown into HTML:
Str.markdown('# Laravel');
// <h1>Laravel</h1>
Str.markdown('# Taylor <b>Otwell</b>', {'html_input': 'strip'});
// <h1>Taylor Otwell</h1>
The inlineMarkdown
function converts GitHub flavored Markdown into inline HTML.
However, unlike the markdown function, it does not wrap all generated HTML in a block-level element:
// <strong>Laravel</strong>
The mask
function masks a portion of a string with a repeated character, and may be used to obfuscate
segments of strings such as email addresses and phone numbers:
Str.mask('[email protected]', '*', 3);
// 'tay***************'
If needed, you provide a negative number as the third argument to the mask
function, which will instruct the function
to begin masking at the given distance from the end of the string:
Str.mask('[email protected]', '*', -15, 3);
// 'tay***'
The match
function will return the portion of a string that matches a given regular expression pattern:
Str.match('bar', 'foo bar');
// 'bar'
Str.match(/foo (.*)/, 'foo bar');
// 'bar'
The matchAll
function will return an array containing the portions of a string that match a given regular expression pattern:
Str.matchAll('bar', 'bar foo bar');
// ['bar', 'bar']
If you specify a matching group within the expression, package will return an array of that group's matches:
Str.matchAll(/f(\w*)/, 'bar fun bar fly');
// ['un', 'ly']
The padBoth
function wraps both sides of a string with another string until the final string reaches the desired length:
Str.padBoth('James', 10, '_');
// '__James___'
Str.padBoth('James', 10);
// ' James '
The padLeft
function wraps the left side of a string with another string until the final string reaches the desired length:
Str.padLeft('James', 10, '-=');
// '-=-=-James'
Str.padLeft('James', 10);
// ' James'
The padRight
function wraps the right side of a string with another string until the final string reaches the desired length:
Str.padRight('James', 10, '-');
// 'James-----'
Str.padRight('James', 10);
// 'James '
The parseCallback
function parse to an array a Class@method
style callback into class and method:
// ['Class', 'method']
The password
method may be used to generate a secure, random password of a given length. The password will consist
of a combination of letters, numbers, symbols, and spaces. By default, passwords are 32 characters long.
// 'EbJo2vE-AS:U,$%_gkrV4n,q~1xy/-_4'
// 'qwuar>#V|i]N'
The random
function generates a random string of the specified length:
The createRandomStringsUsing
function allows to intercept and control the random string generation.
Str.createRandomStringsUsing((length) => `xyz|${length}`);
// 'xyz:7'
The createRandomStringsUsingSequence
function allows to set a sequence that will be used to generate random strings.
Str.createRandomStringsUsingSequence({0: 'x', 2: 'y', 3: 'z'});
// 'x'
// random String
// 'y'
The createRandomStringsNormally
function resets to default random string generator.
Str.createRandomStringsUsing((length) => `xyz|${length}`);
// random 7 characters
The repeat
function repeats the given value N times:
Str.repeat('a', '5');
// 'aaaaa'
The replaceArray
function replaces a given value in the string sequentially using an array:
Str.replaceArray('?', ['8:30', '9:00'], 'The event will take place between ? and ?');
// 'The event will take place between 8:30 and 9:00'
The replace
function replaces a given string within the string:
Str.replace('6.x', '7.x', 'Laravel 6.x');
// 'Laravel 7.x'
The replaceEnd
function replaces the last occurrence of the given value only if the value appears at the start of the string:
Str.replaceEnd('World', 'Laravel', 'Hello World');
// Hello Laravel
The replaceFirst
function replaces the first occurrence of a given value in a string:
Str.replaceFirst('the', 'a', 'the quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog');
// 'a quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog'
The replaceLast
function replaces the last occurrence of a given value in a string:
Str.replaceLast('the', 'a', 'the quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog');
// 'the quick brown fox jumps over a lazy dog'
The replaceStart
function replaces the first occurrence of the given value only if the value appears at the start of the string:
Str.replaceStart('Hello', 'Laravel', 'Hello World');
// Laravel World
The remove
function removes the given value or array of values from the string:
Str.remove('quite', 'Arkansas is quite beautiful!');
// 'Arkansas is beautiful!'
You may also pass false
as a third parameter to ignore case when removing strings.
The reverse
function reverses the given string:
Str.reverse('Hello World');
// 'dlroW olleH'
The start
function adds a single instance of the given value to a string if it does not already start with that value:
Str.start('this/string', '/');
// '/this/string'
Str.start('/this/string', '/');
// '/this/string'
The upper
function converts the given string to uppercase:
The take
function returns a specified number of characters from the beginning of a string:
Str.take('Build something amazing!', 5);
// 'Build'
The title
function converts the given string to Title Case
Str.title('a nice title uses the correct case');
// 'A Nice Title Uses The Correct Case'
The headline
function will convert strings delimited by casing, hyphens, or underscores into a space delimited string with each word's first letter capitalized:
// 'Steve Jobs'
// 'Email Notification Sent'
The slug
function generates a URL friendly "slug" from the given string:
Str.slug('Laravel Framework', '-');
// 'laravel-framework'
The snake
function converts the given string to snake_case
// 'foo_bar'
The squish
function removes all extraneous white space from a string, including extraneous white space between words:
Str.squish(' laravel framework ');
// 'laravel framework'
The startsWith
function determines if the given string begins with the given value:
Str.startsWith('This is my name', 'This');
// true
The stripTags
function strips HTML and PHP tags from the given string:
// 'beforeafter'
The studly
function converts the given string to StudlyCase
// 'FooBar'
The substr
function returns the portion of string specified by the start and length parameters:
Str.substr('The Laravel Framework', 4, 7);
// 'Laravel'
The substrCount
function returns the number of occurrences of a given value in the given string:
Str.substrCount('If you like ice cream, you will like snow cones.', 'like');
// 2
The substrReplace
function replaces text within a portion of a string, starting at the position specified by the second argument
and replacing the number of characters specified by the fourth argument. Passing 0
to the function's fourth argument
will insert the string at the specified position without replacing any of the existing characters in the string:
Str.substrReplace('1300', ':', 2);
// '13':
Str.substrReplace('The Framework', ' Laravel', 3, 0);
// 'The Laravel Framework'
The swap
function replaces multiple values in the string similar to PHP strtr
'Tacos': 'Burritos',
'great': 'fantastic',
}, 'Tacos are great!');
// 'Burritos are fantastic!'
The trim
function trims the given string:
Str.trim(' Laravel ');
// 'Laravel'
Str.trim('/Laravel/', '/');
// 'Laravel'
The ltrim
function trims the left side of the string:
Str.ltrim(' Laravel ');
// 'Laravel '
Str.ltrim('/Laravel/', '/');
// 'Laravel/'
The rtrim
function trims the right side of the given string:
Str.trim(' Laravel ');
// ' Laravel'
Str.rtrim('/Laravel/', '/');
// '/Laravel'
The lcfirst
function returns the given string with the first character lowercase:
Str.lcfirst('Foo Bar');
// 'foo Bar'
The ucfirst
function returns the given string with the first character capitalized:
Str.ucfirst('foo bar');
// 'Foo bar'
The ucsplit
function splits the given string into an array by uppercase characters:
Str.ucsplit('Foo Bar');
// ['Foo', 'Bar']
The wordCount
function returns the number of words that a string contains:
Str.wordCount('Hello, world!');
// 2
The wordWrap
function wraps a string to a given number of characters:
Str.wordWrap('The quick brown fox jumped over the lazy dog', 20, "<br />\n");
The quick brown fox<br />
jumped over the lazy<br />
The uuid
function generates a UUID (version 4):
// Stringable object
The ulid
function generates a ULID:
// Stringable object
The preg_quote
function quote regular expression characters:
Str.preg_quote('*RRRING* Hello?');
// '\*RRRING\* Hello\?'
The unwrap
function removes the specified strings from the beginning and end of a given string:
Str.unwrap('-Laravel-', '- ');
// 'Laravel'
The flushCache
function removes all strings from the casing caches.