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Skye Shaw edited this page Jun 12, 2015 · 5 revisions

Gettext is different than the typical I18n usage as it does not require the creation of aliases (keys) for your translations.


See gettext_i18n_rails


Translation Files

Only PO files are required. I18n has its own PO file parser. The filename(s) must be named after the locale, e.g., en.po, pt.po, etc...

Here's a very basic PO file, pt.po:

# Some optional headers
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
"Plural-Forms: nplurals=INTEGER; plural=EXPRESSION;\n"

msgid "bye"
msgstr "tchau"

msgid "bunny rabbit adventure"
msgstr "a aventura da coelhinha" 

msgid "time for bed!"
msgstr "nana nenê!"

For more info on the format see the PO File section of the gettext manual. Also checkout Wikipedia's gettext page.

I18n Code

require "i18n"

include I18n::Gettext::Helpers

I18n.load_path << Dir["*.po"]  # Load all PO file in current directory
I18n.locale = :pt 

puts _("bye") # tchau
puts _("bunny rabbit adventure") # a aventura da coelhinha

# Or 
puts _("bye", :locale => "pt") # tchau

For more info see I18n::Gettext::Helpers's docs.

Using I18n::Gettext::Helpers is optional. I18n.t will work too, but be cognizant of [this].(

# Setup backends, etc...
puts I18n.t("time for bed!") # nana nenê!
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